If You Could Spend One Day In Any Time Period What Time Period Would You Choose?


Well-Known Member
well if i could go back in time for a day i would go to pre WWII and kill hitler. my number one pick though is to go back to the time of christ and meet jesus
well if i could go back in time for a day i would go to pre WWII and kill hitler. my number one pick though is to go back to the time of christ and meet jesus
I would go to rome :) just so i can see how hot their chicks were and if they had any dank weed dating back to that time period


Well-Known Member
Mid to late 1800's in America...the wild west days...but just for a day.Whiskey,prostitutes,and gun powder, I know you can have fun with those things now, but that would be my choice.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I would like to see mankind be born. Send me back to the very first fish like thing that crawled out of the ocean and I would like to look at it and wonder.
And then I would kill it.