White House announces plan to train 50,000 people, including veterans, to install solar panels
WASHINGTON — The U.S. is planning to train veterans to become solar panel installers in the next six years, the White House said Thursday.
The jobs training program is among a host of initiatives the White House says will cut carbon dioxide emissions by more than 300 million tons through 2030, plus save billions of dollars on energy bills for homeowners and businesses. It will launch this fall at one or more military bases and train a total of at least 50,000, including veterans.
The Agriculture Department will also spend nearly $70 million to fund 540 solar and renewable energy projects, focused on rural and farming areas. And the Energy Department will propose stricter efficiency standards for commercial air conditioners, a move the department said could cut emissions more than any other efficiency standard it has issued to date.
The proposals are modest compared with what President Barack Obama has asked Congress to do through legislation to promote clean energy, invest in infrastructure projects and force reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. But with lawmakers unwilling to consider any major climate legislation, Obama has sought to maximize what presidential authority he does hold.
Next week, Obama will attend a one-day United Nations summit on climate change in which heads of state are expected to show up with commitments to curbing emissions at home.
propaganda based on that science
BUT if you really think about it."I'm not saying there's a massive conspiracy but, there's a massive conspiracy"
lol. You should totally have used the "...but it's aliens" guy image with that."I'm not saying there's a massive conspiracy but, there's a massive conspiracy"
hey man, scientists gonna scienceBUT if you really think about it.
Maybe they're doing what they believe is right for everyone.
They get new research funding, we get newer cleaner tech, the planet stops getting raped and the human race advances.
Personally, I don't think the climate change debate focuses on the correct idea regardless of what side you chose to be on.
We should be trying to advance as a species to cleaner, more efficient, renewable and cheaper sources of energy.
I propose ending the climate change debate and simply funding huge amounts of Govt led R&D at the various National Labs around the world.
White House announces plan to train 50,000 people, including veterans, to install solar panels
WASHINGTON — The U.S. is planning to train veterans to become solar panel installers in the next six years, the White House said Thursday.
The jobs training program is among a host of initiatives the White House says will cut carbon dioxide emissions by more than 300 million tons through 2030, plus save billions of dollars on energy bills for homeowners and businesses. It will launch this fall at one or more military bases and train a total of at least 50,000, including veterans.
The Agriculture Department will also spend nearly $70 million to fund 540 solar and renewable energy projects, focused on rural and farming areas. And the Energy Department will propose stricter efficiency standards for commercial air conditioners, a move the department said could cut emissions more than any other efficiency standard it has issued to date.
The proposals are modest compared with what President Barack Obama has asked Congress to do through legislation to promote clean energy, invest in infrastructure projects and force reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. But with lawmakers unwilling to consider any major climate legislation, Obama has sought to maximize what presidential authority he does hold.
Next week, Obama will attend a one-day United Nations summit on climate change in which heads of state are expected to show up with commitments to curbing emissions at home.
This. It's possible for someone to make a choice that goes against their own principles, if they truly believe it's the better choice, especially when it involves more than only themselves.BUT if you really think about it.
Maybe they're doing what they believe is right for everyone.
They get new research funding, we get newer cleaner tech, the planet stops getting raped and the human race advances.
Personally, I don't think the climate change debate focuses on the correct idea regardless of what side you chose to be on.
We should be trying to advance as a species to cleaner, more efficient, renewable and cheaper sources of energy.
I propose ending the climate change debate and simply funding huge amounts of Govt led R&D at the various National Labs around the world.
I'm not saying there isn't a massive conspiracy
lol. You should totally have used the "...but it's aliens" guy image with that.
I'm not saying there isn't a massive conspiracy (there are many, actually); i'm just saying that it's not "including the willing participation of 90% of scientists." Because that's a patently absurd and incredible assertion.
Once the data exists, those who discovered or produced it, do not get to control how it is interpreted by the unqualified masses, when said data is distributed by politicians and other such agenda-pushers.
I also think it's hilariously ironic that you're apparently insinuating that anyone who thinks any conspiracy has ever occurred, is somehow of questionable mental capacity... while you're wearing a GEORGE ORWELL quote in your signature, which directly references such types of conspiracies.
You may be correct about ACC, but i wouldn't know! And neither would most people. That was kinda my point: most people don't have the ability to discern something like this for themselves, and then it gets complicated with all the politicians and groups arguing, and social pressure to either get on board with the "eco-types," or act all macho and drink beer and say " 'murica!" and pretend like it's stupid to care about anything.Nobody controls how data is collected or analyzed, it's completely transparent, and peer reviewed papers are published listing data that proves ACC correct, this is not debatable.
The only people who don't accept ACC right now never will. You could show them hundreds and hundreds of pieces of data (as they've been shown) and nothing will convince them. This is not science. In science, you observe the data and then come up with a valuable conclusion, in politics, what the fabricated "debate" is about is the complete opposite. Energy corporations bribe whoever they can to spread propaganda about the importance of the issue while simultaneously admitting ACC is real. Exxon, for example, has measures in place to curb greenhouse emissions they emit, now why would they have such measures? All for show?
