• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

I Need to be Comforted. Is America this Bad?


Well-Known Member
It is our actions, our work, our products, our knowledge, our unity, our resources, our children, our beliefs, our morals, our love, our communities, our organization, our technologies that are the backbone of this nation, and all civilizations alike. People forget that. People have the cycle of creating currencies and basing there entire lifestyles and livelihoods and societies on it, and they fall, and empires are ruined. Power hungry, greedy, horrible people use manipulation and smoke screens to keep the masses in check. Their most powerful tool is money. Our greatest downfall is our Fear. Fear dictates too many negative actions/reactions that have severe consequences. People need to understand, and come to a true realization that there is no true separation of land but water, there are no countries or nations, no states. Thats all in our heads. In reality there is only 6 and a half billion human beings living on this planet, and none of them are truly living without fear. People need to remember what Life is, and that only what is necessary to sustain life is truly necessary, money is no part of that. Money is the biggest part of mind manipulation there is, and these days it is self imposed really... so yes things are that bad and worse. There are starving people, homeless people, empty houses, and empty fields wasting away. Our resources are depleted because people as a whole have been irresponsible and selfish with our technology development, extremely shortsighted, and it will cost us much if it hasn't already cost us everything. Why does no one look at the big picture? The real issues. Sick people die of diseases that could have been treated or even prevented, right in our own towns and cities. Not only prevented or treated medically, but also socially. Are people in general truly aware of what our industries and technologies have done to the natural economy? Are people in general truly aware that the natural economy is the one of which we are truly dependent, and not our Capitalistic economy, or even our government? I know that we are not, it is self evident in our activities and our perceived understanding of the world.
I have all but lost faith in people and humanity, and it is only hanging on by a sliver. No species in the world should have gone extinct because of humans, period. All I have is hope, and all I do is my best. I am a hypocrite as well. We all are. And we are all responsible for the horrible shape virtually everything is in. How do we harness this responsibility, that is the question. Would it seem wise, or even sane, to use any of the same practices that got us and this earth into this position? I would think not. That would be completely insane, in all sense of the word.


Well-Known Member
I see you "love" your Hotbox but would you recommend it to anyone? Say.... me? Haha. What do you like about it? What do you not like about it? And what is this bong attachment you speak of? I think I understand from the name but do you have a link so I could check it out myself?

Yes I completely love my hotbox..

The good things I like.

Economy of usage: Turn it on, wait 15 minutes, attach the whip, take a pull. No guessing on temps or 'learning' to use it,.

Versatility: One of the few vapes that has multiple attachments including a water pipe attachment and an aroma therapy attachment.

Appearance: Doesn't 'look' like a pot smoking device just an attractive tile box.

Made in the US. Any problems ship to Cali and they'll fix it. Out of warrenty is something like $30 for repair.

Things that could be 'better'

The hands free whip isn't all that 'hands free.' Would be MUCH better if the whip and heating element cover both were frosted glass on glass.

Feet of the box aren't sticky enough. Easily fixable with some 'sticky pads' or 'tacky paper.'

http://www.hotboxvapors.com/ (info site)

http://www.gotvape.com/store/hotbox.vaporizers.php?gclid=CNDt-Pj42pkCFQRhswodNi5DXA (where I ordered mine from)

http://www.vapemart.com/?gclid=CMyZspH52pkCFQQRswodNy-0Vw (where I got the attachment for the water pipe)



Well-Known Member
Can you eat money? build a house with it? Can you use it as clothing? We don't need money! Thats ludacris.
Sure you can use it to buy all these things. But what if you don't have any? Trillions of dollars sit in banks that don't go anywhere. Millions of people are broke and out of work. There isn't enough money for a lot of employers to hire more people, there isn't enough money in peoples pockets to buy the goods. Our money is printed and distributed by a privately owned bank that charges interest on every dollar printed.

