If you get the message...


Well-Known Member
I no longer feel the need to take any substances. They have helped me in so many ways, I can't begin to count them. I still belive in their power, and hope anyone who needs them finds them, and I hope you all learn the love of the Universe. Meditation is now my favorite and only "Drug". Till my path leads me back.
I love you all. - D3VL

"Psychedelic experience is only a glimpse of genuine mystical insight, but a glimpse which can be matured and deepened by the various ways of meditation in which drugs are no longer necessary or useful. If you get the message, hang up the phone. For psychedelic drugs are simply instruments, like microscopes, telescopes, and telephones. The biologist does not sit with eye permanently glued to the microscope, he goes away and works on what he has seen..."
-- Alan Watts
Not to sound like a dick but you can't see hallucinations while meditating so why don't you keep tripping and meditating? I mean I guess you have your personal reasons but still shrooms and LSD are better than meditation (IMO).

But anyways happy to hear you're happy. :)
I'm just curious to why darth Vader puts drugs and meditation in one category. IMO you don't only have to choose one, they are completely different than each other. One is natural and one is chemical. I mean you can just do both at seperate times.
Not to sound like a dick but you can't see hallucinations while meditating so why don't you keep tripping and meditating? I mean I guess you have your personal reasons but still shrooms and LSD are better than meditation (IMO).

But anyways happy to hear you're happy. :)

No, you don't sound like a dick. Just an ignorant and inexperienced person. :)

If you ever get to that level of meditation, you will know. But since you aren't at that level, you can't claim that it doesn't exist. We can't say that something doesn't exist because we haven't experienced it yet. That makes no sense.

Psychoactive substances are tools. They are instruments. They are doors. These substances lead your soul through ancient pathways. Pathways that are less traveled nowadays... But when you're done using those tools, you don't forget those paths. You remember them. You now have a spiritual map. Now you can travel the paths without those tools. And then you can branch of into new paths. And then you can eventually find THE path....
No, you don't sound like a dick. Just an ignorant and inexperienced person. :)

If you ever get to that level of meditation, you will know. But since you aren't at that level, you can't claim that it doesn't exist. We can't say that something doesn't exist because we haven't experienced it yet. That makes no sense.

Psychoactive substances are tools. They are instruments. They are doors. These substances lead your soul through ancient pathways. Pathways that are less traveled nowadays... But when you're done using those tools, you don't forget those paths. You remember them. You now have a spiritual map. Now you can travel the paths without those tools. And then you can branch of into new paths. And then you can eventually find THE path....

Well I've had an orgasm, can I travel that path whenever?
Must have had a bad acid trip;-)

Since when are trips just good and bad? Ive never had a "bad trip". You can have negative thoughts and feelings during a trip, but if you can handle it it wont be a "bad trip". I dont know anyone with a lot of psychedelic experiance thats had a truely "bad trip".

And yes, this setion has gone down hill a bit. Theres so many dick measuring contests its ridiculous.
Enjoy the new period in your life. I took a pretty long break some years back and it was one of the best things I've done.