I was robbed~!!!!!!!

Sorry to hear about your trouble. Karma will definately get them in the long run.

When you find out who did this(most people do), if you are considering revenge, then relocate first. Try and not use a weapon that is registered to you.

Further precautions should be taken in the future. Leason learned..

Good luck to you!
You need to figure out which of your friends did this...

man the (friend)options are so limited, that i dont think it was a friend, i really suspect my neighbors.

really i only have 2 freinds both grow. the only other peeps who knew about the grow where my brothers, and they dont talk either. there is that chance im looking at all avenues.

but it did seem like thye knew where the shit was so "friends" are a possibility.
im probably gonna move asap.. but that was my life and savings this latest harvest was what was gonna move me. its really fucked up. i thank all of you for your support and ideas thank you guys.
i really dont have friends or people i associate, i know this is everybody first though but if you knew me you would understand. i have 2 grower friends and thats pretty much all the people i kick it with besides my girlfriend.
Sounds like a typical inside job. Keep your ears open for anyone who suddenly has a stash they're getting rid of.

Also, why did they rob you while you were home? Did you mention to someone that you were busy/heading out and then you just fell asleep and they thought the coast was clear? I bet there are clues you're unaware of.
Sorry to hear, my ex and I have been robbed twice, it was some years ago. We lost an entire outside grow one day before harvest was to happen, he wrongly suspected one of his friends but now we are almost certain it was an extended relative. The second time we were robbed of an enduro dirt bike that we had for sale, the guy wanted to test drive it and drove it right off our property and had someone else drive his car that he arrived in. It was worth 7G's, and we had no insurance. We found that guy from asking around. He had did this same type of robbery several times and was known for it. I suggest you start asking around for who does this type of thing in your area. Most people are likely to do the same type of crime over and over again. No doubt he lives close to you. Most of theses people dont' have it together enough to go to far from home, especially to break in your house. I think he would have been already inside and knew where to go and what he was looking for. Best of luck...I feel your pain.
that's what i was thinking.

tetris champs and former tetris champs think a like.

LOL! I was so pissed when I logged on one day and didn't see my tag.

I didn't think anyone would of beat it to be honest and had my doubts over its legitimacy, but the game didn't really get much faster past a certain point, I just fucked up trying to get tetris like a greedy person since they're worth like 25k that high of levels.

I will try to beat yours once I find more time in my life even though you crushed my score.
Awww man poly, I'm so sorry to hear this. Fuck dude. Definitely relocate before starting back up.

I really hope you figure out who did this, too. Shit.
Sorry to hear about that poly, did they get any of your strains or what all did you lose?

Let me know I can prob help you get some of your's back.

Get the fuck outta the place and go somewhere else.
Yeah I was trying to think of what I could offer but all I could think of was some extra gear... would be glad to send it out to you if you want poly but I figured this would be a bad time to suggest you give your address to people you only know over the internet. Still, offer stands, if they took your gear anyway.

You said "everything"--what is everything? All plants? All plants and all gear? Or like.. all plants, all gear, and all your fuckin belongings? :(
Ya I would deff move before I grew again. And unless you move to a medical state I wouldn't give out my real address either. but I'm with altar I'll help out with what I can bro.
sorry to hear i was robbed once too but it was for my guitars, and computer set up, it really sucked getting the shit kicked out of me by 5 guys too. but live and let learn i forgive them i hope they have wonderful easy lives as well/
Completely off subject but glad to see your back to regular size sunni :D

and anyone who hits a women deserves to be shot, stupid fuckers have no respect these days
Maybe your girlfriend put an ambien in your drink and had her friends rob you?

Can never trust females...

i tend to agree with something like this. normally a light sleeper and did not hear any of this going on. is the grow room too far away that you wouldn't hear a broken window? what was the main target of the theft? the grow or everything in the whole place?

what happened during that day? people you were with. were they at your place? could someone have slipped you something in a drink? do you have a certain drink you have every night before bed? could have been put in there the day before, knowing you would drink it?

a little far fetched i guess but you have to think like five-0 here and everyone is guilty until proven innocent. on that note, where was this girl friend during this time?

you mention neighbors. why would they rip you off? did they know?

i am sorry this happened.