That would be really tough to deal with man, I never trouched my father, even though when I was a younger man his rules infuriated me at times.i once punched my dad
That would be really tough to deal with man, I never trouched my father, even though when I was a younger man his rules infuriated me at times.i once punched my dad
it was he kicked my ass that night. but its the only thing i will die regreting. and its been 10 years but i have learded a lot and we have a good relationship now he says we all make mistakes and tomorror is a new day i live by that one.
lol just stay away from my girli once gave a woman an orgasm touching only her breasts. completely sober![]()
I once smoked dope with a raccoon.
Me and a friend of mine were driving around getting high. He said, "Hey I've got some friends on the other side of town, they're always partying. Wanna go there with me and meet them?" I said, "Hell yeah, let's go!"
When we arrived, We found our way to a large garage where there were a bunch of people sitting in a circle on the floor, passing around a pipe. We all got blazed together, and somebody said, "Hey man, get your raccoon out!" Sure enough, the guy leaves, and brings back this raccoon. I'm thinking to myself... WTF?
So people start asking this guy about his unusual pet. He's really cute and social. Kind of like a Monkey. Of course, some stoner finally asked if the raccoon gets high. The guy says "You bet he does. Fire up a bowl." So somebody produces a lit bowl and passes it to the guy. He takes a huge hit, and passes the pipe to his raccoon, who has been watching him attentively.
The raccoon takes the pipe, in his little hand, which is built remarkably like a human's hand, with an opposable thumb and all, lifts it to his snout and hits off it like an experienced smoker. The guy takes the pipe from the raccoon, and passes it along to the next guy. The pipe goes around and the raccoon helps us finish it, Just as if he was another stoner sitting in the circle. It's something I will never, ever forget.
that's the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard. stuff of legendsI once smoked dope with a raccoon.
You made a kid when you were younger?i once made a kid when i was younger eat yellow snow