IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

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I've been considering doing a DIY unit but I feel like for lighting a 4x4 the money I save wont make up for the time it takes to figure out how to do it and source all the material....I think I'll just upgrade my area 51s to the new modell when it comes out, should be as good as any DIY
I'm laughing my ass off. You haters and I'm talking about the ones I'm not saying any names but they know who they are. I made that video for fun. Just make your own lights don't buy premade lights unless you can't learn how to make them. And btw haters my panels at 8" are 138,000 lumens at 413 watts
Any updates on how your plants are flowering under the cob panels?
....the ghetto loses.
Funny thing is I don't live in the ghetto lol. I see Jay Leno driving his classic cars from time to time. Why because I'm black I have to be in the ghetto? I smell hate. It's ok that I'm better than you lol. I don't have to hit the ignore button. The last time I looked I had balls.
looks like YOU loose....
Funny thing is I don't live in the ghetto lol. I see Jay Leno driving his classic cars from time to time. Why because I'm black I have to be in the ghetto? I smell hate. It's ok that I'm better than you lol. I don't have to hit the ignore button. The last time I looked I had balls.
You two are precious, one can't spell, and one can't smell.
That was a ghetto alley, it doesn't matter who drives their car near it, its still ghetto.
From all of your smack talk, I expected you to lift that Mars II over your head and slam it down thunderously, like the immortal Hulk Hogan did to Andre the Giant, but that did not happen. To call your performance weak would be an understatement, Vince McMahon will not be calling anytime soon.
I thought the mars destruction video was a bit silly....granted. But you and your "ghetto" crap talk I thought was plain out racist.......why don't you go f..k yourself????
I don't want to get involved in a stupid disscussion....keep it to yourself, stop talking about "ghetto" stuff and bring productive atuff instead......
You two are precious, one can't spell, and one can't smell.
That was a ghetto alley, it doesn't matter who drives their car near it, its still ghetto.
From all of your smack talk, I expected you to lift that Mars II over your head and slam it down thunderously, like the immortal Hulk Hogan did to Andre the Giant, but that did not happen. To call your performance weak would be an understatement, Vince McMahon will not be calling anytime soon.
You funny. I took some thing that cost me $389 and I smashed it but not how you would do it and I'm weak. I just smashed it with little effort not trying to waste my energy and not have glass fly into my eyes. At least people know who I am and now can some what understand my personality and matter a fact just re hit the ignore button.
Ah you are like hours late for the answer. By the way how many panels have you made? Just hit the ignore button on me again. Funny thing is I can still see you hahaha. I don't like you any way because you sir are an ass and I don't give a fuck about what you think of me. We are in the same state maybe 4-6 hours from each other why don't you bring the hate to me? Funny thing is you are no where close to the level I'm at hahahaha.

ps hit the ignore button bitch
looking to replace a 1000w hps...
I've done some research and... well I'm no dummy but I'm not super technical and a lot of this gets away from me.
Here are a few things that I was looking at, I'm currently leaning toward the spydr although the price scares me a little. I want to know it's going to work before I purchase one, for instance I know my hps is going to work it's been proven time and time again... anyway (providing links to each find)

I was looking at the spectrum king series 400 or 400+, but other than their own videos I haven't seen a side by side and it seems they're getting bashed on a lot but I'm not sure if it's merited
priced around $1300.00
Not sure what to think, I really want to believe this is a good product.

also looking at the
at600 from apache tech have
priced at $2500.00
haven't built an opinion on these yet either way.

kind led grow light k5 1000watt led grow light
priced at $1600.00

and looking at the spydr 1200 by bml
priced at $2900.00

So if you guys have any thoughts or have used any of these with success. I need replace a 1000watts so whatever comes closest in yield is what I need to go with. I'm ok with losing a few grams of total yield but not much more than than.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Does the spydr have a v8 or 6 cylinder?

Insurance must be high for those convertible cars. I must say it is cheap for a high performance sports car...

Just kidding.. Apache with hopefully a discount from those options. Spectrum king and kind are below par. Spider should be a car for the price
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