ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

Didn't weigh out the starting material but it was a little less than a gallon zip lock back worth of some good fresh frozen trim/popcorn. Got little less than 7 grams of bubble hash.

Can't complain because I usually toss that stuff in the garbage.... won't ever do that again.

did you have to take a class to produce that product?
Yea I took a bubble hash 101 class at my community college. Lmao! Just got the equipment and did it... good info here on RIU.
Yea I took a bubble hash 101 class at my community college. Lmao! Just got the equipment and did it... good info here on RIU.

i wasnt being a smart ass, there are just people out there that are charging hundreds of dollars to watch them make it.
i wasnt being a smart ass, there are just people out there that are charging hundreds of dollars to watch them make it.

Lol... in that case my bad... just read up and watched some of matt's videos on the tube... did a gentle 15 minute hand stir then drained them in the bags. Removed. Then dried till the next day then microplaned and jarred to cure. Worked like a charm...can't believe I've been tossing my trim all this time...
Wow! You rock Matt, way to share your secrets with all of us!!

So just finished reading this whole thread. I have most everything needed, and what I don't is on the way. I am super excited about experimenting with your techniques!! Will definitely post up my results with pics!!
i wasnt being a smart ass, there are just people out there that are charging hundreds of dollars to watch them make it.

I do free classes, for years now. I will announce when the next one is, but only for 215ers as class is held in the CCA dab lounge. :)
Sorry for those who see this in both Frenchy's thread and this one, but since I use techniques from both, I thought it was worth the double-post.

I did an interesting ice water (bubble) hash experiment last week. I started out with 10 ounces of really high quality Barney's Farm LSD and TGA Third Dimension trim. By "high quality," I mean I kept the top cola and whatever was one node below it, and used the rest for hash. Probably 2 ounces were dried, the rest was fresh trim.

I made six twelve-minute runs in the washing machine, and separated them in pairs: run 1 & 2 (A Grade), run 3 & 4 (B Grade), run 5 & 6 (C Grade). I used three bags -- a 160 as a trash catcher, and a 45 and 25. The 45 I kept, the 25 I used to make butter with. After a day in a cold fridge, I used a microplane to break up the masses (thanks Matt Rize!), and dried it for another day. I then decarbed in a double-boiler for 30 minutes. It's amazing the different textures that resulted, as you'll see below. The A grade is dense, black and sticky. The B grade is much greener, but could probably be pressed into a ball of hash if I worked on it. The C grade is like powder, and wouldn't press no matter what you did to it.

Grade A yielded 5.5 grams, grade B, 4 grams, grade C, 3.5 grams.

I cured in jars for a few days, then sent each sample off to the lab for analysis. The A grade was 48%, B grade 22%, C grade 14%.

Based on this, I'm going to do 2 runs and call it a day. It will seriously lower the yield, but since it's all headstash for me, that's fine.
WOW! Great post man! Lab results to boot! Thanks for sharing this wonderful information and your experience.
in related news i just checked my last few hits of ghost train haze1 icewax thats been in the freezer COLDCHILLIN for like 3 months now straight. testing to see if condensation forms or any negatives to the possible freezer cure/burn... no condensation. have to grab the rig to taste , be back in a few with pics and smoke report. ill quote my original post as well to compare pics of the sites

I do free classes, for years now. I will announce when the next one is, but only for 215ers as class is held in the CCA dab lounge. :)

yea i am sure i would stick out like an orange hat with a green bill down there too, being from Texas :wink:
havent blazed the wax yet, been vaping bho like whoa...but i did smell it and it smelled of my bubba kush, that garlic onion type funk...mmmm ill burn it in the am tho.

I do free classes, for years now. I will announce when the next one is, but only for 215ers as class is held in the CCA dab lounge. :)

WOW! Great post man! Lab results to boot! Thanks for sharing this wonderful information and your experience.

Let us know Matt! I am up in the foothills and come down to the bay all the time. Would be honored to share some of my strains/smoke with you and get some tips in person!! ;)
Aw, see now Kalyx?.. Your experience in the realm of BHO is indicative of poorly made BHO.

