They wrote it just that way to keep on arresting people, A greenhouse is easy to gain access to and it would also be in public sight... they want any growers to grow indoors to stimulate the economy in the equipment sector as well. It's all to make money. If you ain't got money to start up and get in the door, your just fucked. They screwed there citizens again with their "legalization" and the promises they made to get it done. I haven't heard anything about cases being expunged yet either nearly a year later. Also, that link to the rules for cultivation? Deleted from public record.....
Did you actually read anything? Nope!!
While i share and understand your frustration, its not nearly as bad as you make it out to be. Although it didnt change much for the ability of the cops to arrest and tow your shit. Your talking expungements and they havent even got but a couple dispensaries open. Everything just got started 60 days ago, give it time.
The quote is
Cannabis plants shall not be stored or placed in |
| a location where they are subject to ordinary public view |
a green house on my property is absolutely NOT in public view, and i assure you its not gonna be easy to gain access to either. You'll have some dogs to sneak by as well as motion alert security cameras and also me to deal with.
Not to mention greenhouses can be made of glass with locked doors. Even if it is just 6 mil plastic you can still put a lockable door on the thing. It doesn't say anything about it having to be secure like a freaking safe.
My yard itself is NOT in ordinary public view at all, unless you trespass.
The solo cups are the view from my living room
The back yard you can see 2 trees im removing soon, the one to the left of my barn is dead, the cypress to the right is smack dab where im building my geodesic dome greenhouse.
The neighbors houses you see up through the woods, well they cant see anything once it fills in during spring and they are like minded anyway