I Might Have Seeds :(


Well-Known Member
its not easy to tell from thepics but from what i see i would say youve got a few seeds there. alot of it looks like normal caylx swelling but a few of them are sort of splitting showing what looks to be a seed forming.


I am not 100% sure but it does look like a good possibility bro. But even if it does it still is gonna be some good shit bra, You'll just have to pick out the seeds for your next grow


Well-Known Member
Well I think I have seeds :( just need a second opinion or maybe more than that bongsmilie
Yes, there are a few seeds in there. Don't worry about them. A few seeds won't hurt them. Next round keep an eye for nanners then you can pluck them off before they release pollen.


Well-Known Member
The weirdest thing is the 2 that have seeds are clones, the the 2 mothers have no seeds... o_O
They can hermie during flower regarding if it was from seed or clone. Its all in the genetics of the plant that you are growing. Possible stress can cause it too as well. Some breeders stress the plant out to self pollinate to get femenized seeds which is not guaranteed.


Active Member
Good news is.... if it hermed on that one cola tha seed should be femenized. They only carry the fem chromosome if a male did not pollenate the plant.


Well-Known Member
I love the THC from the edge of them.
wishes nice lady
I had a simple plants were located in my outdoor garden
They were 20 plants and none of them had seeds at the end but i found
1 plants had some seeds i take care of them and now my thread pics had
some of them .(( afghan kush))