Illinois legalization Jan 1st 2020!!!

Many medical professionals in Southern Illinois have their hands tied by their employer... all of the doctors employed by my local hospital/clinic are forbidden to complete the application.

And the application does not recommend pot... nor prescribe it... the application merely certifies that the patient has one of 34 qualifying conditions... the IDPH then issues a registry card so that the patients purchases can be monitored.
Many medical professionals in Southern Illinois have their hands tied by their employer... all of the doctors employed by my local hospital/clinic are forbidden to complete the application.

And the application does not recommend pot... nor prescribe it... the application merely certifies that the patient has one of 34 qualifying conditions... the IDPH then issues a registry card so that the patients purchases can be monitored.

I get it
Many medical professionals in Southern Illinois have their hands tied by their employer... all of the doctors employed by my local hospital/clinic are forbidden to complete the application.

Where? Which hospital? Cuz my Dr is at St. Elizabeth in O'fallon and i had ZERO issues getting my card

the IDPH then issues a registry card so that the patients purchases can be monitored.

OH CMON!!!! Did you just make that up? Pretty sure my medical records are protected under the HIPAA Act, this is a medical card, the only thing they know is that I have one

Dispensaries are privately owned businesses, and you're going to try and convince me that the state of Illinois who can't even get their firearms website to work, who can't keep potholes filled...your telling me that THEY have implemented a series of networked computers between a whole bunch of different privately-owned dispensaries which reports back to them what people are buying!?!?!

Nope, no way. They aren't legally allowed to do anything like that even if they wanted to. The cops don't even have a way to see if you have a medical card, you have to present it to them. In fact if you had a bogus medical card they don't really have a system to check to see if it's legit
Wabash General Hospital (Mt Carmel) and affiliated rural clinics... from what I understand.

And the tracking system... looks like it applies to the OAPP provisional card only... I thought it was for all med card holders...

(l-10) "Illinois Cannabis Tracking System" means a web-based system established and maintained by the Department of Public Health that is available to the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, the Illinois State Police, and registered medical cannabis dispensing organizations on a 24-hour basis to upload written certifications for Opioid Alternative Pilot Program participants, to verify Opioid Alternative Pilot Program participants, to verify Opioid Alternative Pilot Program participants' available cannabis allotment and assigned dispensary, and the tracking of the date of sale, amount, and price of medical cannabis purchased by an Opioid Alternative Pilot Program participant.
and then I find this about a State verification system...

"State verification system" means a web-based system established and maintained
by the Department of Public Health that is available to the Department of
Agriculture, the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, law
enforcement personnel, and registered medical cannabis dispensing organization
agents on a 24-hour basis for the verification of registry identification cards, the
tracking of delivery of medical cannabis to medical cannabis dispensing
organizations, and the tracking of the date of sale, amount, and price of medical
cannabis purchased by a registered qualifying patient. (Section 10(x) of the Act)
Oh heck your just 2.5 hrs east of me. It's a shame you have to deal with that, but you said what the problem is "Rural. If it's any consolation I would say by the end of March April there should be a dispensary open in Fairview Heights. And it's right off the interstate, that'll be a straight shot out 64 for you. That is if you don't already have one closer.

Well I don't take any of that to mean tracking standard medical card holder. In fact a lot of that tracking to me sounds like the tracking of the product itself, from the growing process all the way to the consumers hand they want to track this stuff

With regards to OAPP, it could be that they just want to track those patients as a group, not individually. That way they can have some measure of statistics to show for the program itself. But you could also be right on that one lol.
Old thread. The premise of their legalization getting through house was for low level cannabis offenders and cultivators to get a foot up in a shitty economy with a stigma attached to their pasts. Now what we have is a shitload of medicinal dispensaries selling legal weed from 45 dollars plus per gram on up and no one is getting any kind of break for application fees to grow or sell rec weed. Here's another issue, medical companies have monopolized the industry there. Not a SINGLE recreational permit has been approved to anyone but corporate greedy ass scum sucking medicinal companies. Home growing is still illegal unless you're a medical patient and then you are VERY limited. So the basis that was pushing the bill through to get rec legal was a bunch of bullshit to get the public's support behind it. All the 'criminals' are still 'criminals' because they made it impossible for them/us to get a foot in the door of an industry where most of us would excel, definitely compared to the commercial companies selling garbage for a premium price. I have learned so much on the pages of this forum from so many people, It's mind blowing. And the so called experts think they know jack shit but they don't. You walk into a grow house and you're lucky to see a pound a light because it's rush rush and no flush. While some of here are breaking 3 a light with NO additional time. Just additional heart in our work. So I say fuck the system. Legal is only legal for some. how the fuck is ok to dictate what nature gave us as legal or not? Sorry had to get my two cents in
Adding to the above, anyone wishing to produce over 5 plants needs an expensive craft growing license.
And an approved commercially zoned property, no growing 25 plants in your home; or anywhere outdoors in the entire state.
Soooo...ditto on the f### the system comment.
no growing 25 plants in your home; or anywhere outdoors in the entire state.
Soooo...ditto on the f### the system comment.
Im gonna build a greenhouse w a lockable door,should count as an "enclosed locked space"

And can anyone figure out the penalty if your a medical patient and grow outside. I see law written that plants must be in an enclosed locked space.

