I need help from a true growing genius

Wow. I mean it sucks that you're barely literate, but at least you have that incredible wit! A real zinger there!
My typing is actually much better than yours. Go learn the proper use of commas. Actually, just go back to undressing your barbies.
Ya, relax dude. You can grow bigger plants in the same size pot with coco..
relax? lol. So asking you to explain your statement, to you, is me getting worked up? You make zero sense, it's why i was curious where you heard such a myth, guess your answer explained it lol.
How else can I explain the statement ''you can grow bigger plants in coco vs soil with the same pot size".

As far as why, who cares? It's objectively true feel free to try it for yourself.
Honestly ones gotta give the guy advice versus acting like 10 year olds. Truthfully man I've contracted viruses in some of my older strains but they still grow out just fine with proper attention.(transplant when needed, more foliar feeds, etc) because the plant itself is weaker. My yields haven't suffered more than 10% even with it. As far as the bugs go, yeah just stay proactive in killing them and ipm measures. But in my honest opinion, you shouldn't have to give up your favorite strain if you dont want to.
I'd agree with bugs or pathogens/virus.Some thing up with your water possibly maybe.

It's not the cups lmao.

As for those stating about rootbound(look at his pic there aren't any roots like he mentioned)and to small a container have obviously never used coco.I've had the same size shit in solos and done it that way for years in coco and things work out fine.That's one of the advantages of coco,being able to use a smaller pot.I've pulled 3+zip plants in 1 gl containers with coco....it's nothing new,nothing special.Those that are familiar with coco know these things.

Hope ya can get things sorted out trollsmasher.
You guys are funny and clearly didn't read through the posts. I have been transplanting to larger pots much earlier and having the same problem. I've been getting nearly 1.5gs per watt until this problem began doing exactly what I'm doing now.