I thought this was America?

@doublejj I guess I can see when you live in Cali, you get engrained into the clean energy thing. I think I mentioned this before, but in OK, TX, KS, and other big farm States, we don't have the pollution that you guys produce. We're spread out too far apart. We have no emissions laws, yearly inspections... we're just from different cultures.... I guess.
@doublejj I guess I can see when you live in Cali, you get engrained into the clean energy thing. I think I mentioned this before, but in OK, TX, KS, and other big farm States, we don't have the pollution that you guys produce. We're spread out too far apart. We have no emissions laws, yearly inspections... we're just from different cultures.... I guess.
The are following EMINEM method....
The oil these companies make such obscene profits from is oil that is not theirs, it's ours, they are only allowed to pump it for us. They usually pay little to nothing for our oil and pump it up and sell it to us at obscene profits and then they whine about paying a tax on our oil ffs..
Meh.. it's a business like anything else. Some years are record breaking, and others are laying people off and shutting down operations all over the US.. Chesapeake Energy for example is struggling so hard, they are selling off the Permian Shale, shucking employees every quarter. Prob just bad management. My wife worked for them for years. They spent the money hard back in the day. But, It got so bad in 2015 that the CEO committed suicide. Their stock did a REVERSE 250:1 split, and everybody that worked there lost everything. They even suck at profit to this day.
Meh.. it's a business like anything else. Some years are record breaking, and others are laying people off and shutting down operations all over the US.. Chesapeake Energy for example is struggling so hard, they are selling off the Permian Shale, shucking employees every quarter. Prob just bad management. My wife worked for them for years. They spent the money hard back in the day. But, It got so bad in 2015 that the CEO committed suicide. Their stock did a REVERSE 250:1 split, and everybody that worked there lost everything. They even suck at profit to this day.
That's a damn shame.....I want off this crazy ride. The Fossil Fuel racket is so last century. Lets move on. I would pay $8gl all day if it drives people to ditch Fossil Fuels and transition to cleaner energy.
@doublejj I guess I can see when you live in Cali, you get engrained into the clean energy thing. I think I mentioned this before, but in OK, TX, KS, and other big farm States, we don't have the pollution that you guys produce. We're spread out too far apart. We have no emissions laws, yearly inspections... we're just from different cultures.... I guess.
One of the cultures is trying to be accountable and change for the better, and the other has no exit plan for burning a finite resource that is destroying the planet. I'm with you on battery power not quite matching oil performance or being as clean as we would like, but day by day it's becoming more of an issue of entitlement and less of dependence. The writing is on the wall. Those jobs are all temporary. 10 years ago frackers were making a killing. Now it's just pumps sticking out of the ground.
But, I do give a fuck.. about American jobs. If XOM, MRO, CVX, DVN, HAL can provide those jobs, and make a profit, so what? Don't infract them for creating a commodity we need.
thats just it they are producing a harmful outdated product. a few jobs ain't worth slowing down evolution to cleaner energy. Blacksmiths had to learn a new trade when the automobile can along. Leave the oil where it is and lets quit destroying the earth just to make $$...
One of the cultures is trying to be accountable and change for the better, and the other has no exit plan for burning a finite resource that is destroying the planet. I'm with you on battery power not quite matching oil performance or being as clean as we would like, but day by day it's becoming more of an issue of entitlement and less of dependence. The writing is on the wall. Those jobs are all temporary. 10 years ago frackers were making a killing. Now it's just pumps sticking out of the ground.
Those are called pump jacks... they pump oil to the tank batteries after the drilling unit is drilled, cased, and fracked (if need be). Then a pull over unit comes in and the pump jack is set the pull the crude to the tank batteries. Then trucks come and transport the crude to refineries.
thats just it they are producing a harmful outdated product. a few jobs ain't worth slowing down evolution to cleaner energy. Blacksmiths had to learn a new trade when the automobile can along. Leave the oil where it is and lets quit destroying the earth just to make $$...
I'd like to get to flux capacitors, but that's not gonna happen anytime soon.... it is all a transition, and I respect your views. But, it's going to be a long transition. Like I said, I do have a hybrid.... the whole point of this thread was a business getting dinged for higher taxes for making too much money, and Biden wanting to take some of thier profits to have a minimal impact on current gas prices... he should just leave them alone.
...... and that's like a grain of sand pic on a beach. You can't drive down a county road (or in most towns) without seeing a well pad site, tank batteries, or pump jacks.
Those are called pump jacks... they pump oil to the tank batteries after the drilling unit is drilled, cased, and fracked (if need be). Then a pull over unit comes in and the pump jack is set the pull the crude to the tank batteries. Then trucks come and transport the crude to refineries.
I'm talking about natural gas wells. They are everywhere around here.