if a plant can be found it deserves to be taken? +rep for thoughts and comments.

you didnt know?!?!
ya! im only on riu cuz one day we were rele fxed up and he made me one. he picked my name nd all that
i used to make fun of him for being on here all day but now here i am hahahah


Well-Known Member
haha damn, no shit.. naw i thought i'd seen you here before. you blend in very well haha, we're a special community here at toke and talk if you haven't noticed :idea::o:o


Well-Known Member
as a teenager I'd of probably cut it down and smoked it up with buddies. As a teenager the world is a very small place and the only "real" people are your friends and parents. Everyone else is kinda non-existant.

As you get older you hopefully start realizing that the world is filled with people that have similar thoughts/dreams/desires as yourself. They seem less non-existant and more "real". The world becomes bigger...and you become more aware of it.

Now a days...I'd leave the plant alone and get away from the area as quickly as i could.


Active Member
im half and half on this one, i agree with both sides if i found some would i take that shit hmmmmmmmm probably, if you found $20 on the floor would you pocket it or take that shit to the police!!

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
im half and half on this one, i agree with both sides if i found some would i take that shit hmmmmmmmm probably, if you found $20 on the floor would you pocket it or take that shit to the police!!
A 20 dollar bill on the ground was lost. A grow that has been tended to and taken care of is not lost. I see a big difference.

Stealing someones grow is a pretty shitty thing to do.


Well-Known Member
if i find a plant growing wild, i would take a taste, and maybe a clone, but not the whole plant

and if someone fucked with one of my plants, i would hunt them down

so i guess im a little of a 50/50 hypocrite


Well-Known Member
where is creepystevie at? i miss him :-(


here i am!! lol i missed you too. i was up all night tossing and turning... thinking "oh pnugg... somewhere out under this very moon youre there waiting..."

...as for this thread topic. i didnt read all the responses BUT i do have an opinion...

1. i had a plant jacked myself back in april? so i think its fucked up to steal someones shit.
2. kill all the deer. i checked on my second outdoor attempt yesterday. those guys are worse than the theives who steal it. at least if someone steals it still might prosper and turn into good smoke for SOMEONE. just not you. when the deer eats it all the precious genetics and opportunity to get magical magical buds literally turns to shit.

so what would i do?


take a cutting... no harm no foul.


Well-Known Member
Many years ago I grew gorilla style in a National Forrest in Wa state.

While looking for good places to plant I stumbled across another persons grow. They were real nice plants, well cared for. They were about a mile 1/2 from my spot.

I just made a mental note of it and went about my business. However I did return from time to time to see how they were doing!

One time I spotted a couple of large weeds growing under the plants. I pulled them up and deliberately left them on a stump where they were sure to find it! ( I have a twisted sense of humor):o

A year later at a neighbors birthday party, while outside smoking weed with the tokers, I told that story.

One of the guy's in the 'smoking circle' ( I didn't even know the guy at the time) said "That was you!" "You SOB, you drove me crazy!" I laughed out loud! This was too funny!

I actually got to hear everything he went thru trying to deal with it. He said I was the only one to ever find his spot. When I told him I would return on occasion to check on them, his face turned white!

He was mad at me at first, but in the end we both agreed I left his garden in better shape than I found it!:-P


yeh man if it was on your property than heads should roll. that is really fucked up and i didn't realize that was the situation when i posted last time.

Sr. Verde

I have never found/taken one so...

But I would say if it looked like they took care of their plant and took the time to hide it I wouldnt take it

but if it was right out in the open and not taken care of well and it doesnt look like the grower appreciates that magic herb I would probably replant it and take care of it myself


Well-Known Member
i dont agree with stealing someones crop, thats pretty dark.

BUT I will say - if i stumbled across one next to harvest time, i would defo help myself to a few nice looking buds. If u havent hid the grow very well this is the least you deserve!


Active Member
As a youngster,I was taught by my mother,that if you take something that don't belong to you,its STEALING.
I've found other peoples plants in the past,and always left them there.I wish people who found my plants would do the same.


I put up with alot of peoples shit. I have a pretty long fuse. But one thing I absolutely will not put up with is when people steal from me, its one of the few things that turn me violent. I just work too damn hard to let some random dipshit take my stuff.