Here is a perfect example:
We birth a country on this system. We have 10 bricks of gold worth 100,000 dollars, there are 200,000 people, people produce more people, but no more gold is found or accumulated, money is printed for the increase in population and the creation of CREDIT. another 50,000 dollars is printed and distributed by this private money producing privately owned bank that is the only entity creating money. The bank releases the new currency with interest. There has been no new gold accumulated, therefore the value of each dollar is reduced because in reality the money is paper certificates that represent a property of value. But there are more people, and they are passing around this money that is becoming worth less all the time. For the U.S., our debts far outstretch our assets, as with any country that has a similar system (which the largest most powerful do), and we owe money that doesn't exist on whats currently available in the public.

Currency is worthless.
So...what exactly would you prefer? the barter system. No thanks.


Well-Known Member
So...what exactly would you prefer? the barter system. No thanks.
I didn't suggest the barter system in the least. I am not saying that I no the precise answer or method that will work. But everyone can see these problems if they open their eyes and use logic, free will, and common sense. There are plenty of people that are capable of coming together and finding reasonable, practical, and effective solutions.
Money, however, should in now way be part of it. The barter system exists today and is strong, my best guess is that it wouldn't change much if other systems of values were set into place as socioeconomic governing factors than the mechanisms we have in place now.
How about focusing on that statement: "Other systems of values being set in place as socioeconomic governing factors than the mechanisms we have in place now."

I know of nothing more powerful than the love, information, wisdom, unity, hope, organization, humility, and cooperation being used as our pointed edges against problems.

If you were to remove the limitations that are existing only because of currency, the human race can jump by leaps and bounds in positive directions, solving problems rather than creating more. As well as the quality of life.

The Producer

Active Member
Yes I completely love my hotbox..

The good things I like.

Economy of usage: Turn it on, wait 15 minutes, attach the whip, take a pull. No guessing on temps or 'learning' to use it,.

Versatility: One of the few vapes that has multiple attachments including a water pipe attachment and an aroma therapy attachment.

Appearance: Doesn't 'look' like a pot smoking device just an attractive tile box.

Made in the US. Any problems ship to Cali and they'll fix it. Out of warrenty is something like $30 for repair.

Things that could be 'better'

The hands free whip isn't all that 'hands free.' Would be MUCH better if the whip and heating element cover both were frosted glass on glass.

Feet of the box aren't sticky enough. Easily fixable with some 'sticky pads' or 'tacky paper.'

http://www.hotboxvapors.com/ (info site)

http://www.gotvape.com/store/hotbox.vaporizers.php?gclid=CNDt-Pj42pkCFQRhswodNi5DXA (where I ordered mine from)

http://www.vapemart.com/?gclid=CMyZspH52pkCFQQRswodNy-0Vw (where I got the attachment for the water pipe)

Thanks a lot RT76. The Hot Box looks pretty awesome and thanks for the links. That bong adapter is pretty sweet. Once again thanks.

Intellectual Pothead

Well-Known Member
It is our actions, our work, our products, our knowledge, our unity, our resources, our children, our beliefs, our morals, our love, our communities, our organization, our technologies that are the backbone of this nation, and all civilizations alike. People forget that. People have the cycle of creating currencies and basing there entire lifestyles and livelihoods and societies on it, and they fall, and empires are ruined. Power hungry, greedy, horrible people use manipulation and smoke screens to keep the masses in check. Their most powerful tool is money. Our greatest downfall is our Fear. Fear dictates too many negative actions/reactions that have severe consequences. People need to understand, and come to a true realization that there is no true separation of land but water, there are no countries or nations, no states. Thats all in our heads. In reality there is only 6 and a half billion human beings living on this planet, and none of them are truly living without fear. People need to remember what Life is, and that only what is necessary to sustain life is truly necessary, money is no part of that. Money is the biggest part of mind manipulation there is, and these days it is self imposed really... so yes things are that bad and worse. There are starving people, homeless people, empty houses, and empty fields wasting away. Our resources are depleted because people as a whole have been irresponsible and selfish with our technology development, extremely shortsighted, and it will cost us much if it hasn't already cost us everything. Why does no one look at the big picture? The real issues. Sick people die of diseases that could have been treated or even prevented, right in our own towns and cities. Not only prevented or treated medically, but also socially. Are people in general truly aware of what our industries and technologies have done to the natural economy? Are people in general truly aware that the natural economy is the one of which we are truly dependent, and not our Capitalistic economy, or even our government? I know that we are not, it is self evident in our activities and our perceived understanding of the world.
I have all but lost faith in people and humanity, and it is only hanging on by a sliver. No species in the world should have gone extinct because of humans, period. All I have is hope, and all I do is my best. I am a hypocrite as well. We all are. And we are all responsible for the horrible shape virtually everything is in. How do we harness this responsibility, that is the question. Would it seem wise, or even sane, to use any of the same practices that got us and this earth into this position? I would think not. That would be completely insane, in all sense of the word.

