• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

I made a choice...a very tough one.


New Member
I know what your saying...i want to keep her tho. She enjoys everything i do except that.

(to the hater)And this isnt an internet "goodbye" pity thread..i was just wondering on different opinions..and you obviously let your out loud and clear...you FUCKING dick.
Calling a spade a spade bro. Lots of guys will justify putting themselves in compromise after compromise all for a piece of pussy, until they wind up one day financially tied down with shorties to boot.

It's the American Way. It's best to be a man and cut the shit early. That's not a psuedo tough guy act, bro, that's the best way to equip yourself for the challenges ahead.

Where do you draw the line? Maybe she doesn't like your clothes, or your mother?

Jello is for molds.


Well-Known Member
IMO, she is doing one of these:

1) She is lying about ever having tried it, just to get you to stop.

2) She gets reaaaaaaly stoned the times she did try it and she didnt enjoy it, or she was drunk when she tried it and thats usually NOT a good mix...especially for a beginner.

3) She's just controlling you. Cut her loose...NOW

Dude women are dime a dozen. Drop her like its hot, she's fucking mandating your life, and you're letting her!

P.S. I have not read a single reply yet, I'm sorry...I'm really stoned right now


Well-Known Member
I stopped for a chick back in the day. It didn't work out... i'm back to smoking and regret ever quiting. Fuck bitches... i do what i want... if they don't like it, tough shit. :)


Well-Known Member
Dude, you're lieing to yourself about this "We're in love, and nothing is going to change us!" mentality you got going on. Even the ladies here will till you that bitch is just trying to control you. All you have to do is show her that you can't be controlled. You're going down a one way road. Ask her to give something up that she loves. IDK drinking, clubbing, something. I bet she tells you to fuck off.

You're most likely going to ignore this and just get even more pussy whipped, but we tried.


Well-Known Member
If your a 40 year old male Id keep the girl if you really like her cause chances finding another one like that at your age are pretty slim.But if your 18 just tell her to respect what you do in your free time dont try and push it on her cause it will just make more problems more then likely.If shes still that fucked in the head and wont be with you even if you do it in your free time away from her she probably got some mental issues and you shouldn't be with her anyway.Or like others said just dont bring it up at all and just smoke when your not around her.But I would choose pussy over a drug any day and im sure alot of people on here would to


Well-Known Member
to all the internet bad asses that told me my girls a bitch, im a pussy, drop her, blah blah blah, ever seen the photo showing the internet bad ass winning the special olympics? Yeah...your still retarded.

So fuck us if we didn't agree with you?


Active Member
Everyone has a solid point...ok so confession time on my part? think so..
Maybe i am pussy whipped and im too damn blind to see it. she was my first "piece of ass"...i know i love her...maybe i am being controlled and i dont see it. The problem with some of the advice is..she has nothing for me to tell her to drop...she dont drink unless shes at a party...and when she did smoke(and i seen her do it once) it was usually after a few drinks. the only thing i can really think of that i could "control" of hers is how many guys she adds on facebook...woopdidoo. and i said fuck the haters to the posters calling me a pussy/my girl is a bitch, not to the posters disagreeing with me. if i had a problem with opposite opionions than mine i definitely wouldnt have posted any of this. again thanks to everyone for atleast being supportive and putting thier 2 cents in my bucket of obviously low knowledge on this subject of women...controlling or not..
all in all, im an idiot. reallizing it now sucks. so heres what im going to do...since i work at wally world(FML) im going to get a quarter sack and just smoke and tell her im doing it. she knows how happy it makes me. she says she dont want to be associated with "it"...and she knew i did it when we started dating...so she is either gonna stay...or leave. we will see.


New Member
Eand when she did smoke(and i seen her do it once) it was usually after a few drinks. the only thing i can really think of that i could "control" of hers is how many guys she adds on facebook...woopdidoo.
That's straight up creepy, you control how many guys she has on facebook? That's actually fucked up. Really fucked up. Am I the only one who thinks this is fucking weird?


Well-Known Member
He said that's the only thing he really thinks he COULD "control" -- he didn't say he DOES.

Edit: and if you really don't want to be an asshole, why not just delete that post?


Well-Known Member
yeah, just hit edit, and then hit the delete thread option, then check yes, you want to delete this post and then hit the delete this post continue


Active Member
Lol, wtf, again i confess that im an idiot and you still have to show you got big balls and call me weak cuz i dont pick a herb over a girl i love? REAL MEN PICK WEED, FUCK THA HOES RIGHT? Ya bro, by the way, maybe you should drop the shit too if you cant comprehend the difference between me doing and me saying i could do. Intellect over brawns.


New Member
Lol, wtf, again i confess that im an idiot and you still have to show you got big balls and call me weak cuz i dont pick a herb over a girl i love? REAL MEN PICK WEED, FUCK THA HOES RIGHT? Ya bro, by the way, maybe you should drop the shit too if you cant comprehend the difference between me doing and me saying i could do. Intellect over brawns.
This has zero to do with choosing cannabis over her, or vise-versa. Cannabis is just the medium she happens to be using, but it's not the focal point of what's going on here. What many of us are suggesting is that if she wishes to "mold" you into something you are not(ie, you smoke, she doesn't like it, she molds you into non-smoker)then she doesn't respect you as a man. She doesn't like what you really are. She thinks you are mold-able to her liking. She probably says that you have "potential," doesn't she?

You've got to understand-nobody is trying to talk down to you for it's own sake, dude. We've all been there, is all, and understand the grip pussy can have on a man, particularly when it's his first piece.
Do what you feel bro. The only real way you can fuck up here is to get a piece without a rubber. Everything else is just a learning experience.
