I want to find a growing mentor.


Active Member
No matter how well written the book (even Sheckie Silverstein's epic 'Da New Quarible'), this thread isn't about reading.

I dare venture a guess that I have access to 10x more books and videos about medical cannabis than the average RIU member. Not bragging one bit, but making the point that I have read a whole bunch of books and have a decent foundation of knowledge about this plant (and botany in general).

And I don't need to get into learning types for it to make sense that I could learn a bunch from an experienced grower. It's kinda like the difference between reading those books and actually doing anything with the knowledge therein.


Active Member
I see this got moved to General, so maybe now more eyes will see it.

Still trying to find a mentor or info on safe places/ways to network with expert growers.


Well-Known Member
No matter how well written the book (even Sheckie Silverstein's epic 'Da New Quarible'), this thread isn't about reading.

I dare venture a guess that I have access to 10x more books and videos about medical cannabis than the average RIU member. Not bragging one bit, but making the point that I have read a whole bunch of books and have a decent foundation of knowledge about this plant (and botany in general).

And I don't need to get into learning types for it to make sense that I could learn a bunch from an experienced grower. It's kinda like the difference between reading those books and actually doing anything with the knowledge therein.
If you've read the books and watched the videoes, then you probably ALREADY have the knowledge necessary to turn yourself into a master grower. In fact, you may be more knowledgeable in some areas than some of the putative "experts" already. As mentioned, growing herb isn't brain surgery, and the latest literature really is state of the art.

What you lack is EXPERIENCE, and the only way to gain it is to actually go through the process of growing yourself.

Do that, and you'll gain all the expertise you need. Short of that, you never will.

I don't know what classifies one as a "master", but I'd say if you actually apply yourself to improving, once you have 10 grow cycles under your belt, using different strains, and under different grow conditions, then you'll already be a low-level "expert". That means you'll be able to grow to completion, train plants, spot and address problems with bugs, fungus, nutrients, etc, harvest, cure, clone, etc.

Along the way, if you have specific questions about specific issues or problems, you can take them here for answers. Even though a lot of the posts here are just chatter (ie BS), when you're ready you'll be wise enough to sort the wheat from the chaff.

Now, if you're interested specifically in commercial-sized farming, then for that particular type of growing, yes, you could probably benefit from some real-world hands on experience with a true "master" gardener. Is that what you're after?

Assuming it is, you'll have to learn the trade the same as any other, in the same way its been done for centuries: You take an apprenticeship with a expert. In exchange for your work, he shows you the ropes.

Go to your local dispensaries, and either by word of mouth, or by written ad, let it be known that you want to apprentice with a serious pro grower.
The offer is that you show up to water, prune, tie, clone, mix nutrients, harvest, manicure, weigh and bag. For that work, you get paid nothing, but along the way you gain experience. If you do a good job, your mentor will probably throw you some product. . .but that's not why you are there. If you do a bad job, you'll be quickly shown the door.

You have to be professional, personable, persistent, and discreet in your networking. If you do these things right, you *might* be able to get the attention of someone willing to show you the ropes. . .though maybe not.


Well-Known Member
Still trying to find a mentor or info on safe places/ways to network with expert growers.
Have you considered making a post on "rollitup.com"?

Seriously, there are expert growers here, and there is a lot of good information to be had, *if* you ask the right questions of the right people.


Active Member
What you described is exactly what I'm after. It doesn't have to be a commercial grower (my motive is growing quality medicine, not making a profit), but I would gladly do grunt work in exchange for help dialing in my own garden.

Your other post just made me laugh, because that's literally why I started this thread in the first place :P

But you bring up some interesting points, a few characteristics a mentor might want from an apprentice:
PROFESSIONAL: absolutely. I'm reliable, easy to get along with and a good communicator.
PERSISTENT: check check. I'm not going to stop looking, just might have to try some other avenues as well.
DISCREET: think so. I'm using RIU thru TOR right now, and I have a TracFone I bought with cash and registered anonymously that I can use to facilitate early communication with potential collaborators. If anything, I've been TOO guarded so far, and that's why I need to be a bit more active in looking for someone with whom I can partner.

