If Medicare is better than private insurance...

So you want cocksauce on your tombstone?

I think that can be arranged for you, whitey.

I don't eat frozen pizza. Although I do like cock sauce on my own home made pizza. How did you know white sauce is my favorite? It's simply delicious, made from cashews, and various herbs.

Would you like the recipe?
Think what you want. Your opinions now mean nothing to me. But if your rants make you feel better, go right ahead, and keep them up. You know how I really feel. Why do I need to deny or justify what I consider a stupid accusation?

If you ever get a clue that: white men(also especially Christians) aren't this imaginary Devil, Russian memes are just potentially funny to some(not an invasion plot), and those who disagree with you aren't necessarily racist; then hit me up. Otherwise have fun pounding sand.

Because AC was the one calling people racist names, and I laughed at him for it, but you complain at me. Makes sense, in some bizarro universe we now apparently live in.
I have no clue how you really feel because you are entirely disingenuous. And you keep projecting onto me your insecurities, which I find enlightening.
Here is a salient story on the healthcare debate and an example of the"jenuis " of Donald Trump. How many of his base are on medicare & medicaid? Someone needs to get Donald talking more about cutting medicare!

This is another example of the kind of thing that makes Mitch shit bricks, they'll have to clean up after Donald's mouth droppings until the election, if they acquit him.
Meantime, Donald Trump is coming for your Medicare and Social Security

I hear every day from supporters of President Donald Trump, many of whom feel compelled to tell me they are retirees, sometimes as an indicator of their age and wisdom, sometimes as an expression of hope that I join their ranks, either voluntarily or involuntarily.

I’ll have to ask the next one who contacts me how he feels about Trump coming after his Medicare and Social Security.

Apparently, that’s his plan.

After fleeing the country during the opening of his impeachment trial to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Trump was asked by CNBC if cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are on his radar.

“At some point they will be …” Trump said. “At the right time, we will take a look at that.”
Couple of American nomads that have been traveling around the world for lots of years talk Healthcare.
If you have 8 minutes give it a watch.

"I had surgery and so it feels like a good time to cover the subject of healthcare abroad. The costs, quality, and global insurance."
Medicare isn't better than private insurance, because it has origins in coercion.

We don't actually have "private insurance" though and what people have been dumbed down to believe and refer to as "private insurance" is actually heavily regulated crony capitalistic insurance.

For instance, how can "private car insurance" actually be private if it is regulated and mandated by government ?
Something isn't private if alternatives or the ability to say "no thanks" are forcibly prevented.
