Ive adapted the light fixture to aim two bulbs down either side vertical , and da middle one horizotal, the plants are about 2 inches from every bulb now, thers hardly any heat comin off them so its okay, ill look for the bluer bulbs in next few days, so ya know, this cupboard is 2 foot wide 2 foot high and a foot and half back to front, not big at all, if that helps in anyway, ill keep eye on them in next few days and let ya know on this thread how they are doing, hopefiully ill see some more leaves n more life happen , all strains grow slighty differently right?? This one is ch9 flower, google it an hit pictures, it might wnt to grow like this cos the strain? I gta get a new starter for one of my 5ft fluro strips cos it wont kick the bulb on, the othet 4 are okay, gettin some healthy female clones of a friend to n next two weeks, skunk no1s , while we wait to see how these seedlings get along , i need help understanding a few other things if u can help,
these seedlings are femalised ch9 flower, does this mean they are female plants , or just more likely to be female ?
Those seedlings have been on 24 hour light since they came out from there wet tissue into the rockwool , is this ok ???
(the 24hr light),
a few ppl on ere told me to do this,
An all u guys have been a great help so far thanks