I need to get this off my chest

Attitude is everything here and only one of two ways you'll ever get respect....
And disrespect....

Your exactly right on your last post before this one!

I just can't justify using hydro anymore for my shop front grows.....The demand for organic and the hard leaning of the State to make organic "mandatory" for medical had me flip back......Yields and speed are factors on that scale I miss a bit..Not much, but it does have a cumulative effect!


Grow on Hearts
Tomato growerrs make us look like chumps, most of their hardcore experiments use modified Hoagland solutions and they often use four different growing media to standardize results.

If a tomato grower wants to study calcium he will use ro water and modify a hoagland solution so he can work out the difference between dry weight of plants at 0.1ec intervals of calcium chloride.

Hec were still scratching our heads as to wether we need calmag or not but a tomato grower will give you an exact ec based on grow media, base water and whats already in your ferts, maths and chemistry are a strong point here.

What Al B Fuct did was add some standardization to rockwool clones its just a shame more didnt come out of his work.

Rep++ to anyone trying to experiment and get some workable variables.

This is why I use dry nutrient salts, to remove the variable.
And disrespect....

Your exactly right on your last post before this one!

I just can't justify using hydro anymore for my shop front grows.....The demand for organic and the hard leaning of the State to make organic "mandatory" for medical had me flip back......Yields and speed are factors on that scale I miss a bit..Not much, but it does have a cumulative effect!


Grow on Hearts

They don't force tomato growers to be organic. Wonder why?
They don't force tomato growers to be organic. Wonder why?
Yeah,,,,I wonder too....

As far as the MM thing goes here -
I had a State Senator tell me that it's to "cull the riff-raff basement rookie grower out of the market and keep the meds safer for the patients"......My answer was that "all you'll succeed in doing is forcing them to sell on the street and that's what you guys didn't want in the first place"......."That's why we're looking at licensing guys like you and cutting the home grower out" was the reply......."That won't stop them and I suppose you'll make laws stiffer with bigger sentence's for those that get caught?" I said back... "You bet" he said......I shook my head and said that "all the idea behind lowering jail inmate #'s will suffer"......"Well that's why your here speaking in comity with us. So we can figure it out"........

I still bet they don't!

Yeah,,,,I wonder too....

As far as the MM thing goes here -
I had a State Senator tell me that it's to "cull the riff-raff basement rookie grower out of the market and keep the meds safer for the patients"......My answer was that "all you'll succeed in doing is forcing them to sell on the street and that's what you guys didn't want in the first place"......."That's why we're looking at licensing guys like you and cutting the home grower out" was the reply......."That won't stop them and I suppose you'll make laws stiffer with bigger sentence's for those that get caught?" I said back... "You bet" he said......I shook my head and said that "all the idea behind lowering jail inmate #'s will suffer"......"Well that's why your here speaking in comity with us. So we can figure it out"........

I still bet they don't!


Shaking my head... blind to everything but their money...
Yep, have to agree with the OP, there's an amazing amount of bullshit being passed off as fact on every cannabis forum. But when that bullshit is passed around and gets repeated enough times it becomes fact, to the uniformed, and when that happens the believers will defend said bullshit to the bitter end. In fact I posted a comment similar to yours and got flamed from every which way, lol, but then none so blind eh ;?)

Of course imo one of the biggest reasons for all the wacky ideas is that most average growers don't understand the basic concepts behind the scientific method, how to start with an idea/hypothesis and then properly test it, including the use of controls, limiting variables as much as possible and, most importantly, being intellectually honest by making sure that your testing is rigorous enough to disprove as well as prove the hypothesis as opposed to just trying to prove that what you believe is true.

You also have to understand that when you observe a certain phenomenon, that it requires sufficient knowledge of the underlying process before you can put your finger on what the cause actually is. So as an example, as a grower nears harvest, he may come across some advice that says watering the roots with boiling water will help push any residual resins and THC in the roots and stalk into the buds to increase their potency. Hmmm, sure sounds plausible, at least to anyone who doesn't know any better, lol.

So he/she tries this and after the harvest they fire up a bowl and are amazed at the high quality of their product. They then immediately jump to the conclusion that it must be due to the boiling water trick, but is it? Well without having set up any proper controls prior, there's absolutely no way to know for sure, no way to prove a direct cause and effect relationship. But to that individual, they are convinced that what they just observed is true, and so excitedly rush to report back to their friends and online community the "successful" results (which of course will also become inflated with telling to further reinforce in their own minds that their newfound tech really works ;?).

