if you are a med patient with extra clones, who do you sell them to?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering in Ca, if you are a med patient and you have more clones than you need, what do you do?

Do you sell them to the club or do I have to just toss them in the trash?!! haha. sounds like a waste but have no idea what to do with 80 extra clones!:weed:


Well-Known Member
well do I sell them to the co op? I dont' know but I would really just trust some random kid with some random clones that I never saw before.

Do they give you cash? I hear some people 'donate' to the club then the club 'donates' back with money. I have seen this kid in the club and they just traded for store credit.

Then there were some sites that you can post up classifieds. I don't think I am allowed to post the link. but do they work?


Well-Known Member
Yes just go to a club that sells them, and tell them youre trying to get rid of some. For legal reasons, you are donating the clones, and the club will donate some money back to you. get it


New Member
Any extra clones I have, I give away to other med growers. I give to them and they give to me. Besides, 80 rooted cuttings are counted as rooted plants. In my county we're only allowed 12 vegging plants including clones. Six flowering and 12 immature plants is the limit. What county are you in?



Well-Known Member
The 12 plant limit isn't really a limit as I understand it Vi. I have a book on medical marijuana laws and it claims that the 12 plants is a floor not a ceiling. Meaning at the very least, we are allowed 12 plants for certain, but more is perfectly acceptable as long as it is for your personal use. Of course 80 is pretty far beyond personal use.


Well-Known Member
The 12 plant limit isn't really a limit as I understand it Vi. I have a book on medical marijuana laws and it claims that the 12 plants is a floor not a ceiling. Meaning at the very least, we are allowed 12 plants for certain, but more is perfectly acceptable as long as it is for your personal use. Of course 80 is pretty far beyond personal use.

You need to be careful with what you talk about... there is alot of mis-understanding as to what we are allowed and not.

The Law: says that it is based on what your county specifies... but the minimum that they can allow is 6 mature OR 12 vegging and "x" amount of dried bud in your house

Check this website out. It has a list of all the counties in my state and tells me how many im allowed if i lived in those counties...

I Gotta Move To Humbolt! (as many as you can fit in 100 sq feet)


New Member
Yes, that's correct. California state law (SB 420) REQUIRES each county to allow AT LEAST six flowering plants, twelve immature plants (including rooted clones) and eight ounces of dried flowers. These are minimum amounts that counties can restrict. However, if a county wants to allow more, they can. Believe me, if the Sheriff Deputies in my county came into my home and found 80 rooted clones, they'd be leading me out the door in bracelets.

What would have made more sense, would have been a canopy measurement. One suggestion put to our county supervisors was to allow a 10x10 plant canopy. Too bad that didn't pass. :lol:
