Illinois legalization Jan 1st 2020!!!

Now, a $200 fine for growing so I suspect many people will do it.
I miss the excitement, 10 years ago it was a cat and mouse game; was almost caught twice. Com Ed sent me one of those letters once, showing my power usage being twice that of all my neighbors. :D
Now they don't care, and it's really weird openly discussing it in the locker room of our local fitness center; after being in hiding for so long.
I've read 400 of the 600 page legislation, and watched the debate live last May.
The bill is a mess, and medical patients have been complaining about pricing for years now.
Growing pot indoors is pretty easy, producing top shelf product is not. I spent days just finding the right seeds, as 80% sold online are crap.
Also, I'd skip the edibles; as the average price is $30/100mg. And you need more due to some being lost in the digestive tract.
Well, it's still cheaper and safer than coke.:lol:
Happy New Year!
I live alone, work all day, so I was always worried about discovery. Would I come home to the cops at the door? The last time I grew in the unheated garage. So Spring and Fall were the best bets temperature wise, winter was out of the question. But even still the lights, the fans, and the time - I mean 3 months and then a month to cure - a long time and doing something illegal. I always kept it to under 5 plants too so if I was busted I might be able to avoid jail. All for a plant. When Illinois announced legalization, I happily sold my HPS on ebay, threw away the old metal cabinet in the garage and praised our new governor JB for freeing the weed. Just hours to go now, and a long legal toke will be taken across the land of Lincoln!
I live alone, work all day, so I was always worried about discovery. Would I come home to the cops at the door? The last time I grew in the unheated garage. So Spring and Fall were the best bets temperature wise, winter was out of the question. But even still the lights, the fans, and the time - I mean 3 months and then a month to cure - a long time and doing something illegal. I always kept it to under 5 plants too so if I was busted I might be able to avoid jail. All for a plant. When Illinois announced legalization, I happily sold my HPS on ebay, threw away the old metal cabinet in the garage and praised our new governor JB for freeing the weed. Just hours to go now, and a long legal toke will be taken across the land of Lincoln!

Do you plan on growing outside?

You said you threw away growing lights
yeah that's kinda my plan too. Here it's gonna be $100-$200 civil fine for less than 5 plants. Misdemeanor starting after 5 plants. I'm planning to hit up the dispensary tomorrow, they open at 6am, thinking be there around 730. Hopefully not crazy long lines but whatever, I don't have any other plans tomorrow lol
How is it civil violation for less than5 and misdemeanor starting at 5 where your at? Cuz state law conflicts that, just curious?
How is it civil violation for less than5 and misdemeanor starting at 5 where your at? Cuz state law conflicts that, just curious?
Ah, maybe it's more than 5 is a felony. It wasn't clear in the legalization bill at all really but that's what NORML is saying.
Yep, and dont forget committing felonies in “school zones” , which include parks daycare, churches, etc. becomes a different ballgame. Probably best to keep under 5 if you fall in the safety zones. Also better not have any scales or anything that might make them think you sell. Just couple obvious things to keep in mind . Happy growing Ilinois!
I’m n Wisconsin....Indiana is another state that’s having a tough time towards have legislation for “medical defense”......meaning you can possess if u have a doctors note but u can’t grow./sell/and no’s not even medical marijuana
Indiana is nt like that at all. I live here. Only thing thats ok is cbd oil
Well it looks like there's about a thousand people in line down there right now according to the news. At least the weather is not freezing cold, fifties ain't too bad to stand in line.
When Illinois announced legalization, I happily sold my HPS on ebay, threw away the old metal cabinet in the garage and praised our new governor JB for freeing the weed. Just hours to go now, and a long legal toke will be taken across the land of Lincoln!

