i stole a dog

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Well then all told, I'm guessing you did a good deed. I'm pleased to see you cleaned him up quite nicely. (But I can't help but remain uneasy about the whole informed consent thingie.)
How's he behaving?
Toward you and in general? I've been around formerly abused dogs, and they tend to cringe at the oddest things. cn
i got another dog.. so now they are just playing.. but when i did the deed lol that dog was freaking out and peeing whenever id try to pet it or anything, he cringed when he was eating also.. but for whoever thinks i did a bad thing.. become homeless and have a dog ill take yours too :-P when your homeless dont worry about a fucking friend.. worry about getting your shit together
The whole situation sucks, but I think h8 did the right thing.. Now then, shall we make this a pony thread?

I used to know a guy who worked at a grocery store. He told me stories of this homeless guy with a dog, and the homeless guy would always buy his dog food before himself. The dog was his only friend and was healthy and happy. If you took a dog away from a man in that situation I could not condone it. Hope you know for a fact that dog was neglected/abused, because otherwise that's some fucked up shit to do to someone that only has a dog for a friend.
I don't know, man. How much do you really know about the dog's situation? Yes, I'll agree that the fleas are fucked up, but aside from that though, how neglected was it?

Obviously taking animals (and children... though I think comparing a human infant to a puppy is a biiiiig stretch) out of cruel situations is something to be commended, but I didn't get that from your initial post. Which is why I thought it was uncool.
i got another dog.. so now they are just playing.. but when i did the deed lol that dog was freaking out and peeing whenever id try to pet it or anything, he cringed when he was eating also.. but for whoever thinks i did a bad thing.. become homeless and have a dog ill take yours too :-P when your homeless dont worry about a fucking friend.. worry about getting your shit together

haha of course he was going to be sketching at first, his dad cruised off and you swooped him from outside his home\subway. good deed though, congrats on the new pup
I don't know, man. How much do you really know about the dog's situation? Yes, I'll agree that the fleas are fucked up, but aside from that though, how neglected was it?

Obviously taking animals (and children... though I think comparing a human infant to a puppy is a biiiiig stretch) out of cruel situations is something to be commended, but I didn't get that from your initial post. Which is why I thought it was uncool.
Both are living creatures.. I wouldn't want anything to starve.

see this shits a lot different though... the dogs not just tied to a bicycle with no food or water or anything for hours in a florida summer... like a said, any of yall got a problem with it.. go fuck yourselves the deeds done
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