Heavy Consumer
Well-Known Member
I voiced my experience
Nothing more
Um, perhaps you neglected to read the thread title
Hi there. I'm new to this forum, and also completely new to growing and to grow lights. Needless to say I have absolutely no idea who you are and nothing against you, so please don't take this personally, but I have to say that a thread like this should be allowed more integrity for the sake of its title and of users like myself, than to have untested and unproven products recommended as if they were tried and tested.
If you really do care about providing newcomers with genuine advice, please stop mentioning a panel in THIS thread that has zero documented grows under its belt and start giving us the benefit of your rich knowledge and experience. I'm sure you could tell us what has already worked for you in the past and instead use a grow journal and/or start a "new light" thread for documenting your 1st experience with new products, at least until it is a completed experience rather than an experiment. The reality appears to be that you're recommending a product you don't even know from experience will flower well. Just doesn't seem very morally correct to do that in this thread.
What grow space (l x w x h) is she working with?
Amare technologies has a program where panels 2-3 are discounted, PLUS, the 4th panel is deeper discounted
I have 2 of their 150s awaiting my new 32 x 32 x 68 tent, picking it up today
Will be starting a thread for them
Sites' not up yet,
PM me if interested
This is not your experience. It is sales patter.
EDIT: Just to be clear, no offense is intended!