I want to find a growing mentor.


Well-Known Member
O -where do you get your numbers from
i have learned a lot from this site

and it is like a slice from life a mix of good bad and ugly (clint eastwood-LOL)
but we are only collecting data then we do wuts best for us -our setup-an whut we grow

i find here that if you ask whut color sumtin is
3 say its white
3 say its black
3 say its gray
then there is the one thats blind from birth trashing you that its orange cause sombody told him that

whut im saying is we get all these diff answers couse only afew have it right
the others should not be answering but they do
that is the problem sum offer answers and salutions when they dont know
sum going by hear say not experience or proven facts
things get watered down
but undernieth it all is sum good
like mankind we must recognize and seperate the two thats our job

good luck to ya
Look out for the advice givers who have no grow journal or pix and always refer to other users here as "gurus."

Another RIU tip. If you notice a poster giving advice like they're some kind of freaking expert, but they have a very low post count, you can bet Trollie was banned and snuck back in with a new profile. I can spot 'em a mile away. Tons of trollers who have never grown spend all day on here giving 'advice.' I don't know what makes these people tick, and I don't care to know.


Well-Known Member
I want a growing mentor. Do you have one or know someone who offers that kind of thing? How can I meet someone who can help me improve my grow in exchange for some extra help or a percentage?

Im no growing genius (there are many people that know more than me here) but I have been at it for a good 3 or so years so i know how to get you up and running for sure.

Imo the hardest part of growing is learning to recognize/identify plant deficiencies and pest problems. to this day there are some i can't recognize right away. some are easy to spot and others not so much.

if you want some help shoot me a PM and i'll try and answer whatever i can.


Well-Known Member
I'll help you out bro, I do a little indoors also

Start posting regular updates in your journal, I'll come over if necessary to help you.

Maybe you could come over to my place & give me a hand moving some dirt, & I'll show you my indoor set-up

It was good to meet you at the BBQ



Active Member
Im no growing genius (there are many people that know more than me here) but I have been at it for a good 3 or so years so i know how to get you up and running for sure. Imo the hardest part of growing is learning to recognize/identify plant deficiencies and pest problems. to this day there are some i can't recognize right away. some are easy to spot and others not so much. if you want some help shoot me a PM and i'll try and answer whatever i can.
Gracias, homie. I just noticed a bit of P def on a couple of my girls so I upped the bloom foods, but I wonder if I already compromised my yield a bit.
Look out for the advice givers who have no grow journal or pix and always refer to other users here as "gurus." Edit: Another RIU tip. If you notice a poster giving advice like they're some kind of freaking expert, but they have a very low post count, you can bet Trollie was banned and snuck back in with a new profile. I can spot 'em a mile away. Tons of trollers who have never grown spend all day on here giving 'advice.' I don't know what makes these people tick, and I don't care to know.
Solid advice, thanks.
I'll help you out bro, I do a little indoors also Start posting regular updates in your journal, I'll come over if necessary to help you. Maybe you could come over to my place & give me a hand moving some dirt, & I'll show you my indoor set-up It was good to meet you at the BBQ peace doublejj
Funny you should mention it . . . I pulled my Confidential Cheese out of the tent and took a few shots early this morning. I'd be glad to help you out, and love to get my hands dirty. It's been really interesting, how much clearer and more positive my thinking about my garden has been since I talked with everybody at the BBQ. I think adding the social element makes it more 'real' to me somehow, and sure doesn't hurt that everyone was so pleasant and generous :weed: EDIT: accidentally put the photos here at first, now moved to my journal (link in signature)


Well-Known Member
WatchhowIdoit is right on the money.. Basic gardening skills lead to great MJ growing. Personally I think weed is one of the easiest plants to grow (outdoors). Sure it becomes tougher indoors under lights but I bet I couldn't get five gallon buckets of tomatoes growing indoors under lights while outdoors it's easy. I'm still working on the indoor growing.