Economic laws serve only 1 purpose, to make 1%ers richer, while screwing over all of us.
Out of things to tax was the reason it was legalized, along with public pressure; hypocrites that our governments are.
No way I'm paying $60/eighth plus 20% tax to fund people such as Mike Madigan and his corrupt cronies.
Economic laws serve only 1 purpose, to make 1%ers richer, while screwing over all of us.
Out of things to tax was the reason it was legalized, along with public pressure; hypocrites that our governments are.
No way I'm paying $60/eighth plus 20% tax to fund people such as Mike Madigan and his corrupt cronies.
fucking thank you I’ve been growing illegally idc I stay under 5 plants most of the time
Ah, maybe it's more than 5 is a felony. It wasn't clear in the legalization bill at all really but that's what NORML is saying.
Ya your right it does say that, but i could have sworn for those without a medical license that 1-5 is a misdemeanor and 5+ was felony. If its indeed just a 200 dollar civil violation like jaywalking or a parking ticket I may be growing outside this summer and take my chances. Im gonna do some digging on this.
Ok ya so i misunderstood, everything I gather is that it is indeed only a 200 dollar civil violation to grow 5 or less. Fuck it, im growing a couple outside, my yard is pretty secluded.
Weed is legal in Illinois, but there is none to buy. I live downstate, and the two dispensaries locally have NO flower. I mean none. They have concentrates and edibles but that is about it. So even at outrageous prices Like $65 or $70 an eighth, you can't buy it anyway. Very disappointing. We knew it was coming for 6 months, are you telling me you can't grow a boatload in that time? I sure could. As to the outside growing question, I did exactly that last year. One plant died due to an early frost but I am currently smoking the other one. At this rate with these dispensaries, I might go back to growing next year. As I read the law, even if you are caught with a couple of plants it is a $200 fine. I can live with that. Before, they could throw you in jail which was stupid but it was the law. My friend in Colorado said when legalization hit there oz's were $400 each. Now the price is way down. I hope Illinois follows that trend. But for now, it would be nice to go buy any kind of bud at all.
Weed is legal in Illinois, but there is none to buy. I live downstate, and the two dispensaries locally have NO flower. I mean none. They have concentrates and edibles but that is about it. So even at outrageous prices Like $65 or $70 an eighth, you can't buy it anyway. Very disappointing. We knew it was coming for 6 months, are you telling me you can't grow a boatload in that time? I sure could. As to the outside growing question, I did exactly that last year. One plant died due to an early frost but I am currently smoking the other one. At this rate with these dispensaries, I might go back to growing next year. As I read the law, even if you are caught with a couple of plants it is a $200 fine. I can live with that. Before, they could throw you in jail which was stupid but it was the law. My friend in Colorado said when legalization hit there oz's were $400 each. Now the price is way down. I hope Illinois follows that trend. But for now, it would be nice to go buy any kind of bud at all.
Yeah they only had 1 dispensary in the whole county where i'm at. I got there 1.5hrs after opening, waited in line for 3 hours, and they were out of one of the two strains they had when I got to order. Also limited to buying 1 8th total of flower period. Picked up an 8th of that for $72 after taxes($65 before). Also grabbed a gram of live sugar for $75, that stuff was $60 before taxes. They're supposed to be starting online ordering the 6th and will have more strains and stuff as time goes by. Clearly did not have enough time to grow enough out for this.. They told me they expected 600 people yesterday.. there was waaaay more than that.
Back from the dispensary. Bought two kinds of edibles. Cost was $30 and $25, $11 tax total of $66. NO FLOWER available. They said two weeks, maybe. Then erratic supply. Very limited selection of everything. Line outside, 2 cops. Get inside, another line and show your ID. Then wait more, and then go in. Limited supply, pick it out on the computer, pay cash only. ATM was down when I was there. Everyone wanted bud, but they kept announcing that there was none so people would not wait and be disappointed. Kind of a rough roll out, in my opinion. I hope the situation smooths out shortly. But at least it is legal, and that is HUGE here in the land of Lincoln.
Growing good weed is a bitch....I'm having a bad time this year with all this humidity that came year my indoors will me scheduled to finish by May 1st instead of June 1st.... everything looks like hell right now at 87% in my grow room :-(

Winter time I have to add a humidifier...smh

Congratulations on your State's advancement of consciousness. We are all the better for it. Ha Ha; I feel like an elder Statesman already - and we only got hooked up two weeks ago. Good on you! :weed: The trade-off in my island's Bill is that you are fined heavily for using it in a public space; fined a quarter million dollars & jailed for 5 years on first conviction for >1 kg. The Police here are quite upset and are actively searching out offenders to a much greater degree than before (I didn't expect that to be possible).

  • @PopeyeSpinach The Avg Humidity on my island is 82%. Will my outdoor grow suffer similarly?
  • @Hust17 @inDC4now I'd like to start a new thread (Tropical Grows) on this topic. How do I? Does the same logic as where I can't yet 'Like' comments as I'm new, apply?