Now about getting someone's attention out there . . .


Well-Known Member
This site got me through all me hard time and tot me a lot about growing and to this day still does I would say go get some books and do all the researh you can cause it is not as easy just putting a seed into what ever you grow in and water cause there is so much more to it this days . And if you need any help send me a message and I will help you my best . So I would start reading up on it and look and see witch way you want to grow and researh it and grow for it and good luck


Weed Modifier
How about just asking some questions? and when people reply...you will/should know who Knows their shit!

Seems like you Don't want to get to know some peeps around here, but in order to find the "Master" there needs to be some kind of communication, and right now....all that I know is your searching for a Master grower? they are here ;)


Active Member
Yea, you're kinda right, lime. Having spent time teaching myself a few other hobby-type pursuits by reading online, I'm biased against spending too much time on forums and more inclined to be in 'action mode'. I also recognize that, because I know enough by this point to weed through much of the bologna, it'd probably be worthwhile to spend more time on here and form relationships with standout growers.

Perhaps part of it is, I've asked questions and not gotten anything other than speculative answers from people who seem to know even less than me.

I started a journal and gave up on it because catching up to the current date with the backlog of photos I'd taken, seemed to bore the audience and I wasn't getting much out of it. Plus, I posted it to hennepdesk and got some good feedback, but I haven't had many of the problems I suffered first time around, so I've just been maintaining things and keeping the work (forum participation included) to a minimum.

So thanks for your feedback, lime. You've helped me reconsider my role in actively creating relationships on here rather than just shouting 'HELP!' . . . though, if anyone hears that, I'd still accept lol


Well-Known Member
Yea, you're kinda right, lime. Having spent time teaching myself a few other hobby-type pursuits by reading online, I'm biased against spending too much time on forums and more inclined to be in 'action mode'. I also recognize that, because I know enough by this point to weed through much of the bologna, it'd probably be worthwhile to spend more time on here and form relationships with standout growers.

Perhaps part of it is, I've asked questions and not gotten anything other than speculative answers from people who seem to know even less than me.

I started a journal and gave up on it because catching up to the current date with the backlog of photos I'd taken, seemed to bore the audience and I wasn't getting much out of it. Plus, I posted it to hennepdesk and got some good feedback, but I haven't had many of the problems I suffered first time around, so I've just been maintaining things and keeping the work (forum participation included) to a minimum.

So thanks for your feedback, lime. You've helped me reconsider my role in actively creating relationships on here rather than just shouting 'HELP!' . . . though, if anyone hears that, I'd still accept lol

Hummmm grasshopper you must learn to finish what you start for yourself, not others, the road to enlightenment starts with commitment.

were here and were watching


Well-Known Member
Concensus seems to be that RIU is a good place to get started, and based on what I've been able to accomplish with about 6-7 months of daily reading, that's absolutely true. And just like UB said, I've learned how easily I can be fooled as well.

So in order to get the answers to questions I'd never even thought to ask,
And to make connections that can provide untold opportunities,
And to get my hands onto 'elite' cuts, it seems NECESSARY to toss my hat into the ring.

I fully agree that discretion is important. That's the whole catch-22 of this inquiry, innit? But when it comes to patients helping patients, there's gotta be somewhere in 'real life' where I can turn. There's gotta be someone out there who'd appreciate a hard working helper and wouldn't mind sharing some of their wealth of knowledge in return. And for those who have been so lucky, you must've been in a similar situation to mine at some point.

Surely, someone out there can shed some light on how I can link up with a master grower!
When you find out how to link up with a 'master grower,' be sure to let me in on it. I have a ton of questions for the 'master.'

