if a plant can be found it deserves to be taken? +rep for thoughts and comments.


Well-Known Member
had it happen to me. had 4 killer old skool hawaiian plants in 1991. all the kolas where gone day b4 harvest. i was way bummed everyday. find it maybe take a small sample lower branch and leave my weed alone. thats what i did when i found a small crop.


Well-Known Member
Many years ago I grew gorilla style in a National Forrest in Wa state.

While looking for good places to plant I stumbled across another persons grow. They were real nice plants, well cared for. They were about a mile 1/2 from my spot.

I just made a mental note of it and went about my business. However I did return from time to time to see how they were doing!

One time I spotted a couple of large weeds growing under the plants. I pulled them up and deliberately left them on a stump where they were sure to find it! ( I have a twisted sense of humor):o

A year later at a neighbors birthday party, while outside smoking weed with the tokers, I told that story.

One of the guy's in the 'smoking circle' ( I didn't even know the guy at the time) said "That was you!" "You SOB, you drove me crazy!" I laughed out loud! This was too funny!

I actually got to hear everything he went thru trying to deal with it. He said I was the only one to ever find his spot. When I told him I would return on occasion to check on them, his face turned white!

He was mad at me at first, but in the end we both agreed I left his garden in better shape than I found it!:-P
You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.
just a reminder to myself of where i left off on reps


Well-Known Member
What if someone breaks in and finds your shit?Happened to me.1 day before 12/12.These guys didnt know what was in there they just saw me going in and out regularly and decided to break in.(a lil house behind a house)They took my 4 plants and my 400w hid setup..they left the nutes and instruments(ph,ppm meter)..Dumbasses...I got nuthin but somethin HOt for they ass now.This is for pot theives.


i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
i have found plants out in the glades huntin countless times and about 5 times they were ready when i stumbled across them and each time i took about an ounce and fell no remorse and i left the rest , all who the fuck knows how many lmao =) lotz of planties lol but i would never steal somones hard earnd harvest and i really dont need it , my weed is the best around lmao


Staff member
stealing is wrong and stealing pot = not cool someone put time and effort and love into growing not just pot either, but honestly like how pissed would you be if you went to your garden and all your tomatoes and cucumbers and shit were stolen? stealing is stealing no matter what the item is

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
What if someone breaks in and finds your shit?Happened to me.1 day before 12/12.These guys didnt know what was in there they just saw me going in and out regularly and decided to break in.(a lil house behind a house)They took my 4 plants and my 400w hid setup..they left the nutes and instruments(ph,ppm meter)..Dumbasses...I got nuthin but somethin HOt for they ass now.This is for pot theives.
Thats smart...


i think your right about if its not yours and you take it that its stealing but lets say your hiking in the woods and you come across a plant how are you supposed to know if its not wild(unless there are obvious signs of man) if i saw a plant in the middle of no where with no sign of man i would take it but that would be the only time and now that i think about it if i ever do this im gonna leave a name and a # with if you want your plant back call me lol