Well-Known Member
I miss the excitement, 10 years ago it was a cat and mouse game; was almost caught twice. Com Ed sent me one of those letters once, showing my power usage being twice that of all my neighbors.Now, a $200 fine for growing so I suspect many people will do it.

Now they don't care, and it's really weird openly discussing it in the locker room of our local fitness center; after being in hiding for so long.
I've read 400 of the 600 page legislation, and watched the debate live last May.
The bill is a mess, and medical patients have been complaining about pricing for years now.
Growing pot indoors is pretty easy, producing top shelf product is not. I spent days just finding the right seeds, as 80% sold online are crap.
Also, I'd skip the edibles; as the average price is $30/100mg. And you need more due to some being lost in the digestive tract.
Well, it's still cheaper and safer than coke.

Happy New Year!