lmao @ this hippy

that shit would never work

Intellectual Pothead

Well-Known Member
The reason we are in a tough time right now is because of our loose monetary policy creating a mass of inflation which expressed itself as a housing bubble which had to collapse eventually. The american people were just following the incentives given to them, it is our monetary policy which is to blame IMO. It is quite a big deal though, contrary to your belief. Heres the problem: besides our economic woes surrounding our banks, the US has a massive national debt, and huge trade and budget deficits which add to the figure constantly. Besides our national debt, we have trillions in unfunded liabilities, a figue totalling somewhere around 53 trillion dollars. Guess what, we can never reallistically pay all of this money. We are basically bankrupt. We depend on countries such as china, japan, and suadi arabia buying our debt, and guess what...these countries are not going to continue to buy our bonds with the way we are destroying the value of our currency. It is throwing good money after bad. The majority of the private sector has know this for quite some time, and it basically been the robotic bureacratic momentum of national banks around the world that has kept us afloat, but I promise you the rest of the world sees what we're doing and they will put a stop to this. We have already created trillions upon trillions of dollars, the outcome of course is going to be a mass of inflation, add that to a stagnant market and you get an economic anomolie known as stagflation, the extreme of which being Inflationary depression. Yes, we are definitely screwed, but it might be a few years before we feel the real pain.

hey thanks for the clarification on things i already knew. i'm an economics major

the reason we have trade deficits is because americans buy so much useless shit, if we all lived within our means, we wouldnt have one, and the US wouldnt have to sell of more and more of our national assets.

the value of the dollar has dropped 200 times since 1913, thats common knowledge, and i doubt the federal reserve would let that happen, as slimey and sneeky as the fed is. even they know whats in their best interest.

and i agree with the rest of the world seeing through the bullshit that american business interests are pulling. we live in a globalized world, we all need eachother, so all this borrowed money from foreign countries, well it can never be fully paid back. but it';s not like its in chinas or japans best interest to ensure the economic melt down of the US, because they know we're their biggest market.

shit's goign to work out, this isn't the first economic downturn we've gone through, people just love to assume the worst to scare people who don't know much about the issue.


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for the clarification on things i already knew. i'm an economics major

the reason we have trade deficits is because americans buy so much useless shit, if we all lived within our means, we wouldnt have one, and the US wouldnt have to sell of more and more of our national assets.

the value of the dollar has dropped 200 times since 1913, thats common knowledge, and i doubt the federal reserve would let that happen, as slimey and sneeky as the fed is. even they know whats in their best interest.

and i agree with the rest of the world seeing through the bullshit that american business interests are pulling. we live in a globalized world, we all need eachother, so all this borrowed money from foreign countries, well it can never be fully paid back. but it';s not like its in chinas or japans best interest to ensure the economic melt down of the US, because they know we're their biggest market.

shit's goign to work out, this isn't the first economic downturn we've gone through, people just love to assume the worst to scare people who don't know much about the issue.
This Hippie happens to be a Harvard grad thank you very much. you do truly need to work on your rhetoric. You're proving my points in your "empirical evidence" (LOL). You are what would be classed as conditioned, or "authoritatively trained" lol. Most people would these days, to include myself as well... The government is trying to prevent mass hysteria, and plug the issue. You stated yourself the value of the dollar is declining, and population is increasing. Your right, there are too many useless industries. But if capital wasn't the original motivation for a business, wouldn't that other motivation logically take over as the guiding force rather than profits.
Im sorry, I have studied these things for far too long. When it boils down to it (and I am somewhat humbled and embarassed to admit) the Bible is right. People have proven themselves incapable of governing themselves. The Bible explains purely and simply that money is worthless. And I am no holier than thou christian at all. Its just pure reason and logic that leads to these conclusions based on the given information and evidence.


