If everything you needed was provided for you...

I'D take me one of those trips to space with Sally

It would have never worked out. She had blew eyes.

One blew this way and the other blew that way. Sorry. Couldn't resist.
It would have never worked out. She had blew eyes.

One blew this way and the other blew that way. Sorry. Couldn't resist.

i'm busting out the 9/11 jokes now then.

Q: What’s the biggest difference between 9/11 and the Oklahoma City Bombing?
A: Foreigners once again prove they can do it better and more efficiently.
i bet your mom's proud of your google fame. if she read some of the shit you posted i doubt she'd continue to give you money to do the dumb shit you do. tell your sister tho she doesnt have to eat food anymore so she'll be safe from the aliens. i got all the protein she needs.
dumb shit=goin to diff states/countries to roll up weed with a ticket an smoke it. im sure she's soo proud. dont put your sister down like that...thats my job face down ass up that is. who i really feel sorry for is your younger brothers seein pics of you bein gay with dudes an lookin like a half retarded charles manson. i hope you arent around em much to turn em into idiotic boy lickin kids.
Did you guys know those astronauts were still alive after the breakup of the shuttle, NASA reported 3 of them turned on their oxygen after the explosion - which means they were killed slamming into the ocean having essentially skydived from 80,000 feet?
The Nose Section of the last one that blew over Texas and Louisiana landed in my cousin's front yard.He was tampering with it when the Suburban's pulled up.They weren't very happy with him.
... what would you do with your life?
I'd be president of the world...

Seriously tho...

Only thing I need is to win a 50 million dollar lotto and then I'd go live cheaply traveling from island for the rest of my life on a boat, avoiding Somalia of course.
Everything i "need" is already provided for free.. So my answer would be that i'd continue to do as i am doing to get what i want.
i'd put my life at risk on a regular basis, not only to feel the exhilaration of knowing my life is at stake but also to gain a higher appreciation of the fact that our lives are so out of our command that it humbles you.