And that's just one way misinformation spreads and soon becomes part of the "common wisdom" as it's passed on from one grower to another, and no matter how much proof to the contrary you may show them, you are NOT going to convince the true believers any different. It's why urban myths like Sasquatch and crop circles exist . Btw, that boiling water idea has been around since at least the 70's when I first started growing. I even think it was mentioned in the original 1974 edition of "Marijuana Growers Handbook", but it's no longer in print so I can't verify that.

That book also had some pretty strange ideas that were floating around back then, like the idea that you could improve the potency of low-quality weed by wetting it with water (or any liquid including booze ;?), and then wrapping it up and storing it in a cool dark place for a couple of weeks until it turned dark and, believe it or not, MOLDY. You would then dry said weed in the oven and you'd end up with what the book called Black Merta (sp?). And yeah, I believed it, and even tried it with a "lid" of crappy Mexican weed - I poured in some cherry brandy as I recall, put the baggie in a tobacco can and followed the directions, and ended up with actually better tasting weed (cuz of the brandy it reminded me of a Crooks, lol). And while smoking it surprisingly (in hindsight) didn't kill me or my friends or make us sick, in the end we also decided it was bullshit and didn't make the crappy Mexican weed better, lol. And that was my first lesson with MJ and the urban myths which seem to perpetually swirl around it's use and cultivation. I think it's due to the fact that being stoned increases your imagination while simultaneously lowering your gullibility factor ;?D
What do you expect its the internet? millions of opinions most wrong. If you want to be a successful pro grower you need to dial in you way of doing it which is simple with little chance of a fuckup. If something goes wrong work it out yourself, think ,it will come to you and you will then learn from the fuckup, hands on and not repeat it. Dont go online and ask some random person who 80% of the time are way off the mark with their 'help' compounding the issue.
Read all grow info from reputable pro growers on ROLLITUP eg Doublejj , Alb fuct, Uncle ben, Fdd2blk .

Indeed, as I keep telling folks, while the Internet may be the most incredible source of information ever invented, it is also the single biggest purveyor of bullshit, scams and lies in the history of the world, nothing even comes close, lol.
Perhaps the best advice is to encourage the newbie growers to experiment a little and 'learn their trade' hands on.
The main problem with this is that lots of people are only trying to make some quick money and dont really want to learn the 'how to'.. they just want to be told how to get big money fast..and it usually doesnt work like that in reality.
when people dont understand completly how something works or why its happening they tend to make shit up to satisfy their own curiosity. God is a great example of this. Only in our case, people preach about why the plant is doing what it is doing usually without good research to quantify their conclusion
This was my first successful grow. I planted seeds for fun, and when they started to look like they were going to make it, I started reading. I read posts from here and several other forums, articles, etc. In trying to sort out the bullshit, I had to read several opinions on one thing, say, nutrients, or trichomes. I took the most common answer, the one no one disputed. The one delivered by people who sound legit, not by the dude that photographs piles of money and bling by his pot harvest.

It is hard to sort, and it takes hours of reading and trying to learn the best method. And from whom you can trust for sound information.

I live in zero tolerance Wyoming, so it's not like I have nearby growers to ask. A forum like this is useful, but as OP said, there's a lot of schwag advice too.

I've found that I can post a question, I get a couple reasonable answers, then a threadbuster jacks it, insults my newness, and insults me. It's the last guy that posts that usually has advice. He has seen a noob asking and not getting answers, and these older (it seems like) more mature growers will come in and give a good piece of advice in the end.

But besides the "This is the way I did it and I got two pounds! You're stupid if you don't do it my way!" people, it's attitude I don't like. It's as if the people spouting off that they are experts and really putting down the new growers that annoy me. They were never new, they never had a first grow?

I reaped over twenty pounds from my first grow... I don't think I did bad at all, save for apparently not finding a male in time and ended up with seedy weed. (It's just for my personal use so besides just being annoying it's no big) I have only given "advice" when it was something I experienced first hand (like splitting trees, some were panicking and taping the branches on.. I just watched mine and they continued to thrive so I let them be).
But to be insulted by twenty something year old punks is ugly.

