I used my Obama care and here are the facts...


You must get free shit too. That would be the only way what you said makes any sense.
It makes sense cause I can actually comprehend what I am reading, that trait must elude you.
Shit, the second bullet point is gonna save you money, unless in your world three visits with a copay is cheaper than one visit with a copay. The fourth and fifth bullet point's look like they would save you money also. Boo Hoo, pay the yearly fine for not having HC and pay the shit out of pocket if the other option is so rough on you. Why is it so hard to find a plan you like? Isn't there lots? You can buy whatever insurance you want, what made you choose Moda in the first place? Or did you just let someone choose for you?
It makes sense cause I can actually comprehend what I am reading, that trait must elude you.
Shit, the second bullet point is gonna save you money, unless in your world three visits with a copay is cheaper than one visit with a copay. The fourth and fifth bullet point's look like they would save you money also. Boo Hoo, pay the yearly fine for not having HC and pay the shit out of pocket if the other option is so rough on you. Why is it so hard to find a plan you like? Isn't there lots? You can buy whatever insurance you want, what made you choose Moda in the first place? Or did you just let someone choose for you?


I am not bitching about having health care, I am bitching about the 20% increase from last year. Or did you miss that part?
You are still saving money and your policy is much better.


OK I am still saving 60.00 from two years ago. Luckily I can down grade to a silver plan from my gold plan and get it back to something more affordable. I looked up a bronze plan with a higher deductible and I could be better off If I don't need it for two years I would save what the deductible would be and that would make way more sense.

I can't figure out why the Obama supporters on here are so excited about the 20% increase in premiums? If we get that kind of increase two more times maybe you guys and gals will wake up.

OK I am still saving 60.00 from two years ago. Luckily I can down grade to a silver plan from my gold plan and get it back to something more affordable. I looked up a bronze plan with a higher deductible and I could be better off If I don't need it for two years I would save what the deductible would be and that would make way more sense.

I can't figure out why the Obama supporters on here are so excited about the 20% increase in premiums? If we get that kind of increase two more times maybe you guys and gals will wake up.
My premiums went up every year before ACA, why is it that the obama haters act like this wasn't happening before? Being a union carpenter I had some of the best healthcare around, not to mention, dental and vision. Whats funny to me is that I used this insurance probably half a dozen times in the 10 years that I had it, yet every year, EVERY YEAR, we had to put most of our raise towards paying for the increased premiums on our health insurance, even though our coverage never got better. You bitch about less than a hundred dollars a year in increased premiums, I used to have to cough up 1.20 an hour every year to pay for my increases baby brain. You must be very new to this insurance thing, or really love swinging from the obama haters dicks and slurping up there BS sauce. Why don't you get a better job lazy ass so it isn't so rough on your lifestyle paying for insurance. If you had a better job and got paid more, you would not have to worry about money so much, and life wouldn't be so rough. All I hear is blaming someone else for your lack of financial management, and motivation to better your situation.
My premiums went up every year before ACA, why is it that the obama haters act like this wasn't happening before? Being a union carpenter I had some of the best healthcare around, not to mention, dental and vision. Whats funny to me is that I used this insurance probably half a dozen times in the 10 years that I had it, yet every year, EVERY YEAR, we had to put most of our raise towards paying for the increased premiums on our health insurance, even though our coverage never got better. You bitch about less than a hundred dollars a year in increased premiums, I used to have to cough up 1.20 an hour every year to pay for my increases baby brain. You must be very new to this insurance thing, or really love swinging from the obama haters dicks and slurping up there BS sauce. Why don't you get a better job lazy ass so it isn't so rough on your lifestyle paying for insurance. If you had a better job and got paid more, you would not have to worry about money so much, and life wouldn't be so rough. All I hear is blaming someone else for your lack of financial management, and motivation to better your situation.
Amen brother!
Union carpenter here also(23 yrs)
Wasn't it great when most of our raises went to rising healthcare costs. BEFORE the ACA.
Amen brother!
Union carpenter here also(23 yrs)
Wasn't it great when most of our raises went to healthcare costs. BEFORE the ACA.
LOL, so awesome! Was paying more a month in premiums than nitro pays for his whole year,lol, and he is bitching about $60,lol, If that's all my premiums used to go up, life would have been grand! I would have happily handed over extra $60 out of pocket instead of having to vote how much of my hourly wage needs to go towards it.
LOL, so awesome! Was paying more a month in premiums than nitro pays for his whole year,lol, and he is bitching about $60,lol, If that's all my premiums used to go up, life would have been grand! I would have happily handed over extra $60 out of pocket instead of having to vote how much of my hourly wage needs to go towards it.
It's ALL Obamas fault:-D
My premiums went up every year before ACA, why is it that the obama haters act like this wasn't happening before? Being a union carpenter I had some of the best healthcare around, not to mention, dental and vision. Whats funny to me is that I used this insurance probably half a dozen times in the 10 years that I had it, yet every year, EVERY YEAR, we had to put most of our raise towards paying for the increased premiums on our health insurance, even though our coverage never got better. You bitch about less than a hundred dollars a year in increased premiums, I used to have to cough up 1.20 an hour every year to pay for my increases baby brain. You must be very new to this insurance thing, or really love swinging from the obama haters dicks and slurping up there BS sauce. Why don't you get a better job lazy ass so it isn't so rough on your lifestyle paying for insurance. If you had a better job and got paid more, you would not have to worry about money so much, and life wouldn't be so rough. All I hear is blaming someone else for your lack of financial management, and motivation to better your situation.