Ok so what if they arent? I for the life of me cant find the penalty for violating the "enclosed locked space" thing or the "cant be within view of public" thing....there is no wordage that says you cant grow outside....soooo
what about privacy fenced yard thats locked up?
What about a chain linkd fenced area thats locked on some rural land??
my property has woods on 2 sides and no one can see my back yard without trespassing.

I have a medcard and im gonna put 3 outside where onlyI can see
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I cant either, im almost wondering if it wasnt intentional?? As in, when I read the language of the bill as it is written, it seems to me that adding the single line
"Cannabis Cultivation must take place in an enclosed locked space"
Is all they did to appease the retards who were against home grow. They changed NOTHING else in the bill.

I dont KNOW this for sure, but if you read the bill here it, and omit that single line it almost makes more sense.
Sec. 10-5. Personal use of cannabis; restrictions on cultivation; penalties.
I've read much of it, and haven't found any penalty for outdoor grows...yet.
They wrote it just that way to keep on arresting people, A greenhouse is easy to gain access to and it would also be in public sight... they want any growers to grow indoors to stimulate the economy in the equipment sector as well. It's all to make money. If you ain't got money to start up and get in the door, your just fucked. They screwed there citizens again with their "legalization" and the promises they made to get it done. I haven't heard anything about cases being expunged yet either nearly a year later. Also, that link to the rules for cultivation? Deleted from public record.....
They wrote it just that way to keep on arresting people, A greenhouse is easy to gain access to and it would also be in public sight... they want any growers to grow indoors to stimulate the economy in the equipment sector as well. It's all to make money. If you ain't got money to start up and get in the door, your just fucked. They screwed there citizens again with their "legalization" and the promises they made to get it done. I haven't heard anything about cases being expunged yet either nearly a year later. Also, that link to the rules for cultivation? Deleted from public record.....
Did you actually read anything? Nope!!
While i share and understand your frustration, its not nearly as bad as you make it out to be. Although it didnt change much for the ability of the cops to arrest and tow your shit. Your talking expungements and they havent even got but a couple dispensaries open. Everything just got started 60 days ago, give it time.

The quote is

Cannabis plants shall not be stored or placed in
a location where they are subject to ordinary public view
a green house on my property is absolutely NOT in public view, and i assure you its not gonna be easy to gain access to either. You'll have some dogs to sneak by as well as motion alert security cameras and also me to deal with.

Not to mention greenhouses can be made of glass with locked doors. Even if it is just 6 mil plastic you can still put a lockable door on the thing. It doesn't say anything about it having to be secure like a freaking safe.

My yard itself is NOT in ordinary public view at all, unless you trespass.

The solo cups are the view from my living room

The back yard you can see 2 trees im removing soon, the one to the left of my barn is dead, the cypress to the right is smack dab where im building my geodesic dome greenhouse.
The neighbors houses you see up through the woods, well they cant see anything once it fills in during spring and they are like minded anyway
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Illinois update. Just back from the dispensary. Prices high, NO flower to be had. No real concentrates either. Just topicals and edibles. Some vape products. I think once since the first of the year there was a day where there was some limited flower. Today there was a line, people stocking up in case they have to remain home due to the corona virus.
yeh I think its gonna be a rough ride with high dispensary prices through the summer. Maybe this fall prices will taper off....hopefully. I was at dispensary a month ago and the line was ridiculous. I was in one line for a hour before dispensary employee was nice enough to share with me that med card patients can go right in. So I go in (thinking my wait is over) and I ended up waiting in the med line for another hour and a half. :wall:
They didn't prepare to even roll out legally. Except in the fact that they were able to roll out sales with limited supply to price gouge the shit out of it. I don't see them getting their attempt at this working in their favor any time soon. All they have done is give the black market a boost in income because the street dudes doubled their prices and its still way less that legal shit. Fucking idiots.
Illinois update. Stay at home order begins tomorrow at 5. Went to the dispensary today. One, no recreational sales. The other, a line so long I gave up and left. I have a stash so I'm going with that. Stay safe, everyone!