i waz FKN roobed

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
That is so fucked. You have them on video but because you dont have signs saying they are on video it cant be used.. The world is so skewed with bullshit rules from well-meaning idiots... the only philosophy that makes any sense is an eye for an eye


Well-Known Member
That is so fucked. You have them on video but because you dont have signs saying they are on video it cant be used.. The world is so skewed with bullshit rules from well-meaning idiots... the only philosophy that makes any sense is an eye for an eye

Oh believe me...!!! The video I am sure could be used. Just not in a civil court of peers. I would say in a very private court with some peers, steel pipes and a little duct tape and a pair of pliers. :cuss:


Well-Known Member
I think the cops excuse about signs is a bit off.
Did the video have an audio segment?

Heh, if the cops play their cards right they'll hold off on the bust and wait for the kids to start selling. Then they can tell you they caught the kids, and tell the media they nailed major dealers with "5 pounds of dangerous drugs".

If your surveillance is going to a computer and you have high speed internet, a site like dropbox is awesome. Since you sync up your files to a remote system. They can steal the computer but they can't steal the internet :)


Well-Known Member
I think the cops excuse about signs is a bit off.
Did the video have an audio segment?

Heh, if the cops play their cards right they'll hold off on the bust and wait for the kids to start selling. Then they can tell you they caught the kids, and tell the media they nailed major dealers with "5 pounds of dangerous drugs".

If your surveillance is going to a computer and you have high speed internet, a site like dropbox is awesome. Since you sync up your files to a remote system. They can steal the computer but they can't steal the internet :)

What is dropbox??


Well-Known Member
its a good video very clear of there faces. but because i did not have signs post about video surveillance the cops say that they probably won't be able to use it in court but to have there pic is great they say to help catch them.
video evidence is the best evidence you could have in court... if what they said was true red light cameras wouldn't hold up in court but they sure do


Well-Known Member
right but anywhere where there is surveillance cameras like stores parkin lots etc.. there r signs that say there r cameras.. like even i have a lil sign that say this prop under video surveillance.. no matter how big the sign is or where its placed if u have one u can use tape as evidence..


Well-Known Member
right but anywhere where there is surveillance cameras like stores parkin lots etc.. there r signs that say there r cameras.. like even i have a lil sign that say this prop under video surveillance.. no matter how big the sign is or where its placed if u have one u can use tape as evidence..
so ure saying without the sighn u cant use tapes as evidence?fuck evidence,.,lol.,.,im going to be the judge and jury.,.,ure guilty,lol


Well-Known Member
lol yes u can use it as evidence if your judge and jury.. but i believe the thinking behind the signs is as long as you made an attempt to notify all visitors that they r on video surveillance and they enter your property it is almost a kind of consent to tape..lol

but true story me and four friends use to run this house we had it all rigged up wit cameras and shit.. one day these kids broke in stole a bunch of yip, and bud.. had them on tape from the time they entered the driveway to the time they left.. well the cops got called by the neighbors so by the time we get there we think we got raided lol so the recording device was hidden in the bathroom so the tapes were left. the cops wouldnt touch em cause there was no notice sayin we were taping so we watched them saw who it was ran up in their house at dinner time and destroyed them and their dirt bag dad (he drove the car) trashed the house and jacked our shit back..cops questioned us and we were all like huh?? how would we know who robbed us remember as far as u said the recoprdings dont exist.. but they admitted to the cops they robbed our house and thats why we came at them LMAO.. we got our shit back they went to jail and had to pay restitution to us....and somehow the tapes we had ended up missing when the cops came lookin for em to use against us..weird huh?


Well-Known Member
hey bro.. heard what happened to ya yesterday.. didnt see the thread till today tho...

im sorry to hear about that shit.. after all your hard work.. and how beautiful those girls were... it made me sick...

im glad you and your wife are ok and nothing happened that way...

its fucked bro.. your one of the coolest guys i know... its shitty when bad things happen to good people...

at least you can rely on karma to get them...


Well-Known Member
What is dropbox??

It's an app that creates a folder called "My Dropbox".

You get 2 gig of storage, and you can share folders with other people or just leave the video on their servers. (So use it for security, but don't upload video of your grow room unless you're a legal grower).

When a file is updated it's uploaded to dropbox. So if you're buddy is on the same share, he'll get the latest still images and video sync'd to his computer as they are updated on the server.

If you're recording video you want it to save small segments of video instead of big ones, so it updates quickly, just in case someone comes in and then steals the computer used for security or cuts your internet. Still images can be uploaded in a couple of seconds.

If you use wireless webcams then it's even easier to hide your system from B&E scumbags.

It's a very handy system :)


Well-Known Member
That really sucks bro. Hopefully they will get busted selling your meds. little bastards. Very glad you and your wife are OK.


Well-Known Member
i thought the same thing IAM...

it just seems to... planned out... they knew he had just harvested... where it was... ect ect... it sucks when you can trust anyone.... fucking little bastards...

hey MG.. think its related to the previous encounter you had??


Well-Known Member
like i said, timing was too good...
right after harvest, safe was open, guy was out hunting, far from home and likely to have cell phone turned off.
too many coincedences there.
the evidence will be on the video.
if they knew you were not going to be there they would not be carrying weapons, no need for em, right?


Well-Known Member
Is it too late to hang a "security camera in use" sign on the property and jst say it's always been there.


Well-Known Member
Is it too late to hang a "security camera in use" sign on the property and jst say it's always been there.
I second that. It's horrible this happened to you, I hope they catch the little brats and are able to get at least some of your stuff back.


Well-Known Member
Explain why teenagers know you have weed and know where your safe is or why you don't hide it and why have a safe if your not going to lock it.You said you where hunting so I kind of get the type of mind set you have.