If Your a New Grower, You're gonna wanna see this!

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I don't use HID lighting but that is another story, I know how you feel about the whole human thing. but I won the bet so it doesn't matter

I made a bet I could come on here and say one true thing and get bashed

so thanks for the c note :hump:

I'm not bashing you about anything you said in your OP. You came here acting like a dick, that's what you're being based on genius. Not your logic, your lack of knowing how to communicate. But I bet that'll go right over your head too.

It's clear you came here to cause a stir, and it's not working out like you hoped. Try grasscity. You'll probably get a rise out of them.
was never my intention to stir anything up, was never my intention to come off as a dick, I was actually surprised anyone thought I was trying to be a dick, but it's ok I know a lot of people say the same thing about Uncle Ben some times and hey we're both old and set in our ways so I guess it's understandable ?

I merely wanted to post a true statement and see how the response was, I do admit I picked one that few folks know about, perhaps my bad?

I was actually surprised no one asked how I got 2 week old clones to grow trics but seems no one is interested in learning anything?

wait that kinda sounds a bit dickish doesn't it? and yet I didn't mean it to
I've always thought of this forum as a place to come for new ideas and help from people that have experienced the same problems as I may be having as a way to overcome said problems and in turn I may be able to offer my advice to people in need.
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I am not here to dog you, but trichomes are a sign of maturation. Whenever I see them too early in bloom I usually end up with stunting. At this stage you are looking for good color, fast growth, and soft leaves. I hope you succeed.
I am not here to dog you, but trichomes are a sign of maturation. Whenever I see them too early in bloom I usually end up with stunting. At this stage you are looking for good color, fast growth, and soft leaves. I hope you succeed.
I really wish you had read the whole thread?
are you surprised because I wished you well? I gave you solid advice and am not sure what you are talking about.
Oh no, thanks for the advice and well wishes, there are no problems with the plants, they won't stunt or anything, I was referring to the fact that I made those trics by feeding them sulfur which I actually didn't say here but did in another thread (my bad)

that, and that I admitted to actually being RM3
Oh no, thanks for the advice and well wishes, there are no problems with the plants, they won't stunt or anything, I was referring to the fact that I made those trics by feeding them sulfur which I actually didn't say here but did in another thread (my bad)

that, and that I admitted to actually being RM3

Again.... Interesting.
Oh no, thanks for the advice and well wishes, there are no problems with the plants, they won't stunt or anything, I was referring to the fact that I made those trics by feeding them sulfur which I actually didn't say here but did in another thread (my bad)

that, and that I admitted to actually being RM3
Can I ask why you fed them Sulphur.....did you want trichs early? Was it an intentional move?
actually yes, Illumination (RIP Brother) and I discovered awhile back that adding sulfur increases trics, resin and potency and I have been experimentin with various ways of adding it ever since
I posted this info across a couple of threads but looks like only 30 or so members saw it? So I thought I put it all together for ya in one neat little post.

If you are here looking to learn how to grow marijuana, your in the wrong place ! Now if your here looking to share your grow with others then your in the right place. If your here to looking to discover new strains or trends, perhaps right place as well

But as for growing all you'll get here is info that is spread all over these forums and as the late, great, George Carlin once said "It's all bullshit, and it's bad for ya" Hell the book gardening for dummies has better info.

Marijuana is a plant, it is no more special than any other plant and it follows ALL the rules of the plant kingdom just like all other plants. Wanna learn what this means, get a book on botany! And after you have an understanding of how plants grow and what they need get a book on Marijuana Botany (google it, it is all over the web for free to download) by Robert Connell Clarke.

Most people have no clue about the real facts known about this plant after you read Marijuana Botany, read Marijuana Chemistry (also all over the web). I'm gonna give ya an example (and I'll back it up with pics LOL) here is a quote from Marijuana Botany chapter 4,,,,,,,

As the previously secreted resins mature, they change color. The polymerization of small terpene molecules (which make up most of the resin) produces long chains and a more viscous and darker-colored resin. The ripening and darkening of resins follows the peak of psychoactive cannabinoid synthesis and the transparent amber color of mature resin is usually indicative of high THC content. Many cultivators agree that transparent amber resins are a sign of high-quality drug Cannabis and many of the finest strains exhibit this characteristic. Particularly potent Cannabis from California, Hawaii, Thailand, Mexico, and Colombia is often encrusted with transparent amber colored instead of clear resin heads. This is also characteristic of Cannabis from other equatorial, subtropical and temperate zones where the growing season is long enough to accommodate long term resin production and maturation. Many areas of North America and Europe have too short a season to fully mature resins unless a greenhouse is used. Specially acclimatized strains are another possibility. They develop rapidly and begin maturing in time to ripen amber resins while the weather is still warm and dry.

Now I'll bet your all saying WTF? amber is good? Yeah, I know the forums teach that amber is bad LOL and this is what I'm tryin to tell ya. The stuff you get from forums is crap, the canna specific nutes and products are crap. (and so very much higher priced LOL) Did you know that pot grown under T5's test more potent than pot grown under HID's? Read this,,,,,


I know, your sayin I've never seen a strain that grows transparent amber trichomes, true if a breeder gets one you think he'll share? Would you? If you had a plant that blew all others away wouldn't ya keep it for yourself? Well back in the old days most all the good pot looked like this, but good luck finding it!

Yes I said looked like this,,,,,,,,,

first pic is a flowering plant in week 5 of flower, notice it is about 50% amber
second set of pics is a clone that has been in veg for 2 weeks, notice that it is covered in trics and if ya look closely you'll see yes there it is some amber startin to form, ya think I should chop it? LOL View attachment 3152909 View attachment 3152910 View attachment 3152911 View attachment 3152912 View attachment 3152913 View attachment 3152914 View attachment 3152915
Amber is not thc it the beinging of the breakdown of thc called cbd and ur clone has trichome so its off a plant in bud u seriously think othwr wise u can see the pistils lol in every picture as with all information u can read it and make ur own conclusions

s the majority know, most growers that finally figure out the pistils are not the trichomes, have come to believe that there is a certain percentage of clear/cloudy/amber ratio that is "perfect" for harvesting.

Now, most people fail to differentiate between a sativa-dominant and an indica dominant strain, and the differences in each when harvested at the same ratios. For example, harvesting an indica when it is in its cloudy stage is more potent than harvesting when the trichomes turn 30%+ amber. Adversely, harvesting a sativa when it is in its cloudy stage may be too early.

Amber trichomes are indicative of THC degradation and higher CBD production.

My conclusons of what u said say
ur a attention seeking idiot
U want weed that looks like that grow a hash strain
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Amber is not thc it the beinging of the breakdown of thc called cbd and ur clone has trichome so its off a plant in bud u seriously think othwr wise u can see the pistils lol in every picture as with all information u can read it and make ur own conclusions

My conclusons of wha u said say to me ur a attention seeking idiot

idiot I may be for thinkin that folks would like better herb LOL
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