I think I’m screwed

Well I’ll try jacking the car up and try to get the tire off, it’s parked on a highway at the base of my neighborhood. It’s along the canyon floor and I live up a narrow street that snakes up the side of the canyon, which makes towing in and out of the neighborhood incredibly hard. And unfortunately, Being parked along highway 27 in Topanga canyon is not exactly a safe place to work on cars.
Cool, i guess in light of this
My opinion is that yes it is worth having it looked at.
It should get ya back on the road for a few hundy and buy you some time
Depending on who does the work of course.
Hopefully you have a guy who knows a guy whos cousin rebuilt his granddads whole front end.
I’ve been leaning towards this idea as well. I’m really torn... at a 1998, but it only has 140k miles(and a terrible misfire; fires on 3 cylinders most of the time)

Keep in mind, I bought this car for about 8-900 dollars, and it lasted a little over a year, I know I can find another like it that will be good and strong. I’m also selling shit on LetGo and craigslist. I’m just seeing what I can manage to scrape together and gonna reassess my options.

Thank goodness I started a grow a couple weeks ago...if I had waited a couple weeks till my shit broke there’s no way I’d have that going to help out in a few months.
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What? Haha I barely understood half of that

Lol I have No idea where to start. Like i said, if we think its worth getting looked at, I’ll have it looked at, but I don’t trust my life to my own repairs. I’d have to pay someone to look at it, or find someone to help out who knows what they’re doing, I’m not a mechanic by any means. I believe I’m smart enough to do it, but i don’t trust myself that much with the chance I hurt or kill myself or someone else in the case of a failure
Get a Chilton or Haynes manual. They sell them at parts store. About 20 bucks. Follow the instructions and pics. I buy a manual for every car I ever owned. I've bought a few extra over the years working on peoples cars.

If you have any common sense you can do it. Its not rocket science by any means. Advance and AutoZone both have loan a tool programs for specialty tools.

You could put an axle in with a breaker bar, socket to fit the axle nut, small socket set and a breaker bar.

Its not hard. Some of the bolts will be a bitch to get out. Spray with penetrating oil and leave over night.
Get a Chilton or Haynes manual. They sell them at parts store. About 20 bucks. Follow the instructions and pics. I buy a manual for every car I ever owned. I've bought a few extra over the years working on peoples cars.

If you have any common sense you can do it. Its not rocket science by any means. Advance and AutoZone both have loan a tool programs for specialty tools.

You could put an axle in with a breaker bar, socket to fit the axle nut, small socket set and a breaker bar.

Its not hard. Some of the bolts will be a bitch to get out. Spray with penetrating oil and leave over night.
This idea terrifies me, I’ll ask around and see if I know anyone confidant to do this. I trust you that’s it’s common sense, and I could probably do it, but at the risk of death I’ll let someone more capable than I take care of it.

You need me to teach you how to make a hollandaise sauce, or how to truss a chicken, or make a soufflé rise, I’m your man. I can make you a mean batch of brioche buns, but that’s where my technical expertise lies
This idea terrifies me, I’ll ask around and see if I know anyone confidant to do this. I trust you that’s it’s common sense, and I could probably do it, but at the risk of death I’ll let someone more capable than I take care of it.

You need me to teach you how to make a hollandaise sauce, or how to truss a chicken, or make a soufflé rise, I’m your man. I can make you a mean batch of brioche buns, but that’s where my technical expertise lies
We are all at the mercy of someone.
For me its electricians.

It's on a hill? Listen, man, do I have to everything? Wait til about 2, be sober, release the brake, let it go, jump in it, wait for help. losk the door and make them use the jaws of life...
This idea terrifies me, I’ll ask around and see if I know anyone confidant to do this. I trust you that’s it’s common sense, and I could probably do it, but at the risk of death I’ll let someone more capable than I take care of it.

You need me to teach you how to make a hollandaise sauce, or how to truss a chicken, or make a soufflé rise, I’m your man. I can make you a mean batch of brioche buns, but that’s where my technical expertise lies
It wouldn't risk death. Its not like the wheel can come off. If you ever take one part or see it done you will see there is really no way it could kill you.

I understand though. It can be intimidating.

It's on a hill? Listen, man, do I have to everything? Wait til about 2, be sober, release the brake, let it go, jump in it, wait for help. losk the door and make them use the jaws of life...
My buddys crazy ass dad tried to get me to ram his car at a red light in the early am so no witnesses and pretend we didn't know each other so we could split the insurance.
Sometimes I think he didn't care about us at all.
Or he was just trying to make us self starters.
This idea terrifies me, I’ll ask around and see if I know anyone confidant to do this. I trust you that’s it’s common sense, and I could probably do it, but at the risk of death I’ll let someone more capable than I take care of it.

You need me to teach you how to make a hollandaise sauce, or how to truss a chicken, or make a soufflé rise, I’m your man. I can make you a mean batch of brioche buns, but that’s where my technical expertise lies
How do I make an artisan crusty loaf euro style bread?
My buddys crazy ass dad tried to get me to ram his car at a red light in the early am so no witnesses and pretend we didn't know each other so we could split the insurance.
Sometimes I think he didn't care about us at all.
Or he was just trying to make us self starters.

Why can't it be both? I wonder if my nephew feels this way about me.

He probably had another buddy filming it from behind the newsstand so he could cut you out of the proceeds
How do I make an artisan crusty loaf euro style bread?
I mean, there’s 12 basic rules to bread making.
1. Gather your ingredients
2. Mix
3. Knead
4. First rise
5. Punch down
6. Second rise
7. Punch down
8. Third rise
9. Wash(coat with eggwash or flour)
10. Score(cut slightly in the the skin just barely, allowing the dough to expand controlled when baking)
11. Bake
12. Cool

Other than that, I can get you a nice recipe. That’s what I remember from culinary school to be honest, I haven’t made bread in about 5 years... though now I wanna bit some yeast and make rolls!
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Curious what state you live in Meta........I have a Honda Civic, it was my daughters high school car. Only 92,000 miles on it, I think it's a 2002 or 2003. Run's great, but minor cosmetic issues. We hardly ever use it, maybe once a week to the dump but not much else. I'm on the east coast buddy......
I’m on the west coast, do you think it would make it cross country if I took a redeye one way flight out there? How much would you want for it?
I'm sure it would make it.....it's a friggin Honda! They last forever. But to fly across country and then drive all the way back- that's crazy IMO. Think about the cost of the flight, tolls and gas (2700 miles!), hotel, food............you could buy a car for that. If you were on the east coast though, it would be a no brainer.
I'm sure it would make it.....it's a friggin Honda! They last forever. But to fly across country and then drive all the way back- that's crazy IMO. Think about the cost of the flight, tolls and gas (2700 miles!), hotel, food............you could buy a car for that. If you were on the east coast though, it would be a no brainer.
So like 500 bucks for gas, another 300 or so for the flight... another 59 bucks for peanut butter and jelly, and sleep in the car.

850 bucks for for a Honda with less than 100k miles, I’d jump on that...lol... really, I would be on a red eye flight like tomorrow

Of course I’d need to pay for the Honda, so maybe that’s implausible