If You Could Spend One Day In Any Time Period What Time Period Would You Choose?


Well-Known Member
I would visit before our universe was created and to see what it was like in the nothing land before our universe sprun to life....or maybe at tue dawn of man...see what made us....or just the 1970's. . :-D

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Napoleon Dynamite
He says "things a peice of junk it doesnt work." Then his uncle comes limping in like, "I coulda told you that." LOL


Well-Known Member
i would go back to ancient Rome and tell them about the lead. maybe they would survive. they had cool technology, engineering and art at the time, so i think it wouldve improved if they were able to continue living. a lot of things in our society are based on what they did

edit: also id love to walk around and see the city as it was. go see some fights in the colleseum. go hang out in the public spas, and have sex with hot roman women


Well-Known Member
u know whats crazy is if you had one of these cars today in good to mint condition you can get over 30 grand