most criminals wont hit a place 2x regardless. but altar is right its a must to move. just because the same peeps wont do it doesnt mean someone they told wont. and really if they get told "they made it more secure" the more likely the next round they bring a gun or a weapon.
Stick up boys aint smart. but they smart enogh not to revisit places that they already hit. especialy if they see plants. they know they arent going to live lomg if they hit a grower. most of us defend our shit with lethal force. i dont know a single grower who would let a jacker leave alive. we handle buisness. And many are backed by real criminals. they usually hit our places by accident. but they know from looking at a place. they can tell the difference between a personal grow and a comercial.
9/10 they wont touch a comercial grow. they know we dont let that go. most move on when they see enough plants. they wont risk having someone killing them (which is a real threat when you hit a big grow).
but if its a rip and run, they will grab anything they can. crackheads arent worried about how long they will live. or how they die. the best pdovention is a dog and havimg someome around. this will garentee no jackers will run up theu yoir shit. they more scared of dogs than a 12 guage.
dogs dont miss. jackers will not even attempt a place with a gaurd dog. they know they will get fucked up.
whatever you do, make yoir house unhospitable to jackers, and they wont come. they look for eazy targets.
they arent looking for bulky dope growing gear. they want quicck eazy scores. but if you make your house obviously inhospitable, chances.are they will pass.
lucky i live in a rural area. no one tries to fuck around cause thats a good way to get dead. almost anyone in these parts will kill a thief.
if you make it a place thieves dont find eazy, they wont bother.most wont risk they lives for a g.
but crackhead will. and once they hit, ylu have to either leave or kill em. just nove on and save yourself the hassle