I'll never smoke someone else's homegrown ever again

In the 90's I used to get weed from Mexico fairly regularly, which came in a can. Like a large family sized canned vegetable can, they used to pack it onto pallets and load them on semis coming across the border. The whole truck would be loaded with pallets of unmarked cans, but, they would load the pallets containing unmarked cans of pot in the middle of the truck and pack pallets of unmarked cans of legal commodities(peas, corn, enchilada sauce,etc.) surrounding the unmarked cans of pot.
Sometimes it was pretty decent other times it was horrible. I got batches that had rocks, pieces of tarp, general trash. One time I got some that had toenails in it, man I am glad those days are over. Haven't had to buy pot since it was legal to grow in California.
I never turn down someone's homegrown when it is offered, I don't want to be rude, but more than mold what worries me is pesticides.
Can?? So you needed a can opener?? LOL
Can?? So you needed a can opener?? LOL
Yes, you had to use a can opener to get your weed.
It was super compressed inside the can like a brick, so once you used a can opener to get it open you had to use a knife or a flathead screwdriver to pry chunks of the weed out. And, the weed would come out in the shape of the inside of the can with little ripple mark impressions, like cans have pressed into it.
This joint's turning into a real swinger's hang out.
Wait, are we talking about women or cars here? No judgment. I just need clarificarion :)

It's not about conservation so much as it's about grasping the concept of waste. Some of the richest people in the world are the biggest cheap skates you'll ever find on the planet. Sure some are ridiculous with their spending, but most are very conservative. That's how they got rich. Not wasting. Warren Buffet is one of the wealthiest people in the world. His last estimated net worth was 88 billion dollars. He bought a house in Omaha, Nebraska in 1958 for $31,500. With 88 billion dollars of net worth Warren Buffett still lives in that same home. He drives a Cadillac, not a Bugatti. He orders breakfast from the drive thru at mcdonald's when he's in a hurry to the office. Mr. Buffett is a man that understands waste and value more than almost any other person on the planet. That's why he's worth 88 billion dollars. The point is waste is never going to be defined as anything other than a loss and losses are no good for any individual.

I'd love to get a volcano for vaporizing. My buddy had one back in the day and I only hit it once, but I was very impressed with both the satisfaction and high without all the resin in my lungs. Last I checked those babies were like $400. Too steep for me. Very awesome units though.

Warren Buffet is awesome. Love the guy. If you ever see an interview of him he's like the old guy living next door that comes by to give you some of the tomatoes he grew. A real class act.
I will take a tesla anyday

Tesla is old news. Much better electric cars hitting the streets from some of the major players and you actually have access to a support network to get service when you need it. Tesla has never made a dime selling cars. They were neat 6 or 7 years ago and I went to a showroom and checked them out.

Ford is coming out with an electric F-150. Base model is going to start out at $40,000. 10,000 lb towing capacity. And if anything goes wrong just take it to your nearest Ford dealer.

Audi, Volkswagen, most of the European companies are all coming out with decent electric vehicles. Everyone has caught up and some have passed Tesla in the electric vehicle category.

But I understand why people like Tesla. Too bad Musk dropped the dime and lost focus on delivering an electric vehicle to the masses. I really liked them in the beginning but I'm not impressed anymore. :peace:
He's on the list that just got outed for the richest people in America that haven't been paying dick for taxes. Sounds like a prick billionaire to me.

He's on the record advocating for the super rich like himself to pay more in taxes. He can't control the tax code. He's also giving almost all of his wealth to charity upon his death.

"In a statement on Wednesday, Berkshire said Buffett’s 15th annual donation comprised 15.97 million Class B shares of Berkshire.

It boosted his donations to the charities to more than $37.4 billion since Buffett, who turns 90 on Aug. 30, began giving his Berkshire shares away in 2006."

He's on the record advocating for the super rich like himself to pay more in taxes. He can't control the tax code. He's also giving almost all of his wealth to charity upon his death.

"In a statement on Wednesday, Berkshire said Buffett’s 15th annual donation comprised 15.97 million Class B shares of Berkshire.

It boosted his donations to the charities to more than $37.4 billion since Buffett, who turns 90 on Aug. 30, began giving his Berkshire shares away in 2006."

Mark 10:25

King James Version

25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

I'm thinking maybe Warren read this verse once or twice :)
He's on the list that just got outed for the richest people in America that haven't been paying dick for taxes. Sounds like a prick billionaire to me.
I saw he paid 23.5 mil or close as compared to zero for Bozo and Soarass. Also advocating tax reform consistently. We would use the loophole.

And Tesla doesn't deserve a dime more for incentives. Give them to poor people. He'll be further beyond rich and coal gets a big boon with increased energy demands. Big mess.

Get along and relearn basic needs and how to meet them. Including smoking the neighbors weed.

This thread has been fun. TY to all. OP in particular.