If you cant afford to tip don't go out to eat !!!!


Well-Known Member
It's their choice to work there or not, I should pay them an additional 10% to do their job of writing an order down and carrying a couple plates?
Get the fuck outta here, you god damned son of a bitch! With your corny fucking pic!

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
You mean Ed Debevics? I fist went there as a kid and was soo confused. Their food is alright, you go more for the experience lol


Well-Known Member
What is the standard tip for a hooker who stays the extra 10 minutes while we finish?...thats right, I said we.


Well-Known Member
I hate tipping! I have RARELY found a waiter who has done enough to deserve a tip.

What needs to happen is for all the waiters to band together and ensure they a guaranteed minimum wage under Federal Law. They are currently exempt. I wonder how much lobbying was done on behalf of big restaurants to ensure they are exempt from minimum wage law?

Wait staff seem to have this entitlement thing going. I bring you your over priced, under cooked, shitty meal with a double dose of poor service and DEMAND you give me a 30% tip? WTF???

When/if I have to constantly ask for napkins, utensils, send my food back because you didnt get my order correct & have to hunt you down so I can get my check so I can leave . . . I will leave a tip . . . A PENNY.

Do your job, impress the customer with over the top service and you will be handsomely rewarded. Simply moving a plate of food from the window to my table will NOT get you a tip. EVER.


Well-Known Member
give give give, stop this self play of horse shit. what happened to people? i had to fly to a population of 10,000 to find a smile on a clerks face. now people arnt even happy for shit. give to people without warning or hesitation or predetermination (hope thats the right word) of getting something. dude let it be simple as a smile or a kind word to someone who just got shit on by some dickweed. hug someone see a sad face and make it your obligation as a human to get that person to laugh or smile.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but why would you tip someone who walks 50 feet with your order more than one who drives a few miles and wastes their gas and puts wear and tear on their vehicle? You can't assume they make minimum wage just so you feel better about being cheap. If you don't want to tip, then get it yourself.
i don't get delivery anymore for that reason. i pick up.

do u tip at starbucks?? tthose people definitely get minimum wage. i don't understand why they have a tip jar.

i honestly think a lot of this tipping needs to go away and companies need to start paying people properly.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i don't get delivery anymore for that reason. i pick up.

do u tip at starbucks?? tthose people definitely get minimum wage. i don't understand why they have a tip jar.

i honestly think a lot of this tipping needs to go away and companies need to start paying people properly.
i'm with you on that one. i never understood how it got to be popular to have a tip jar at a coffee counter when they most definately get minimum wage. if i pay cash i usually throw in the change just because i don't like change in my pockets. and i'm what you would call a coffee snob, and i'll bring it back if its old or burnt or wrong because my coffee is important to me. but no server ever did anything so special as to where i could really justify the tips.


Well-Known Member
Wow, so many cheapskates in the world today. Just hope you guys don't go back to the same place to eat after leaving shitty-to-no tips because you might just get worse service the next time.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
i don't get delivery anymore for that reason. i pick up.

do u tip at starbucks?? tthose people definitely get minimum wage. i don't understand why they have a tip jar.

i honestly think a lot of this tipping needs to go away and companies need to start paying people properly.
LOL I'll tip anybody if they impress me.


Well-Known Member
Wow, so many cheapskates in the world today. Just hope you guys don't go back to the same place to eat after leaving shitty-to-no tips because you might just get worse service the next time.
thank you sir for being someone of reason and understand

give give give, stop this self play of horse shit. what happened to people? i had to fly to a population of 10,000 to find a smile on a clerks face. now people arnt even happy for shit. give to people without warning or hesitation or predetermination (hope thats the right word) of getting something. dude let it be simple as a smile or a kind word to someone who just got shit on by some dickweed. hug someone see a sad face and make it your obligation as a human to get that person to laugh or smile.


Well-Known Member
whats with this tipping shit?

... "ok son, you´re gonna work for me, practically for free, for way less than anyone can live on, its still gonna be hard work and horrible upon occasion..

..but if you are a good boy and smile and run fast enough for the customers, they Might give you enough to live on."

its the kinda stuff that explains why ANYONE actually goes into prostitution. (though more degrading, its over quicker and the pay is much more)


Well-Known Member
its nice that the people doing the shitty jobs get charity, but for pete´s sake , the people doing the shitty jobs, really shouldnt need charity.

what the fuck, this sounds like slavery of a sort.


Well-Known Member
around here, people pay at least minimum wage (enough to live on, though barely)

or arent Allowed to have employees.


Well-Known Member
I'm very generous when it is warranted...However on occasion I have had some really shit service.......I refuse to tip for shitty service.


Well-Known Member
Last time I ate out was $70, I tipped $15; That's just over 20%, I believe.

I always tip; How much I tip on the other hand depends on the restaurant and service. If it's just a cheap $10 a plate $2 soda place, i generally tip 10% or 15%, which usually ends up being 2-4 dollars(performance based ofc). At nice restaurants, however, I tip 15-25% every time.

One time our bill was $35 and I got into an argument with malady about how much to tip, because I wanted to leave a $5 and she wanted to leave $3. It turned into an argument because I took her money (it was her turn to pay for our weekly brunch) and paid with my card so I could tip more, which she thought was petty. I'd agree that does indeed sound petty, but I would not pay less than a 10% tip... Especially since this restaurant is a place we frequent (to the point that most of the waiters know our names, etc).


Sector 5 Moderator
Theres a restaurant in Chicago, 'Dicks" I think it's called...and everyone is supposed to act rude. It's like a sports bar . Pretty funny. We went to Medieval Times instead, but next time I'm checkin it out.
There was a place here in Alaska called "Skinny Dicks Halfway Inn". Their logo was two polar bears fucking, LOL. I have a cup from there.