Well-Known Member
"the value of the dollar has dropped 200 times since 1913, thats common knowledge, and i doubt the federal reserve would let that happen, as slimey and sneeky as the fed is. even they know whats in their best interest."

LOL: Federal Reserve prints this money at interest. Meaning that as its prints, the value of money drops, inflation goes up, interest rates go up.... again, an example, pretend there is no money in existance at all. then the federal reserve starts up. They print $100. They loan it out at 3% interest. They only printed 100 dollars, there is only 100 dollars in existance. 103 dollars is owed. without creating more money, it is virtually impossible to repay the debt.

The Federal reserve does keep printing more money, and keeps releasing it at interest. People keep having sex, making babies, more and more people... and more and more dollars that are worth less and less and less. Any Economist will tell you that in all truth, there isn't actually enough money in existance to settle all debts, and certainly not enough real money (GOLD<SILVER<PLATINUM<LAND<HOMES<DIAMONDS/JEWELS) to back the paper certificates. Being an economics major, I thought you would know that.

The Federal Reserve is certainly a cause of that. You don't have to be a Ron Paul fan to know that.


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for the clarification on things i already knew. i'm an economics major

the reason we have trade deficits is because americans buy so much useless shit, if we all lived within our means, we wouldnt have one, and the US wouldnt have to sell of more and more of our national assets.

the value of the dollar has dropped 200 times since 1913, thats common knowledge, and i doubt the federal reserve would let that happen, as slimey and sneeky as the fed is. even they know whats in their best interest.

and i agree with the rest of the world seeing through the bullshit that american business interests are pulling. we live in a globalized world, we all need eachother, so all this borrowed money from foreign countries, well it can never be fully paid back. but it';s not like its in chinas or japans best interest to ensure the economic melt down of the US, because they know we're their biggest market.

shit's goign to work out, this isn't the first economic downturn we've gone through, people just love to assume the worst to scare people who don't know much about the issue.

Besides living beyond our means it is that our economy has moved from a manufacturing based economy to a service based economy, making us dependent on CHina. Everything from electonics to clothing comes from china. Truly living in our means would probably be a lot more of drastic difference then most would imagine. And the scary thing is, we are going to have to live below our means to return to a viable economy. I dont think the average american can truly comprehend how drastically our standard of living will plummit we when are forced to do so.

You say the value of the dollar has dropped 200 times since 1913, but (and I dont think I should have to point this out) never in history has trillions of dollars been printed out of thin air. The result of this will of course be crippling inflation, there is no way around this. I could speculate as to different motives or logic behind the the feds action, but basically it comes down to the people will not just let the federal government do nothing, even though that truly is the best thing to do, and the government never misses out on an oppurtunity to help out their friends.

You say its not in chinas best interest to ensure the economic meltdown of the U.S, yet they are already talking about doing just that. WHats not in their best interest is loaning money to someone who cant pay it back. We're their biggest market, but we pay them in IOUs!! And it becomes more blindingly obvious to the chinese govenment everyday that we are insolvent. The other day on the news I saw a chinese official warning the US to practice fiscal responsibility, lecturing us like some third world country. China is not going to do the heavy lifting forever. They do not need us, in fact, they will be better off without us.

Yes, shit is going to work out, eventually, that just how economies work. But we are talking a pretty agonizing decade or so. ANd the fed is making it worse everyday. This is not just an ordinary recession. This is the culmination of decades of horrible monetary policies. This is the build up of all the recession of the past decades that we just papered over like we are trying to do now.We need to let this depression just happen. A huge portion of our service sector needs to be wiped out, and we have to transition back to more of a manufacturing based economy. This is the only way can attain a viable econmy again, that and practicing sound monetary policy. Borrowing and spending is not going to save us.


Well-Known Member
Besides living beyond our means it is that our economy has moved from a manufacturing based economy to a service based economy, making us dependent on CHina. Everything from electonics to clothing comes from china. Truly living in our means would probably be a lot more of drastic difference then most would imagine. And the scary thing is, we are going to have to live below our means to return to a viable economy. I dont think the average american can truly comprehend how drastically our standard of living will plummit we when are forced to do so.