You are off your fucking rocker if you think it is a hundred dollars a year. It is almost a hundred dollars more per month not a year. PAY ATTENTION. You drinking way to much koolaid.
LOL, so awesome! Was paying more a month in premiums than nitro pays for his whole year,lol, and he is bitching about $60,lol, If that's all my premiums used to go up, life would have been grand! I would have happily handed over extra $60 out of pocket instead of having to vote how much of my hourly wage needs to go towards it.

My premiums went up every year before ACA, why is it that the obama haters act like this wasn't happening before? Being a union carpenter I had some of the best healthcare around, not to mention, dental and vision. Whats funny to me is that I used this insurance probably half a dozen times in the 10 years that I had it, yet every year, EVERY YEAR, we had to put most of our raise towards paying for the increased premiums on our health insurance, even though our coverage never got better. You bitch about less than a hundred dollars a year in increased premiums, I used to have to cough up 1.20 an hour every year to pay for my increases baby brain. You must be very new to this insurance thing, or really love swinging from the obama haters dicks and slurping up there BS sauce. Why don't you get a better job lazy ass so it isn't so rough on your lifestyle paying for insurance. If you had a better job and got paid more, you would not have to worry about money so much, and life wouldn't be so rough. All I hear is blaming someone else for your lack of financial management, and motivation to better your situation.


The part about the job and lazy ass was pretty funny. Good luck in November and don't forget to vote.

You are off your fucking rocker if you think it is a hundred dollars a year. It is almost a hundred dollars more per month not a year. PAY ATTENTION. You drinking way to much koolaid.
Dude, bootstrap yourself up if it is getting to be too much for you, get a second job, work more hours. If you can't afford that high class insurance, maybe it's time to reevaluate your lifestyle and downgrade to plan more suitable to you financial situation. Simple, there are many things YOU can do to change the problem before taking the chickenshit way out and blame someone else for your short comings.
Dude, bootstrap yourself up if it is getting to be too much for you, get a second job, work more hours. If you can't afford that high class insurance, maybe it's time to reevaluate your lifestyle and downgrade to plan more suitable to you financial situation. Simple, there are many things YOU can do to change the problem before taking the chickenshit way out and blame someone else for your short comings.


Just so you know, I have a good job and five very good employee's that make two times the national average house hold incomes. That is why I thought your last post was funny. And when it is your turn to down grade that will be funny also. Keep drinking that democratic koolaid. Oh and don't forget to vote.

Just wondering, is your health plan going up 20%? Or are you one of those give me the free shit so I don't have to better my self koolaid drinkers?

Just so you know, I have a good job and five very good employee's that make two times the national average house hold incomes. That is why I thought your last post was funny. And when it is your turn to down grade that will be funny also. Keep drinking that democratic koolaid. Oh and don't forget to vote.