The only way to learn is by growing. Just do it, friend. I spent months researching this site in silence...then I started growing and quickly found out for myself what is correct and what is incorrect. After completing several successful grows, I decided to start posting them in journals. The experience has been very enriching. I've learned even more and got the deadliest elite genetics from a fellow RIU member. Now I have a cab full of the best OG I've ever grown... and I made a few friends.


Well-Known Member
It is true that probably more then 95% of the posts in this forum are filled with misguided information. But 5% is still a shit ton of great information on here. You just focus on the posts from the clear "masters" that share with us on RIU. And the fact that there are less then 5% masters on here, my guess is thats about how many there really are growing. Which is not great odds for finding a local master who will have an "opening". Not to say it cant be found, im sure if you are in the top 5% of searchers then you'll will find your place sooner or later. All i am saying, is in the mean time, there are some amazing growers that have posted quite a good wealth of solid information on here. Yes it is but a fraction, but it is there for the journeyman grower to pick out the good stuff.


Active Member
So this last week has been great for me. I posted a similar request for help in the CA patients forum, and while nobody replied and told me to keep reading the site, doublejj was kind enough to invite me to the 'Grillitup' BBQ at Camp Far West Lake.

My guess about the benefit of fellowshipping with experienced growers proved accurate within about 30 minutes, as I got a quick tutorial on making a sick butane extract, and then had someone help me with what has been the biggest problem during my second grow.

This great experience along with the concensus in this thread has me realizing how many accomplished growers are here at RIU. So I've done a little update on my journal and I'll be documenting the next one in real time, in its entirety, as well as picking out a few to follow.

Still want to meet and work with someone in the Sac area, and in any case, I'm feeling good about moving forward and expanding my 'medical marijuana mastermind'


New Member
I also need a mentor
After seeing the premiere of Weed Wars, I'm starting to think I've maybe been a bit too safe and cut myself off from some potentially helpful relationships. I'm a legal California patient, but have been extremely cautious so far. No one knows about my garden except my wife and presumably, the people at the hydro store -- assuming they don't sell too many thousand dollar setups to people growing vegetables indoors.

I'd like to have a mentor who can help me channel my hard work into expertise a little faster than trying to put everything together by reading and then trial and error.

But I'm not sure where I'd meet someone like that. For example, I just went to a hydro store over the weekend and had a good rapport with the guys working there. They were about my age and seemed knowledgeable, but I know that sometimes people hang around those stores looking for info (narcs and such), and I don't want to say the wrong thing and look like I'm an asshole.

I've been to a couple grow classes at dispensaries, but many of the attendees seem like rank novices who've read and experienced considerably less than even I have. On the other hand, the teachers -- come to think of it, I did ask one guy about consultation and he said it'd be good if I came back to that class and we got familiar with one another, but I haven't been back after he called in sick and I got stuck sitting in an empty classroom until the official announcement.


I want a growing mentor. Do you have one or know someone who offers that kind of thing? How can I meet someone who can help me improve my grow in exchange for some extra help or a percentage?


Well-Known Member
O -where do you get your numbers from
i have learned a lot from this site

and it is like a slice from life a mix of good bad and ugly (clint eastwood-LOL)
but we are only collecting data then we do wuts best for us -our setup-an whut we grow

i find here that if you ask whut color sumtin is
3 say its white
3 say its black
3 say its gray
then there is the one thats blind from birth trashing you that its orange cause sombody told him that

whut im saying is we get all these diff answers couse only afew have it right
the others should not be answering but they do
that is the problem sum offer answers and salutions when they dont know
sum going by hear say not experience or proven facts
things get watered down
but undernieth it all is sum good
like mankind we must recognize and seperate the two thats our job

good luck to ya


Well-Known Member
Al b.fuct
Uncle ben
Double jj
(couple others cant think of right now)
Follow the advice of these people and you will always have money in your pocket and dope in your jar.