I Want to Learn Anatomy of Marijuana


Well-Known Member
Can someone help me find an article or thread on here or anywhere that explains the anatomy of a marijuana plant in detail. Preferably with pictures because I have never actually seen a marijuana plant in person(other than when its ready to be smoked lol). I plan on starting my first grow soon and I want to know as much as I can about the plant itself. Thanks
It's a simple plant. You got roots, a main stem, branches that extend from the stem and leaves. The only anatomy you need to learn is how to tell a male vs a female and it's pretty obvious. Females grow flowers the plant equivalent of a vagina, males grow pollen sack, like your testicles and throw out pollen(plant sperm) to fertilize the female and make babies(seeds).
Look at some of the 'is it male or female' threads here in the newb section for good examples of boy vs girl.
Mainly I wanted to know what a cotyledon is but I also want to know details like how nutrients are distributed and how the plant grows(like literally what makes the plant grow and how) things of that nature
Go right ahead big mike , the more you know bout it the better you will be at growing it.
Good luck...
aa cotyledon is the baby leaves the plant first has when it sprouts out of its seed. there basicly its baby teeth and will fall off eventually after the plant develops a few nodes.
for basic anatomy id check out wikipedia, for more grow related info check out the sticky on this forum 101 already asked questions
Mainly I wanted to know what a cotyledon is but I also want to know details like how nutrients are distributed and how the plant grows(like literally what makes the plant grow and how) things of that nature

wikipedia is your friend.
Here Mike-- some links... One is the Marijuana abuse site showing MJ problems.. the other shows the difference between Male & Female...

Some of the Jorges Cervantes and Greg Green Books have details on even the different types of roots, parts of seeds etc...

PM me if you want/need more! ;)

Photo's of plant disorders:

Male or Female?

thanks these will definitely come in handy
aa cotyledon is the baby leaves the plant first has when it sprouts out of its seed. there basicly its baby teeth and will fall off eventually after the plant develops a few nodes.
for basic anatomy id check out wikipedia, for more grow related info check out the sticky on this forum 101 already asked questions

so where the reach the stem wouldn't be considered a "true node"?
a node is the point on the main stem where branches and new growth develop from. the point on the stem where the cotlyedons attach isnt generally considered a true node because the cotlyedon leaves dont grow out into branches they just fall off. a true node is basicly any node except for where the cotlyedons attach
a node is the point on the main stem where branches and new growth develop from. the point on the stem where the cotlyedons attach isnt generally considered a true node because the cotlyedon leaves dont grow out into branches they just fall off. a true node is basicly any node except for where the cotlyedons attach

thanks i appreciate the help
so where the reach the stem wouldn't be considered a "true node"?

Mike....if your serious about learning about the plant.....Marijuana Botany By Robert Connell Clarke.....its a definitive advanced study of Cannabis.......... The Cannabis Grow Bible by Greg Green.......... Marijuana Horticulture by Jorge Cervantes.......... Each book is priced between $25.00 and $30.00 dollars but worth thier weight in gold.....and if you want to grow.....its super nice to have a book you can pull out when you have a question... There you go bud.....good luck!!

Mike....if your serious about learning about the plant.....Marijuana Botany By Robert Connell Clarke.....its a definitive advanced study of Cannabis.......... The Cannabis Grow Bible by Greg Green.......... Marijuana Horticulture by Jorge Cervantes.......... Each book is priced between $25.00 and $30.00 dollars but worth thier weight in gold.....and if you want to grow.....its super nice to have a book you can pull out when you have a question... There you go bud.....good luck!!


thanks bear i was just reading up on greg green since LadyZandra recommended his books to me earlier and i've watched jorge cervantes grow video on youtube(not to mention every other grow video on youtube). i am definitely serious about learning about the plant. since i won't be able to start my first grow until august i want to learn as much as i can in the mean time.
thanks bear i was just reading up on greg green since LadyZandra recommended his books to me earlier and i've watched jorge cervantes grow video on youtube(not to mention every other grow video on youtube). i am definitely serious about learning about the plant. since i won't be able to start my first grow until august i want to learn as much as i can in the mean time.

The internet is good...allot of info but there is nothing like a book ( guide ) you can carry it with you to the grow.....its just a great resource to have....I'm a book person anyway.....my daughter gave me a kindel for xmas......I hated to tell her to return it but I knew that I would never use it because I like books....but seriously....the books are broken down into chapter by chapter discussing every topic at length...
Any book on plant physiology, followed by books on pesticides and systemics will give you a decent understanding of the hows/whys of the plant, and how pesticides depending on their type can greatly affect the grow in question. Books on horticulture will help with this in a more broad sense, but will help in all other areas plant-related too.
Any book on plant physiology, followed by books on pesticides and systemics will give you a decent understanding of the hows/whys of the plant, and how pesticides depending on their type can greatly affect the grow in question. Books on horticulture will help with this in a more broad sense, but will help in all other areas plant-related too.

thanks Figong i've never grown anything so i guess a general knowledge of plants would definitely help me with my grow as well a guide tailored specifically to growing marijuana