I thought this was America?

Windmills also look cool. Driving through miles of them in Kansas during the night is trippy as hell.
Yes they are when they're flashing at night. We have thousands of wind farms here. The wife just went to work for a French Company They are based in Marseille, and have about 4 big farms here in Oklahoma, and a crazy amount worldwide and offshore. They do wind and solar.
No... we don't see stuff like that... most sites are very clean, and well maintained. Our pad sites are cleaned up, saltwater hauled off for recycle, grass planted, etc.
They do usually clean up the site. Right down the road from my house they tore out a really long row of trees to run a pipe, and it looked like a tornado came through at first. Now the forest has grown back and only the ugly well apparatus remains.
They do usually clean up the site. Right down the road from my house they tore out a really long row of trees to run a pipe, and it looked like a tornado came through at first. Now the forest has grown back and only the ugly well apparatus remains.
The wind farms can almost be as bad tho.. I see a few going up to OKC that are spewing hydraulic fluid from the main tower. The blades have a shelf life that they have to replace every 8 years or so. They are piling up in landfills, and many people have tried to find ways to recycle them... no real answer so far as they continue to pile up.
And let me be clear, I think there is a place for oil and I don't expect to convert to electric overnight. Dragging our feet does no good though. The people around here are still waiting for the coal mines to open back up and that's not going to ever happen. Most of the coal is gone anyway. Regardless, the jobs started dwindled down due to mechanization long before regulations or a lack of resources.
The wind farms can almost be as bad tho.. I see a few going up to OKC that are spewing hydraulic fluid from the main tower. The blades have a shelf life that they have to replace every 8 years or so. They are piling up in landfills, and many people have tried to find ways to recycle them... no real answer so far as they continue to pile up.
I just read about some company making new blades that were easier to recycle. All of these issues can be solved. We're basically still in the prototype phase with all of the alternative energy sources.
And let me be clear, I think there is a place for oil and I don't expect to convert to electric overnight. Dragging our feet does no good though. The people around here are still waiting for the coal mines to open back up and that's not going to ever happen. Most of the coal is gone anyway. Regardless, the jobs started dwindled down due to mechanization long before regulations or a lack of resources.
I still own a V10 F250.....I just don't drive it everyday...
@lusidghost Agree. Now.... if these wind farms, and solar companies came in with 17B in profits, do you think it would be fair to tax gouge them for making too much money?... it's a fair question.
I'm not sure if it for "making too much money," but sure if so. I don't really buy the "job creator" argument. Those guys will typically get rid of every employee or move overseas to exploit third world labor if they can.
I'm not sure if it for "making too much money," but sure if so. I don't really buy the "job creator" argument. Those guys will typically get rid of every employee or move overseas to exploit third world labor if they can.
.. and that helps the American citizen how?
I mean.. that's like when Ford shut down plants in the US and moved them to Mexico.. Did your new truck get any cheaper? No.. That's because they could make more profit assembling outside of the US, and gave thousands of hard working Americans a pink slip.
I mean.. that's like when Ford shut down plants in the US and moved them to Mexico.. Did your new truck get any cheaper? No.. That's because they could make more profit assembling outside of the US, and gave thousands of hard working Americans a pink slip.
This is capitulating with economical terrorists. These are the guys who you want to see make as many billions as possible?