i want to know all about lsd


Well-Known Member
he got it all for free (Camp Bisco).. hahaha
proving yet again that just cause its free, doesnt mean you should take it.

not following you, we just have similar intersts.

or am i......:fire:

i was just gifted a couple doses suposedly at 200ug. i cant wait for the right evening!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
growwwww.. I'm not too bothered by it though, my tolerance will be that of a two year old, and I'll still be learning about growing.. so it will still turn out okay. I just have to buy a few grams of JWH-018 for the next few years :-D

SlikWill13, I wouldn't have taken that many if it had been me (for the record). Hahaha yeh yeh I know great minds think alike haha. Nice sounds like a good night for you.


Well-Known Member
:oDo you just try to make people jealous around here. Those sound...enlightening.

im a little timid about comsuming them. ill have to pick my co-pilot carefuly, we all know they can make or break an evening.

and no, i dont like making you guys jealous. if it were within my power we would have one hell of a RIU weekend in the woods.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
lsd is a drug made from ergot, a fugus that grows on wheat it was belived that ergot was the cause of the salem witch trials and witch hunting in the inquisition
lsd is actually not just one drug there are so many types some produce more visuals and some produce more mental tripps
it is a very unpredictable drug and works by activateing parts of your brain that r not normally active

lsd is impossible to overdose on and the drug itself cannot kill you but.... it is still a risk
you may not be fully aware of what you r doing and hurt your self EX. i was trippin one day and stabed myself in the leg....
permanant tripps....
well for the most part.... BULLSHIT! the stories about ppl living the rest of there life thinking they are a glass of jucie or other bullshit not true most permatripps are just trails and mild parinoia, and only happen if taken lsd in extreme doses like over 1000 micrograms

i love lsd
Has anyone tried the smoke called LSD from Barneys Farm? I have 3 of them in my grow this year. They "claim" it's really trippy like acid, Hummmm....donno...gonna find out in 2 more months though.
Good luck & good grow......BB


Active Member
i did not read any of the post. Butt. If you want to know about lsd you just need to drop it man. Theres nothing to compair it to. imagine feeling everthing yuv ever wanted to feel or everything yuv ever been afraid of, open up to you at one momment in time but haveing time not exist. thats a small example but its so much more.


Well-Known Member
i did not read any of the post. Butt. If you want to know about lsd you just need to drop it man. Theres nothing to compair it to. imagine feeling everthing yuv ever wanted to feel or everything yuv ever been afraid of, open up to you at one momment in time but haveing time not exist. thats a small example but its so much more.
dear god what aweful advise. 'dont read about it, just fucking eat it dude!'

i prefer to have a substancial amout of knowledge about the substances i consume and feel that anything less is irresponsible drug use.

Thats like 500 bucks worth of LSD where I'm from.
thats what i pay if i buy all 100 at once. actuall retail would be about a G where im at.

floyd- someday, somewhere. theres more than a few members id meet up with in a second if the opportunity arose.