Well-Known Member
I was once stung by a scorpion.
i once parked my car in a huge neighborhood that all looked the same and walked to a fair. it got dark we went to leave couldnt find the car after 4 hours of lookin and then slept on some guys front lawn till morning. we were only 50 feet from the car
I also rolled some bud in nyquil and let it dry. sold it as some sticky dank shit. needless to say they said it was the best bud they ever had. i smoked some of it and felt like i was upside down. the next day everyone had a cramp in their neck. probably not good to smoke shit with chemicals that i cant even pronounce.
i once ran over rabit with a lawn mower. it just cut the top of its skull off, he was still alive thou, this shit broke my heart but i jus ran em over agine to put him out of it