I thought this was America?


Well-Known Member
Lets talk Big Oil. I find it strange that Biden would threaten to raise taxes on Big Oil Companies for making to much money, when in the beginning of his term, it was at the top of his list to shut down the Keystone, and lease lock domestic drilling when fuel was under $2 a gallon. Now that fuel is at record highs and only took a few cents dip in the past couple of weeks, (which he took credit for), it's back up again, and now he's back tracking saying we should do more domestic drilling?. And now he wants to take thier profits in higher taxes to do what?... "maybe" bring it down .20 cents or so? This isn't helping anybody. They earned it, they should keep it. I really think he has profit confused with revenue. You gotta spend money to make money. I don't have a problem paying $3.49 a gallon if it creates jobs. Im from a oil State. And when fuel is too cheap, and jobs aren't around, you can see it. When oil crashed (for a few opening hours briefly) to negative -$38.00 a brl, people around here were selling off all thier belongings, trading down in vehicles, homes, etc. because they didn't have jobs. Someone help me connect the dots.

Lets talk Big Oil. I find it strange that Biden would threaten to raise taxes on Big Oil Companies for making to much money, when in the beginning of his term, it was at the top of his list to shut down the Keystone, and lease lock domestic drilling when fuel was under $2 a gallon. Now that fuel is at record highs and only took a few cents dip in the past couple of weeks, (which he took credit for), it's back up again, and now he's back tracking saying we should do more domestic drilling?. And now he wants to take thier profits in higher taxes to do what?... "maybe" bring it down .20 cents or so? This isn't helping anybody. They earned it, they should keep it. I really think he has profit confused with revenue. You gotta spend money to make money. I don't have a problem paying $3.49 a gallon if it creates jobs. Im from a oil State. And when fuel is too cheap, and jobs aren't around, you can see it. When oil crashed (for a few opening hours briefly) to negative -$38.00 a brl, people around here were selling off all thier belongings, trading down in vehicles, homes, etc. because they didn't have jobs. Someone help me connect the dots.


Just think if the Oil Industry was half as Patriotic as you we wouldn't have this problem.
Just because OPEC raises prices on their oil doesn't mean American companies have too.
13B in tax credits wasn't enough?

So. SF $4.99 gal was 6.89. your story is old and hasn't changed the unemployment.
Just think if the Oil Industry was half as Patriotic as you we wouldn't have this problem.
Just because OPEC raises prices on their oil doesn't mean American companies have too.
13B in tax credits wasn't enough?

So. SF $4.99 gal was 6.89. your story is old and hasn't changed the unemployment.
So should I just delete this thread?… OPEC, as far as I know controls the supply more than the price.
I already feel guilty for passing on such a polluted environment as my legacy. Fossil fuels have served their purpose and it's time to wean off for the planets sake. Subsidizing jobs in a environmentally hazardous enterprise just for the sake of $$ is not sound long term policy. I only hope that higher fuel prices will spur development in less harmful energy sources...
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I already feel guilty for passing on such a polluted environment as my legacy. Fossil fuels have served their purpose and it's time to wean off FF for the planets sake. Subsidizing jobs in a environmentally hazardous enterprise just for the sake of $$ is not sound long term policy. I only hope that higher fuel prices will spur development in less harmful energy sources...
I can understand the lure of EV, but it takes so much FF to even make an EV battery, and in turn takes even more in FF to power the charging stations. Then there’s the issue of polluting the earth/ground water with expired batteries.
I can understand the lure of EV, but it takes so much FF to even make an EV battery, and in turn takes even more in FF to power the charging stations. Then there’s the issue of polluting the earth/ground water with expired batteries.
Electric Car Batteries Lasting Longer Than Predicted
Electric cars have sophisticated battery management systems that guard the long-term health of their batteries. Most manufacturers offer battery warranties of seven or eight years or around 100,000 miles of driving, but there’s an industry expectation that EV batteries will last longer than that; they should outlive the cars themselves.
EV batteries consist of more than 2,000 individual lithium-ion cells working together. Battery management systems, or BMS, allow the cells to be gently topped up, preserving efficiency and life; EV lithium-ion batteries live much longer than lithium-ion phone or laptop batteries which sport less sophisticated BMS.
“It’s the complete opposite of what people feared when we first launched EVs—that the batteries would only last a short time,”.

It’s clear that most EV batteries will outlast the vehicles they were installed in, and even then, they have a worthwhile second life before they need to be stripped down for recycling.

