Yep, the lack of planning always comes back to bite us! Been there myself, more times than I care to admit.
The 70 days: yeah, that's just a marketing ploy lol. You could harvest at 70 days, and you could harvest as soon as they break ground, but that's doesn't mean you should. Let those babies plump up for you; let them show you their bad self
As far as a resign goes, I would definitely rearrange your setup. I used to grow with CFLS, but never less than 160 watts (actual watts, not equivalence) per plant. What I would do, if I were you, is I would tie down your shoots so they run horizontal with the medium. This might take a few days then. For your lights, I would take a thin board, and drill a hole through it big enough for your sockets to fit through. Once the socket is in the hole, Liquid Nails it in. I would then do that with the rest of the sockets in a row down the board, and hang it up. I would put the plants below that, along the bar in a line. If you can mount some type of reflector on the sides, so all the light is thrown down as well, you will be in business.
I would do this, because if they were trained out to be flat, all the buds are getting pretty equal light and you arent fucking with the inverse square law as badly. Also, because then what Plant A doesn't take in as far as over cast of light, Plant B takes in. Now, you are just throwing light all over the place.
Also, yeah, the transplant info is legit, but you can top an auto. Its kinda like "experts only" though. The trick is to get them like literally the day you can top them. The sooner before flower, the better.
I would go with a photo next time if you can accommodate it. I started with autos, and then grew one photo. Never growing autos inside again lol.