Just wondering, is your health plan going up 20%? Or are you one of those give me the free shit so I don't have to better my self koolaid drinkers?
When it's my turn to downgrade? Already have, but by choice really, I could have kept drinking the koolaide that EVERYONE is selling, telling me that I HAVE to make 80,000 to be able to survive and walk this planet without being called lazy or unmotivated, but I'm not a sheep like most, and decided to check out. Guess what, I didn't even file taxes last year,hehehe, I had no income, hows that for downgrading? Guess what, still here and the sky didn't fall on my head. Built a fence yesterday to keep the dogs from fence fighting with the dogs in the back of the property, didn't cost me anything to build 30 yds. Cut down 2 dead trees for the posts by hand, and used some leftover fencing from when I did the perimeter fence, looks damn good if you ask me. How much does a fence cost you with your lifestyle? You seem the type to feel it is easier to pay someone to do something for you, than to do it yourself, that is the koolaide you are drinking brother.
When it's my turn to downgrade? Already have, but by choice really, I could have kept drinking the koolaide that EVERYONE is selling, telling me that I HAVE to make 80,000 to be able to survive and walk this planet without being called lazy or unmotivated, but I'm not a sheep like most, and decided to check out. Guess what, I didn't even file taxes last year,hehehe, I had no income, hows that for downgrading? Guess what, still here and the sky didn't fall on my head. Built a fence yesterday to keep the dogs from fence fighting with the dogs in the back of the property, didn't cost me anything to build 30 yds. Cut down 2 dead trees for the posts by hand, and used some leftover fencing from when I did the perimeter fence, looks damn good if you ask me. How much does a fence cost you with your lifestyle? You seem the type to feel it is easier to pay someone to do something for you, than to do it yourself, that is the koolaide you are drinking brother.


Your post made a lot more sense that time. What ever works for you, money can't buy happiness but it helps sometimes. I have five families counting on me for paychecks every week and it keeps me motivated to keep up with business growth and changing times. I added one more employee this year to drive the boat so I could retire and it has been working out real good, The new captain has set two boat records this summer.

It is funny you mentioned building a fence, I just bought a vacation house in Hawaii and next week I will be over there building a fence for my dog. My dog is going through quarantine right now and this January he will be ready to fly over and check out the new place. So I will let you know what the fence cost me. I am not sure what kind of fence I want to put up yet. Have a good day.

Your post made a lot more sense that time. What ever works for you, money can't buy happiness but it helps sometimes. I have five families counting on me for paychecks every week and it keeps me motivated to keep up with business growth and changing times. I added one more employee this year to drive the boat so I could retire and it has been working out real good, The new captain has set two boat records this summer.

It is funny you mentioned building a fence, I just bought a vacation house in Hawaii and next week I will be over there building a fence for my dog. My dog is going through quarantine right now and this January he will be ready to fly over and check out the new place. So I will let you know what the fence cost me. I am not sure what kind of fence I want to put up yet. Have a good day.
It really sounds like you shouldn't be taking a trip if a 20% increase in ins. premiums has got your ass chapped. Have you never raised your prices for the services you provide in your years of business? Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you did, even if very little. Was it because of the president at the time? Or did you provide a better service than you did before and felt you services warranted the increase in price. Does Moda not have the same right? why is that the presidents fault again?

OK I am still saving 60.00 from two years ago. Luckily I can down grade to a silver plan from my gold plan and get it back to something more affordable. I looked up a bronze plan with a higher deductible and I could be better off If I don't need it for two years I would save what the deductible would be and that would make way more sense.

I can't figure out why the Obama supporters on here are so excited about the 20% increase in premiums? If we get that kind of increase two more times maybe you guys and gals will wake up.
Don't downgrade. Murphys law
It really sounds like you shouldn't be taking a trip if a 20% increase in ins. premiums has got your ass chapped. Have you never raised your prices for the services you provide in your years of business? Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you did, even if very little. Was it because of the president at the time? Or did you provide a better service than you did before and felt you services warranted the increase in price. Does Moda not have the same right? why is that the presidents fault again?


I am not going to dig on you. Your last post cleared things up to where it would not makes sense to discuss what you think about the cost of any health care.

Just so you know everything your president has told you has been a made up story, Your vote is really going to count this time good luck.

I am not going to dig on you. Your last post cleared things up to where it would not makes sense to discuss what you think about the cost of any health care.

Just so you know everything your president has told you has been a made up story, Your vote is really going to count this time good luck.
LOL, So so sad. Keep thinking the people you are listening to, have your best interests at heart. Dude, you are not even on their radar, you are still considered low class and lazy in there eyes, small potatoes. The people they are looking out for are 10,000x larger than you dude. I think half the shit you say is all BS anyway.