If you have ever ___ ____ _______ __ you might be a pot farmer!

If your arm's look like Arnold's and your leg's are cut to the bone from Sticker's, You just might be a fuckin Pot Farmer.
if people call you out of the blue or stop you in town that you havent seen in ages and say ''yo that weed you sold me 4 years ago was the best shit i ever smoked'' you might be...
if people call you out of the blue or stop you in town that you havent seen in ages and say ''yo that weed you sold me 4 years ago was the best shit i ever smoked'' you might be...
somebody that has an excellent hook up!...
If you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that money does indeed grow on "trees" then you might be a pot farmer.

Edit: @sohighifly, I LOVE your avatar. It makes me giggle every time.
Tubs are badass for mixing soil pre-cook mate. Can sterilise the hell out of them before you mix, and takes a few minutes to get clean. Note the sponge on stand-by in the back of the pic LOL... My wife, she doesn't like me doing this, half the reason I kept using it at least right there :)

Matter of fact, I now own at least a third of that bathroom... Soil, coco, perlite, Leca, sterilising liquids, mycos, pots, buckets, etc etc etc...