The people still debating the topic while all 34 national science academies unanimously agree ACC is real and is a significant threat to the planet and steps need to be taken accordingly by world governments are the same people still asking for the missing link, over 150 years after the theory of evolution was published. 150 years+... If we wait around 150 years to act, we won't be able to act. Therefore, science and the majority of the educated public have reached an agreement that these peoples voices and opinions are meaningless in science. The only people in opposition of transitioning to renewable, cleaner energy sources have a financial conflict of interest, are completely ignorant regarding the science, or are, sadly, blinded by political bias, like many of the members of this forum, specifically this section.
I have yet to find a single credible scientist who denies ACC. Please, if you know of one, list it, I'd be happy to verify the claim. On the flip side, nearly 98% of scientists, worldwide, who study the climate accept ACC.
I have a feeling if 98% of the doctors you visited to see if you had a brain tumor agreed, you should probably get it removed, you would not agree with the 2% who don't.
If you had a ham sandwich that was 98% shit, would you eat it?
If you had a date with a woman who was 98% male, would you fuck her?
The margin of error on something like that is larger than the goddamn dissent. It's sad and hilarious the general conservative opinion in regards to ACC is so behind the data/times.
You may be correct about ACC, but i wouldn't know! And neither would most people. That was kinda my point: most people don't have the ability to discern something like this for themselves
On the other hand: what does it really matter? Does it even matter? Does anything matter after the individual dies? Why should i care what happens to earth after i'm gone?
i don't think it's the average citizen causing most of the pollution. I think ACC is wildly blown out of proportion by groups who want to put all the burden on the average citizen, while creating special exceptions for their grossly pollutant businesses...
So anyway, too many "facts" and too much "data" is intentionally misrepresented for political reasons, and too few people are able to adequately discern when and/or whether they are being deceived.
Plus, there's the problem of people not wanting to have to learn new things and reconfigure their lives for the purpose of averting some alleged climate disaster they won't even live long enough to be impacted by. They'll just put it out of their minds and keep doing whatever they do... like so many people do about so many things... one of which is the primary topic of this site.
BUT if you really think about it.
Maybe they're doing what they believe is right for everyone.
They get new research funding, we get newer cleaner tech, the planet stops getting raped and the human race advances.
Personally, I don't think the climate change debate focuses on the correct idea regardless of what side you chose to be on.
We should be trying to advance as a species to cleaner, more efficient, renewable and cheaper sources of energy.
I propose ending the climate change debate and simply funding huge amounts of Govt led R&D at the various National Labs around the world.
White House announces plan to train 50,000 people, including veterans, to install solar panels
WASHINGTON — The U.S. is planning to train veterans to become solar panel installers in the next six years, the White House said Thursday.
The jobs training program is among a host of initiatives the White House says will cut carbon dioxide emissions by more than 300 million tons through 2030, plus save billions of dollars on energy bills for homeowners and businesses. It will launch this fall at one or more military bases and train a total of at least 50,000, including veterans.
The Agriculture Department will also spend nearly $70 million to fund 540 solar and renewable energy projects, focused on rural and farming areas. And the Energy Department will propose stricter efficiency standards for commercial air conditioners, a move the department said could cut emissions more than any other efficiency standard it has issued to date.
The proposals are modest compared with what President Barack Obama has asked Congress to do through legislation to promote clean energy, invest in infrastructure projects and force reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. But with lawmakers unwilling to consider any major climate legislation, Obama has sought to maximize what presidential authority he does hold.
Next week, Obama will attend a one-day United Nations summit on climate change in which heads of state are expected to show up with commitments to curbing emissions at home.
I wouldn't worry about it too much, the oil will run out and with it our way of life. Then the world might be able to heal itself after a few thousand more years once Fukushima quiets down.
i wish i knew exactly where to find the post i want to link right now...
Which is why they need to manufacture demand through legislation, which will most likely require a widely adopted "MMGW" paradigm... which, of course, is why it was created.
"Problem > Reaction > Solution."
They always have a desired solution in mind, and so they create a problem that will produce the reaction that demands their "miraculous" solution.
As soon as you stop denying the fact that many opportunistic and privileged people are indeed "conspiring" and using their resources to influence and manufacture benefit for only themselves or their small group, at the expense of the majority of the populace, it will become self-evident. Citation NOT needed. It's repeated throughout history, for anyone who paid attention.Ah here's the post...
Someone has already reached a conclusion and it has nothing to do with science. The stakes could not be higher. To claim that you are not denying the science, but that science has not indeed come to a conclusion is going to require more than a sneaking suspicion that there may be a hoax. It is going to require citation.
As soon as you stop denying the fact that many opportunistic and privileged people are indeed "conspiring" and using their resources to influence and manufacture benefit for only themselves or their small group, at the expense of the majority of the populace, it will become self-evident. Citation NOT needed. It's repeated throughout history, for anyone who paid attention.