What concerns me about the jerks is there are people who have a "secret" method or those who spout bad information, some do it to newbies on purpose I swear, those people are stopping the evolution of home grown good stuff, which, in an area where its legal, could flood the market with lower quality weed, instead of being a community that is doing the research on methods to achieve maximum quality and harvest.
Ok i have been browsing this forum a long time and if there is one thing i have noticed that really annoys me it's the amount of absolute rubbish that is spouted on almost every single thread i read.

Its not just these forums, its all of them. I see legitimate questions being asked, and then i see people who CLEARLY have no idea what they are talking about recommending things that are not only wrong but are down right damaging.

2 classic examples;

"Yeah bro, you want to cut off all of those big fan leaves so that the light can better penetrate the canopy and you are getting maximum light to your plant".
This makes me laugh every time, and it also makes me feel so sorry for the people who actually take that advice.

"You want to stress your plant before harvest because it thinks its going to die and so it makes heaps more trichomes and becomes more potent".
Bullshit. A healthy plant is what produces quality buds. Why don't you see if you can find some professional growers who go around snapping and beating their plants and watering with freezing cold water leading up to harvest.

What happens is, someone will post a question, and then you have a bunch of people coming up with solutions or ideas based on what they think sounds reasonable to them (nothing based off practical experience or scientific evidence, just straight broscience) which is almost always wrong. Just because something sounds reasonable to you, does not make it a fact and it does not make it a worthy addition to the forums. Before you post, check your facts.

Just this morning it was recommend to use household honey instead of Clonex on the cones

I mean how dumb is that,.. I really have to agree with you

but reading your post ...why join here..?
Honestly, Mary Jane is just a plant and should be look at as "just a plant". That's the true problem with these forums.
Too many people trying to find ways to alter a natural product. Just give it light, water and feed and your plant will do beautifully.
I am a noob to growing bud, but I am no noob to the garden. I took on this venture because I am solid in the vegetable game. But I see a lot of bullshit on forums. Just stick to the basics with maybe a little LST and you'll be more then pleased. You're literally growing a plant. Nothing more, nothing less.
Honestly, Mary Jane is just a plant and should be look at as "just a plant". That's the true problem with these forums.
Too many people trying to find ways to alter a natural product. Just give it light, water and feed and your plant will do beautifully.
I am a noob to growing bud, but I am no noob to the garden. I took on this venture because I am solid in the vegetable game. But I see a lot of bullshit on forums. Just stick to the basics with maybe a little LST and you'll be more then pleased. You're literally growing a plant. Nothing more, nothing less.

I think the reason I failed growing in California is because of too much. Too much light, nutrients, fussing, care, etc. I never had one get taller than 6". I over loved it and over thought it.

This time I tossed started seedlings into the garden, sprinkled a little Miracle Gro and Epsom salts and eggshells into the soil, and went out of town six weeks. My boyfriend watered it, period. I came back and harvested twenty pounds of bud.

It *isn't* as complicated as it is made out. I learned that from experience.

I'm saving all my seeds (I wasn't around to sex them) and am going to Johnny Appleseed this area of Wyoming. I want it growing wild, just for fun. Twenty pounds of pot will yield a LOT of seeds. :-)
If somebody jumps on here and runs with the first bad recommendation they get...fuck 'em! It's up to the grower to do some due diligence and verify information. .
That's the absolute truth, right there.
An acronym we use, is DYODD.
Do you OWN due diligence
I think if you are naïve enough to believe/trust an internet forum to grow something, then you should probably learn the hard way.
Like anything, if you want to get good at something, research it.
You'll learn 99% of how to grow cannabis from simply botany and homesteading books.
the remaining 1% is specific, like how long to flower, or cloning.
But those are both things you can learn EVERYTHING there is to know about them, in probably two hours... and that is if you are high as hell.

Learn for yourself, but that doesn't mean you have to try every damn method out there, or you'll be buying "flower hardeners" and "flushing solutions"... or nutrients that are insane.. 0-30-30
Stand on the shoulders of others, and that's it.
so the roots get boiling water and above ground gets ice water?
do I dump the ice on the plant too or do I strain out the ice before applying it?
I'm new to growing but all forums are about the same.
What I do is search and read all I can then temper it with some common sense and go from there.