Ok fine. I will be the first to admit I am no BHO expert, I do not even consume it! The professional extractor who my limited experience (grams and grams and then QUIT, I AM a DABBER! Just an IWE dabber!) will be at the secret cup in denver. I don't think you would say that if you are lucky enough to try his product! He is entered in 2 categories; Budder Pros. Are you gonna compete with your winterized shatter? They have both shatter and high THC extract categories; put your $$$ where your mouth is bud!

Even with a well-purged oleoresin, the abundance of plant wax, some fats and even some terpenes are the source of the coughs.

Edit: Cannabis oil in it's natural state, is an expectorant coughing is inevitable, when cannabis is involved, so I can't see that being ” proof” of anything.

Dab some very high quality IWE and you
will understand what a cough-free dab is, even HUGE dabs... still no sketchy little coughs!

I would bet my ball-sack, if you were to experience a dab of my winterized shatter, bright bold hues of orange/red gold completely transparent glass I can nearly guarantee you could hold the vapor in your lungs and not cough a single bit.

I wouldn't take that bet as I only (and very rarely) ingest BHO that is made by a professional extractor with quality input!
I was taught by those who know to:
1. Always dab BHO through water or else that floaty reclaim will be inside you!
2. Never hold in BHO dabs or else more reclaim will stay inside you!
3. (added by me) F BHO altogether, stick with IWE!

As I've said in the past, I am a firm believer that both IWE and BHO are viable means of medicating, both extracts have their own place in our modern-day canna-kulture. I'm not sure why it always turns into a ” combative” capacity.

There is a place for each as they are both around. I have yet to hear of anyone getting sick (lowered immune system), puking, passing out, swelling shut or being hospitalized due to IWE dabs. I personally know one or multiple 'victims' of each of those side-effects listed. And these are sick folks on medical, using both street and dispensary oils. Personally it is not worth the health risk, just to get a few percentage points higher in a concentrate. And everyone agrees IWE is tastier, especially than shatter!

I'm still studying Mr.Rize, Mr. Cannoli and Mr. T (ha) Nikka of course. These 3 individuals have sparked a passion in my soul to learn the art of IWE.. I'm starting my first indoor garden within a week or two, and hopefully in a few years I'll be somewhat good at it..

At that point, I would utilize IWE to treat my symptoms..

Good concentrate starts in a properly grown (organic living soil IMO) and properly harvested crop (with hashing in mind) of concentrate-able quality genetics. I grow and extract all my own medicine and have been doing so for a decade. I teach other patients how to do the same...

I do agree with the ” F BHO” comment in regard to safety many idiot wanna-be chemists blowing off their hands and shit..yes indeed..that shit angers me.

Its not their lost hands that angers me, it is risking bystanders and family members, AND MOSTLY the press coverage of these incidents adding to negative public perceptions of cannabis. IME a harmless, and beneficial substance.

But until I'm to produce quality/potency levels close to the 3 aforementioned individual hash-masters, I must stick to my shatter.
My first try was okay.. I managed a full melt... But I need way more practice.

It is clear to me that quality and potency are not one in the same, potency is an aspect of quantity as opposed to quality. Practice makes perfect... hash is an art. Artists get good by practice, not by studying!

Grow some houseplants and veggies too. Get some growing under your belt! Learn to water and read plants. Research is just reading on the internet for most people. The plants will teach you all you need to know.

It is a very nice, fulfilling experience to make your own concentrate starting with culitivation. Full circle if you will, as I feed my IWE leftovers to the worm bin that makes vermicompost for my garden, and brew a tea with the best smelling input water available, feeding those terps and everything smaller than my 38 micron bag right back into my living soil when the tea is drenched in...
My blackberry kush 70 micron IWE melts into a flavor-packed goo-puddle and i don't have to winterize it or even increase its SA, just carefully (slow/cool) dry it as a thin fruit roll up and its melty dab heaven. Its taken quite a few phenos of searching to find...

Nice conversing with you dabsalot, not to sound combative but my nail is cleaner than yours! What is all that crud pasted onto yours? I can still see through my quartz after grams and grams of dabbing, it torches to a clean white ash just like proper (organic and mature) flower bowls should burn too, no black or (gasp) colored residues building up at all! Dab on... however you see fit!:peace:
winterizing/dissolving bubble hash into everclear, filtering, freezing, filtering, and evapping produces some of the most beautifully smooth and tasty oil in the world!!!!!