i used to think strain was important, now i dont.

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This fucking thread is still alive? Stop talking to this asshole and maybe if we are lucky he will go read something and learn!
I think good genetics mean more. A good strain with great genetics means even more. And the most important is a good grower!!

OK, thanks for clearing that up. Glad I asked the question.

Considering the utter ignorance on display here, I no longer have to take anything else you say in this thread seriously.

I'm not sure whether or not you really ARE actually this stupid when it comes to basic chemistry, or you were just trolling to begin with (though I favor the latter), but your game here is over.

Here's a little "clue" for you: Not only is THC not 100% soluble in EtOH but there are many other substances (and not just cannabinoids) within dried cannabis plants that are also soluble in alcohol.

There is simply NO F@#$KING WAY that this "assay" (and I use the term loosely here) can deliver an accurate THC measurement, and in fact, were that true, lab testing of THC wouldn't be an expensive and highly specialized proposition.

So enjoy your alleged 25% THC "elite" weed. . .you're a legend in your own mind.

Slight correction. THC and THCA are both miscible (soluble in any ratio) in alcohol and any common solvent except water.

I performed a gravimetric analysis of some bud once. The crude solvent extract figured to 89% THC, and the overall for the bud calculated to 11%. Without chromatography, an extract is a mystery as to exact composition. cn
What a bunch of grade school internet bullies.... ganging up on this guy cause u all think he should see things the way you do - how pathetic
I took some bag seed one day that was not very good.Just remember it had tons of red hairs.So i grew it out side that year.
End product for outside with just water and maybe some compost.Not Good really.Just like the bag of shit it was.
Grew the same seeds inside on my flood table. Good nutes,The right PH,and good consistent light.
Was not a dam bit better.No more THC.It was just a little cleaner tasting because i flushed for a week.
So in my opinion,shit seed will give you shit weed no matter what you do to it.
...............................yep couldnt agree more...... said it before and I will say it again
this is proving my point, thanks new guys who are seeing my point of view. These guys are strain hoarders, who don't want any one to have their strains in fear of them being better growers. Look how you are all feverishly trying to rip down my statement and how you're all bashing additives saying they're not "steroids". Additives are chemically engineered in a lab much like steroids are. like i said before with a mediocre strain and good genetics and some additives/steroids you can make your gonja elite.

I read about half this thread and thats about all I could stomach before I add my 2 pennies. Your somewhat right and somewhat wrong. Your arguement does not include the conditions and variables it takes to produce high quality MJ. Yes nutrients are a large part but so is room temp, humidity, Ph(dirt or water), type of lights (uv spectrum, HID, or CFL's) etc... Your saying strain and genetics like they have nothing to do with each other. Your not including Phenotype either. The thing with MJ genetics is that not everyone knows what is exactly in their seeds to begin with. There may be so called stable strains that display very limited phenotypoes but that does not mean other gentics are not present. The phenotypes that a grower gets from a breeder usually depend on how well that breeder does their job. You can very well take your own seeds and grow them and breed them and make them better by adding other genetics. You say you read a chemistry book but I suggest a biology book. I could talk to you for days about genetics and punnet squares and dominant traits etc... As marijuana has become a huge money industry genetics and strains have leaned more for production. If you want an elite strain I suggest you make it yourself. Hybrid plants can be much better than original parents because of "Hybrid Vigor" taking traits from both mother and father. The key is to find a good pheno and stabalize it which takes a lot of time and patients. Advertised Elite nonsense is usuallly just a marketing ploy to create demand. Stop looking for Elite Strains and search for ELITE Breaders, or become one...

I read about half this thread and thats about all I could stomach before I add my 2 pennies. Your somewhat right and somewhat wrong. Your arguement does not include the conditions and variables it takes to produce high quality MJ. Yes nutrients are a large part but so is room temp, humidity, Ph(dirt or water), type of lights (uv spectrum, HID, or CFL's) etc... Your saying strain and genetics like they have nothing to do with each other. Your not including Phenotype either. The thing with MJ genetics is that not everyone knows what is exactly in their seeds to begin with. There may be so called stable strains that display very limited phenotypoes but that does not mean other gentics are not present. The phenotypes that a grower gets from a breeder usually depend on how well that breeder does their job. You can very well take your own seeds and grow them and breed them and make them better by adding other genetics. You say you read a chemistry book but I suggest a biology book. I could talk to you for days about genetics and punnet squares and dominant traits etc... As marijuana has become a huge money industry genetics and strains have leaned more for production. If you want an elite strain I suggest you make it yourself. Hybrid plants can be much better than original parents because of "Hybrid Vigor" taking traits from both mother and father. The key is to find a good pheno and stabalize it which takes a lot of time and patients. Advertised Elite nonsense is usuallly just a marketing ploy to create demand. Stop looking for Elite Strains and search for ELITE Breaders, or become one...
I appreciate your thought out response to the thread. The variable conditions you are speaking of i hold as your constant ideals, temp humidity light reflection pruning supercropping topping ect. When i refer to "genetics" from my understanding phenotype and "genetics" go hand and hand. I couldn't find a breeder with an elite strain that He/She was willing to share. Which drove me mad and time was not my friend. So i found an efficient quick way to produce high quality marijuana from a good strain with strong good genetics/phenotype and that was researching these additives/steroids then then concocting them into the perfect amount so they compliment each other while putting the plant into "over drive".
Nah man. Some strains are just better. Take Og for instance (any real og). It'll outstone the competition just about every time. Strain, in my opinion, is the most important thing. I've grown sum pretty crap outdoor og, like in the wrong season & in basically pure sand- and it still had that stank, still knocked your socks off. Just little tiny scraggly buds. I've also had a few strains that had big beautiful buds but couldn't stone you worth a damn even though they were grown side by side with strains that were very stoney. I'm figuring you just get consistently good strains. Also some clone only's sometimes get their genetics knocked down in weird ways if they are to many clones out from the momma.
is this Crazey grapes alternite profile?

