Matt Rize
We tested the Xtraktor bags. And our conclusion is to stick with Mila's bags from Holland for drain bags, and Bubbleman's work bags. The Xtraktor bags seemed to both alter the yield and lower the quality compared to the Mila bags. "Pollinator" aka Ice-o-lator Bags.Mr. Rize thanks so much for posting all of this incredible information. Your love for what you do shows by how you present yourself. Many thanks.
To Matt or anybody else who might know;
This was my first run using Matt's excellent instructions. Everything turned out well except I expected a bit more in the yield department.
First I noticed that it was easy to spray the actual hash through the screens. I felt like I was losing lots of hash by spraying the it towards the middle. Every time I would try and spray it towards the middle I was spraying it through the screen itself. This was especially noticeable for the 90 and 73 screens.
I know the bags are quality because I got the x-tractor bags Matt recommended.
Second question being is yield related to ratio of ice to water? I mean I am wondering if you get more yield with more ice due to decreased water temperature. I ask because I bought 120lbs of ice and was running out towards the end (lots of trim) so I just scimped on ice instead of running out and buying more. Was this a bad idea? Wondering if tons of ice is absolutely necessary on every run.
Thanks a lot guys.
Never skimp on ice!!!