I Once.

I once sold 20 hits of E at one of the Shiva parties in LA. Before I sold out I popped 3 and soon lost all my clothes, money and was thrown out in the streets in a bad part of LA naked.
I once told a really fat girl in school to put Gold Bond cream on her heat rash she had on her legs and arms, lol. I heard her screaming from the bathroom, lol funny shit, but karma is a bitch too. I got mine back when she pulled my gym shorts down in gym class the next day in front of the whole class. I stilll laughed though cause her rash and the Gold Bond cream was way worse than that, her skin burned for days, lol.
i once smoked a joint w/ Bill Clinton and monica lewinsky......although Monica was on her knees for the majority of the time..yiii haa
i once made a helmet earn every penny while snowboarding. i was tree-skiing and some bitch and her kids decided to take a break in the middle of the very narrow path. ran my ass off the trial vaulted off a log and hit a tree. I dented the crap out that helmet. Funnything is that was the first day i wore that helmet. I never though i did dangerous enough boarding to merit a helmet....let just say i've never gone without a helmet since.
i once had a friend who trained his lab to get us beer out of the fridge upon request. (not command, but request. (thats right boys and girls you had to use manners to get a beer from the dog. but i suppose thats what inevitably taught me to appreciate the small things). He would pull the rope tied to the door of the fridge and then get out the beer & bring it back to you sideways in his mouth. he could even distinguish between Budweiser cans and any other type of can. then again he didn't know anything else as BEER. lol
i once read through 18 pages of stuff before i decided to hit <last> and post
I once lived in a house, the backyard of the house would turn to one huge pond when it rained.
SOOO, me and my buddy went and bought 150 goldfish and let them loos in the giant pond.
Then we started throwing firecrackers in the water.
It was pretty fun.
I was 13.