I Wanna Come Back As....


Active Member
im gonna come back as a grow light.i can watch my plants grow , i can nurture and be all warm and fuzzy, but if you fuck up. i'll burn yer azz! reincarnation or not.


Well-Known Member
im gonna come back as a grow light.i can watch my plants grow , i can nurture and be all warm and fuzzy, but if you fuck up. i'll burn yer azz! reincarnation or not.
hahaha i like that answer!

i can also agree that coming back as a blue whale would kick ass. did you know that they have an 8 foot dick? crazy huh? but if you think about it proportion wise...thats about average! lol biggest dick in the world if you're a blue whale! :hump:


Active Member
I always thought it would be cool to be a cat. But I dunno. I'd really rather just be frozen and brought back as myself in the distant future.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Sarah!Where the hell have you been!!

I've gotten deja vu before in places I know I've never been,but I don't know what that is...after all,nobody can say for sure what happens until they die and see for themselves.
But anyway, you ARE hot.If you lived a hundred or more years ago, you would be the beauty ideal.But fashions change,and that's why you or I don't fall into that "ideal" category anymore,looks wise. But who cares?Beauty fades,but stupid lasts forever.I'd rather be who I am inside my head now,than to give it up just to be a perfect size 2 with blond hair and blue eyes or whatever. I think it would just make it that much harder when your looks started to go.:joint:
hehe *if* reincarnation were real? well. i've got several past life memories, so for me at least, reincarnation *is* real. but if i had a choice of what to come back as in my next life i would chose...hmm. someone hot. a woman who's hot, and brilliant and not crazy :D if i could choose, yea. thats what i would choose. to be exactly what i wished i was now. that would make this crappy life worth it! hahaha


Well-Known Member
hahaha i like that answer!

i can also agree that coming back as a blue whale would kick ass. did you know that they have an 8 foot dick? crazy huh? but if you think about it proportion wise...thats about average! lol biggest dick in the world if you're a blue whale! :hump:
I dont think you would be able to use it though lol I heard somewhere that whales have sex by staring at eachother.But you could still have bragging rights.


Well-Known Member
If im gonna come back as a person, how about somebody born in a small austrain mountain village, that could be an adventure.

Most likely a giant douglas fir in bc..

Edit... I change my mind I want that lemur in the video below me.


Active Member

Your video reminded me of this one I saw a while back. I wouldn't mind being one of these animals in my next life.



Well-Known Member
Sarah!Where the hell have you been!!

I've gotten deja vu before in places I know I've never been,but I don't know what that is...after all,nobody can say for sure what happens until they die and see for themselves.
But anyway, you ARE hot.If you lived a hundred or more years ago, you would be the beauty ideal.But fashions change,and that's why you or I don't fall into that "ideal" category anymore,looks wise. But who cares?Beauty fades,but stupid lasts forever.I'd rather be who I am inside my head now,than to give it up just to be a perfect size 2 with blond hair and blue eyes or whatever. I think it would just make it that much harder when your looks started to go.:joint:
thank ya dude :hug:
i have so many memories that are crystal clear, and they're of places that are definitely not here. and they all happen when im awake and conscious. and usually when im totally sober. i have memories of a place that i call hell, and i've talked to others who remember the very same things i do. i also have memories of what some people think is atlantis, but i obviously have no idea...lol. i remember one of my past deaths as well...i was buried alive. scary stuff...lots of scary memories, not so many good ones :-|

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hey, it could happen.I used to do the pagan thing myself, but I've found myself being more and more of an atheist as time rolls on.Our bodies are certainly recycled,perhaps our minds are as well. At least you're not one of those people who runs around claiming to be somebody famous in a past life. If I had a past life, I was probably a dirty peasant,lol.
thank ya dude :hug:
i have so many memories that are crystal clear, and they're of places that are definitely not here. and they all happen when im awake and conscious. and usually when im totally sober. i have memories of a place that i call hell, and i've talked to others who remember the very same things i do. i also have memories of what some people think is atlantis, but i obviously have no idea...lol. i remember one of my past deaths as well...i was buried alive. scary stuff...lots of scary memories, not so many good ones :-|
I would come back as the next president.... the one who deprecates the bill of rights, and legalizes weed....

either that, or something more peaceful

like a passion flower vine
or a porpus
or a xmas tree
or an orange tree

or a filthy rich guy who owns multibillion schilling companies (cuz fuck da dollar) <- considering that my playa skills carry over!

or wait for a final thought,
I wanna be a greenback so I could get around and see all walks of life