Nah man. Some strains are just better. Take Og for instance (any real og). It'll outstone the competition just about every time. Strain, in my opinion, is the most important thing. I've grown sum pretty crap outdoor og, like in the wrong season & in basically pure sand- and it still had that stank, still knocked your socks off. Just little tiny scraggly buds. I've also had a few strains that had big beautiful buds but couldn't stone you worth a damn even though they were grown side by side with strains that were very stoney. I'm figuring you just get consistently good strains. Also some clone only's sometimes get their genetics knocked down in weird ways if they are to many clones out from the momma.

If the op was right every strain in coffee shops in Adam would be the same as most are grown the same.

I grow mid-high grade strains side by side and one is stronger than the other
hahaha really dude your only getting .8-.9 gpw from $100 worth of snake oil people hit that and above with just the lucas formula and even jacks classic. your far from the best theirs guys that pull 2 gpw and that aint with advanced either.......dipshit.:bigjoint:

organics no boosters etc i get .8-1.4 gpw strain dependant
Here's a pic of my Dj Short Blueberry 1st day of week 6


Check out the size of the main cola it only gonna get bigger :weed:

LOOOOOOOOOOOOL, i never claimed to have the best shit read the thread i said i can make my Good strains elite. Want to lawyer for some one go to school. READ the thread. My group all has cards and some have driven as far as colorado to get choice clones. You're an ignorant fuck and "hoodies"? Are you serious? We are all students in college most of us are about to graduate with science B and go into medicine. As a lawyer (or attempt to be one) you should have read and got a full understanding of whats going on before you opened that shit eating mouth. Only a dumb "high on" would go into growing with out having properly read about growing meds, And i have proof i posted pictures of week 5. Ill even post more today when my lights come on.

Let's see some of your weed then.
what strain is that? its nice.
Dj short BB and thanks for the compliment. Don't argue with these guys no matter what they say, I got caught up in the madness when I first started but I realize it's a forum and some people don't respect themselves let alone anyone else. I understand where you're coming from all you wanted to do is know is what strain people thought was important
when i started growing i thought the strain i was growing was a big deal as a newb would. Then i began to realize after growing umpteen different strains that its not the strain that's important its how healthy the genetics are and what additives you use. These additives are literally steroids for plants which is fine by me. the same way you can take a skinny guy feed him tons of testosterone and make him arnold. You can do it with a strain as long as the genetics are good. Good being a healthy yield and some what frosty. the reason i say this is if i have a good specimen to work with i can do great things. there is a peak in marijuana and some strains are naturally at this peak but others you can be "boosted" to get there. bud factor x isnt bull shit bud xl isnt bull shit shooting powder isnt bull shit liquid karmo isnt bullshit roots excel isnt bullshit. this stuff is the reason why these old heads that smoked MJ in the good old years of nixon can barely smoke our shit now. H&G AN MF these companies have liberated us growers from douche bags who don't share their strains. I was in shock the first time i heard a "friend" tell me no when i asked for a strain. I was in utter shock and disbelief that people wouldn't share these clones that anyone can make for pennies. This is pot we are talking about all you have to do is cut dip and give time and you have a whole new plant ( great thing about having cell walls). Doesn't that greedy attitude completely counter the holistic philosophy of pot itself??? So, in this rant i solute you plant steroid companies because now i can grow just as potent cannabis with twice the yield and half the price to my customers.
honorable mention goes out to : curing properly

ok i could only manage to read the first 3 lines, they were filled with so many inaccuracies i can only assume you are an imbecile
or have recently received a bump on the head .. you really shouldn't be giving advice in your condition

peace :)
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