You say the value of the dollar has dropped 200 times since 1913, but (and I dont think I should have to point this out) never in history has trillions of dollars been printed out of thin air. The result of this will of course be crippling inflation, there is no way around this. I could speculate as to different motives or logic behind the the feds action, but basically it comes down to the people will not just let the federal government do nothing, even though that truly is the best thing to do, and the government never misses out on an oppurtunity to help out their friends.

You say its not in chinas best interest to ensure the economic meltdown of the U.S, yet they are already talking about doing just that. WHats not in their best interest is loaning money to someone who cant pay it back. We're their biggest market, but we pay them in IOUs!! And it becomes more blindingly obvious to the chinese govenment everyday that we are insolvent. The other day on the news I saw a chinese official warning the US to practice fiscal responsibility, lecturing us like some third world country. China is not going to do the heavy lifting forever. They do not need us, in fact, they will be better off without us.

Yes, shit is going to work out, eventually, that just how economies work. But we are talking a pretty agonizing decade or so. ANd the fed is making it worse everyday. This is not just an ordinary recession. This is the culmination of decades of horrible monetary policies. This is the build up of all the recession of the past decades that we just papered over like we are trying to do now.We need to let this depression just happen. A huge portion of our service sector needs to be wiped out, and we have to transition back to more of a manufacturing based economy. This is the only way can attain a viable econmy again, that and practicing sound monetary policy. Borrowing and spending is not going to save us.
Coined and other forms of money have been recreated and broken down, to increase amount in circulation, while decreasing the actual value, in every major civilization. Its money itself that needs to be eliminated. I would say it is more logical to suffer through a complete restructuring to completely correct the problem, rather than suffer through a huge depression (that according to realistic projections will never end, and only spiral further downward) just for it to reaccur every time every 50 years or so.


Well-Known Member
Coined and other forms of money have been recreated and broken down, to increase amount in circulation, while decreasing the actual value, in every major civilization. Its money itself that needs to be eliminated. I would say it is more logical to suffer through a complete restructuring to completely correct the problem, rather than suffer through a huge depression (that according to realistic projections will never end, and only spiral further downward) just for it to reaccur every time every 50 years or so.
If we practiced sound monetary policy the value of our currency would slowly go up, and we wouldnt have the problems we have now. Like I said earlier, what is the alternative to money, the barter sytem? Until you have a viable stsem to replace money, and a means of going about destroying the monetary system and replacing it with said system, you are basically just rambling. Money has been around for thousands of years, there is nothing inherently evil about money, its nothing more than a medium of exchange. The problem is monetary policy, not money itself.

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
Don't worry, every thing's going to be alright, I'm working on a way to genetically alter the human genome to produce chlorophyll in our cells. Therefore, we can all evolve into green people who walk around photosynthesizing and growing dank ass nugs on our heads.... and arms...and genitals


Well-Known Member
If we practiced sound monetary policy the value of our currency would slowly go up, and we wouldnt have the problems we have now. Like I said earlier, what is the alternative to money, the barter sytem? Until you have a viable stsem to replace money, and a means of going about destroying the monetary system and replacing it with said system, you are basically just rambling. Money has been around for thousands of years, there is nothing inherently evil about money, its nothing more than a medium of exchange. The problem is monetary policy, not money itself.
There is no such thing as a society practicing sound monetary policy, period. I don't claim to have an exact solution. My burden is only my portion of the affair really. The barter system would not meet the requirements of a full blown and growing civilization. Therefore the solution would logically be to let the people decide what is best, with all due consideration of course.

The Producer

Active Member
Don't worry, every thing's going to be alright, I'm working on a way to genetically alter the human genome to produce chlorophyll in our cells. Therefore, we can all evolve into green people who walk around photosynthesizing and growing dank ass nugs on our heads.... and arms...and genitals
That sounds awesome!! Keep it up Dr. Greene and keep us posted! Haha. Got any pics of the progress? (Minus the genitals) Haha


Well-Known Member
"You don't have to believe in your government to be a good American.. You just have to believe in your country."