“Taking the battery out [of an electric car] and putting a new battery in is not a viable proposition. It’s more sustainable to take the battery pack out of the car after 20 years, recycle the car, and reuse the battery.”
“But by far the easiest thing to do take the complete battery out of the vehicle, put it in a shipping container in a rack and plug that into a solar farm.”
I can understand the lure of EV, but it takes so much FF to even make an EV battery, and in turn takes even more in FF to power the charging stations. Then there’s the issue of polluting the earth/ground water with expired batteries.

@doublejj Here's where things get table turned. We have this "Green energy" push. We bitch about high gas prices, but how are you (or would you) feel that if you had to replace a battery pack on your EV, and they hit you with a $35,000 bill.... then a "Disposal Fee" for said expired batteries. Unless we truly come up with clean energy, I think in the end, were going to find a ground water/battery disposal/batteries catching fire underground and releasing toxic gases..... we'll find it someday. But EV is not the long term answer. At least you can recycle oil. You can't recycle an expired battery. Back on track tho.... is it right to tax hike a company because they made too much money?
@doublejj Here's where things get table turned. We have this "Green energy" push. We bitch about high gas prices, but how are you (or would you) feel that if you had to replace a battery pack on your EV, and they hit you with a $35,000 bill.... then a "Disposal Fee" for said expired batteries. Unless we truly come up with clean energy, I think in the end, were going to find a ground water/battery disposal/batteries catching fire underground and releasing toxic gases..... we'll find it someday. But EV is not the long term answer. At least you can recycle oil. You can't recycle an expired battery. Back on track tho.... is it right to tax hike a company because they made too much money?
see my post above...
Electric Car Batteries Lasting Longer Than Predicted
Electric cars have sophisticated battery management systems that guard the long-term health of their batteries. Most manufacturers offer battery warranties of seven or eight years or around 100,000 miles of driving, but there’s an industry expectation that EV batteries will last longer than that; they should outlive the cars themselves.
EV batteries consist of more than 2,000 individual lithium-ion cells working together. Battery management systems, or BMS, allow the cells to be gently topped up, preserving efficiency and life; EV lithium-ion batteries live much longer than lithium-ion phone or laptop batteries which sport less sophisticated BMS.
“It’s the complete opposite of what people feared when we first launched EVs—that the batteries would only last a short time,”.

It’s clear that most EV batteries will outlast the vehicles they were installed in, and even then, they have a worthwhile second life before they need to be stripped down for recycling.

“Taking the battery out [of an electric car] and putting a new battery in is not a viable proposition. It’s more sustainable to take the battery pack out of the car after 20 years, recycle the car, and reuse the battery.”
“But by far the easiest thing to do take the complete battery out of the vehicle, put it in a shipping container in a rack and plug that into a solar farm.”
I see the point you're trying to make.. but we haven't perfected it yet. The floods in Fl left many EV's up in flames, charging stations under water (which ruined them).. I mean, you know I own a Hybrid, but I think thats where the meaty part of the power band is. At least you have another option, AND they are super efficient.
@doublejj Here's where things get table turned. We have this "Green energy" push. We bitch about high gas prices, but how are you (or would you) feel that if you had to replace a battery pack on your EV, and they hit you with a $35,000 bill.... then a "Disposal Fee" for said expired batteries. Unless we truly come up with clean energy, I think in the end, were going to find a ground water/battery disposal/batteries catching fire underground and releasing toxic gases..... we'll find it someday. But EV is not the long term answer. At least you can recycle oil. You can't recycle an expired battery. Back on track tho.... is it right to tax hike a company because they made too much money?

Hmm, Is it right for a company to harm the common welfare of a nation when it's not necessary?
see my post above...
What about the number of car crashes per year? If every car/truck were EV, and were involved in a crash. Those batteries have to be disposed of. I've crashed a couple of RC aircraft, and when they come to an impact with Lithium Ion batteries, they swell, and you better get rid of it before it sets your garage on fire.
I see the point you're trying to make.. but we haven't perfected it yet. The floods in Fl left many EV's up in flames, charging stations under water (which ruined them).. I mean, you know I own a Hybrid, but I think thats where the meaty part of the power band is. At least you have another option, AND they are super efficient.
We have to start transitioning off of Fossil Fuels for the sake of the environment. Our grandchildren will curse us in future generations for leaving them this mess. We can do better than this.