I was robbed~!!!!!!!

for real man ??? That sucks but yo u can get security servailance systems for 99 bucks and there digital u can watch it over ur television I have one there amazing but I also have 2 purebread texas rednose pittbulls :) there the best alarm system u could ask for, again I feel for your loss man.
To be honest for some to be that skillfull is rare they have to be someone u know and or have dealt with or its some u deal with who paid or got other to do it so u wouldent catch the people u know just thank of the past month any suspicious vehicles infront of your house any new friends over ? Anything at all out of the norm smallest thing counts.
Poly, have you told anyone you know that this happened? If you just keep quiet the persons who did it will make themselves stand out. If you tell people, and it gets around, everyone has a nice cover.