I Perceive You In Real Life As.....

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Robert...may I ask why your irritated?

Robert. 34. 2 kids...allegedly. Drives an old Camaro. Loves camouflage. Hates Obama. Loves women....of all "shapes" and "sizes". Prefers the bong. Eats a lot of Mangos.


Pickle Queen
Gafoogle is like 4'11" 85 lbs. Loves shoots and ladders. Knows how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsy pop. Drives a weird hybrid suv/sedan thing. Likes pony tails. Prefers slippers to shoes. Only eates mustard and ketchup on her burgers. Sweat pants are the ONLY option.
rflmao ok this was very precise, you must be smoking some dank shit lol. Fuck i'm too high to try and guess anyone, i just keep laughing at this thread

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Papayas....delicious! 2 kids. Nice. I was close. I just try to make it humorous.

Gogrow. Late 30's. Prefers silk sheets. Drinks a beer and a raw egg everyday for his pre-breakfast(he needs 2). Believes all kites and sail boats are the "devil". Prefers to masturbate during the summer solstice. Likes to post angry comments on Justin Biebers twitter because he doesn't understand how that awkward lesbian got a record deal. Likes huckleberry muffins with syrup.