I think I’m screwed

I mean, there’s 12 basic rules to bread making.
1. Gather your ingredients
2. Mix
3. Knead
4. First rise
5. Punch down
6. Second rise
7. Punch down
8. Third rise
9. Wash(coat with eggwash or flour)
10. Score(cut slightly in the the skin just barely, allowing the dough to expand controlled when baking)
11. Bake
12. Cool

Other than that, I can get you a nice recipe. That’s what I remember from culinary school to be honest, I haven’t made bread in about 5 years... though now I wanna bit some yeast and make rolls!
And a great starter. I think my wife's starter is a couple years old. Makes great bread
Super refreshing to see this help .... @tyler.durden way to look out for yours homie .....mad respect

Where is OP from ....I suck with computers ...lol
Yeah, I’m blown away, y’all have been freakin amazing! I think I said earlier that it’s embarasaing and humbling for me, but to see the community coming together is inspiring, and I’m honored to be a part of this big dysfunctional family!

To answer your question, I’m in Cali. The Los Angeles area, near the San Fernando valley.

IF this is all that’s wrong with the car, I might be able to do this with minor assistance from someone who knows a little bit more than me about cars.

I KNOW there is more wrong with the car, the amount of transmission fluid which leaked out in only 20 hours is alarming. I may try to have the car diagnosed at a mechanic or try to put out feelers and see if I know someone. IF the CV axel is the only thing keeping me off the road...I dunno, we shall see.

I dunno
I'm pretty damn handy but was always afraid to work on my vehicles. "It's not just my life on the line". Was my thinking too. Then my buddy who is far smarter and handier than I said, "neo, have you ever talked to a mechanic? Some of them are the dumbest rednecks you will ever meet and I don't trust them with a banana let alone my vehicles, I would trust you to work on my stuff over some of them anyday". Which got me thinking about some of the greaser kids I went to high school with. Now obviously there are some very intelligent mechanics that just love cars and are doing what they love or its the family biz etc. But for a lot of them, turning a wrench counterclockwise is about all they understand. Moral of the story is…. Don't think someone can do it safer or better than meta just cause meta never done it. Or its that I'm a bias elitist fuck who just pigeonholed a whole industry.
If you want to get that shit clean, use a serious degreaser in a paraffin gun on your compressor, let it stand for a few minutes then hit it with the power washer.
I think as people who grew up rednecks we take it for granted that at some point someone showed us how to safely place a jack and stands.
How to torque shit without breaking it.
What to do if you break the head off a bolt etc...
It is a long process.

If i wasn't sure someone had at least a base foundation I wouldn't trust them to jack up and crawl under a car.

I was raised in autobody shops, went on to work on heavy equipment.
So I have seen shit go wrong for even seasoned people.

You don't have to be smart
But you have to be taught
I don!t trust people on youtube with my hardwood floor.
a lot of being a good tech is common sense in how things work and go together and as Voltaire said:

Common sense is not so common
Dictionnaire philosophique portatif - 764

and I've seen more than a few book smart people who are dumb as fuck, jus' sayin'

That is so true too. I've met plenty of doctors who drop 80k on a pool and can't figure out how to hook up their garden hose.
word, be careful
ha the dude on the end was settin his beer down on the bumper. 'hold on...'
Get a Chilton or Haynes manual. They sell them at parts store. About 20 bucks. Follow the instructions and pics. I buy a manual for every car I ever owned. I've bought a few extra over the years working on peoples cars.

I do the same thing except I buy mine used online. I've got most of mine from ThriftBooks on ebay ( I think that's their name) I bought a Chiltons and a Haynes for my Ford Tempo, used, for under $5 shipped each. They are a little beat up and the pages are starting to yellow but for $3.99 shipped it's a steal and I don't feel bad about writing in it or getting oil on it like a new one.
I think as people who grew up rednecks we take it for granted that at some point someone showed us how to safely place a jack and stands.
How to torque shit without breaking it.
What to do if you break the head off a bolt etc...
It is a long process.

If i wasn't sure someone had at least a base foundation I wouldn't trust them to jack up and crawl under a car.

I was raised in autobody shops, went on to work on heavy equipment.
So I have seen shit go wrong for even seasoned people.

You don't have to be smart
But you have to be taught
I don!t trust people on youtube with my hardwood floor.
That's why you get a manual for the car and a torque wrench. The manual will list the torque specs for important bolts.

You do it long enough you get a calibrated elbow. I can torque a bolt pretty damn close to what a precise wrench can.
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