Haha I have no idea what those guidestones are all about...seems like another secret society with agenda so, they are all caught up in the game. I was just showing it.....and its graffiti....if u click the link ( the picture ) there are more "down with nwo" pictures of the graffiti
Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world
"AS PROTESTS against financial power sweep the world this week, science may have confirmed the protesters' worst fears. An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy."
The top 25 of the 147 superconnected companies
1. Barclays plc
2. Capital Group Companies Inc
3. FMR Corporation
4. AXA
5. State Street Corporation
6. JP Morgan Chase & Co
7. Legal & General Group plc
8. Vanguard Group Inc
10. Merrill Lynch & Co Inc
11. Wellington Management Co LLP
12. Deutsche Bank AG
13. Franklin Resources Inc
14. Credit Suisse Group
15. Walton Enterprises LLC
16. Bank of New York Mellon Corp
17. Natixis
18. Goldman Sachs Group Inc
19. T Rowe Price Group Inc
20. Legg Mason Inc
21. Morgan Stanley
22. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc
23. Northern Trust Corporation
24. Société Générale
25. Bank of America Corporation........
And, this doesn't even include government organizations, individuals, or private companies, such as OPEC
For all intents and purposes, they Corporations are our new worshiped GODS.
We pay taxes for our time while working for these companies, and then invest our savings back into these companies. And the taxes that get paid end up going back to the companies thru corporate tax breaks and subsidies, bailouts, and etc. We also get taxed when we buy things these companies produce.
They show us a world that is make believe ( newspapers, television, the bible, etc. the news has no legal liability to deliver the truth or inform recipients of their propaganda of what it is), tell us who we should become a servant to, what we should value, and etc etc. They are able to change the physical world in ways the "laymen" can only interpret as approaching magical.
most of these companies own each other, and share board of directors, in a sick circle jerk that doesn't make any real sense. they have many front organizations they use. these companies control all the newspapers, all the television, all the studios, all the manufacturers of goods, your food, your clothing, your rights, all the banks, etc etc
A) New York Times largest shareholder is PCM or Private Capital Management. more / insert letters "NYT" in the slot for the name/symbol of the stock. Then go to "detailed quote" / then go to "Ownership" / Then click on "Institutional Ownership" and there you will see it.
Who is PCM? They are wholly owned by Legg Mason.
B) Legg Mason is controlled by Alliance Capital Management aka Alliance Bernstein. They are in fact...the only stock "insiders". Please Follow same process with more and more They Symbol to insert is LM.
C) Who owns Alliance? They are 53% owned by "French Insurance Giant" AXA. more
D) AXA and the Oily Mess - more and more/ more . At Ground Zero of Oil/UN issue.
E) USA Today is owned by Gannett Corporation, the largest news chain in the USA. (see very bottom) or google USA Today Gannett.
F) Who owns Gannett? PCM. Yes, the same PCM that owns the New York Times and Gannett is the largest print chain in the USA which brings us the USA Today we all get if we stay in a hotel overnight. more .
THEY ALSO HAVE MAJOR STAKES IN Tribune, Journal Register, Lee Enterprises and others...the previous link notes "What are the implications...." of Having foreign oil for france linked interests owning our print media......."
Ever see how many shameless corporate plugs were placed in ALL OF MIKE MEYERS MOVIES. HES ALSO CANADIAN. WITH FOREIGN "EXPERTS"!
Don't believe the lies. All they do is move around "money" and convince us its important, and brainwash us into thinking whatever they sell is important. They are all salesmen that exploit people's ideas. And don't believe more than you should the self-appointed "leaders" of OWS or Anon or for that matter try and join with any gang. Look at everything for what it is.
I dunno about your local newspaper, but our biggest local newspaper is owned by the NY Times, even tho it still uses the old local name, with Democrat in the title! I post comments to articles that are never accepted. I can only imagine how many other people they refuse to accept too.
We really are powerless to this onslaught. They control the police, army, etc. Any criticism is considered anti-american and now with the NDAA u can get arrested indefinitely if u are put on a list, without official reason or due process. Congressmen are bragging about how they can assassinate even american citizens without due process, if they are considered a terrorist by an unaccountable committee. However, it was all about this "nuclear bomb" that Iran wants to build, that we are not ok with, and he even threatens he doesn't care what country the scientists are from.
Why are we still fighting over nuclear bomb capability? Is this wwii or cold war era? This is seriously happening? Why are we fighting with Iran now? Iraq, Afghanastan, Libya....never ending....
Increase the peace. Self sustainable small communities FTW. Communities can trade goods with each other, or NOT, and learn how to build relationships! and learn to accept our differences as positive. How about we have test cities like this? A test town that attempts to be self-sustainable and requires no inputs or outputs to keep citizens happy. They could defend themselves also. How much would it be to try this out? If it works out, then make another community nearby, that could interact with the original community. Is it really national defense we need to worry about it or is it aggressive imperialistic nations....norad really helped on 911 - everyone just ran around with their dicks in their hand in a confused stupor....its just all so connected.....we are powerless
i was once told when an organization gets too big or grows too fast it implodes...i think thats what happening here.....the collapse
a revolution is a return......the pilgrims were seeking a revolution .....a return to the respect of the natural real truths.......
The real symbol for medicine is the rod of asclepius, a staff with one serpent. Recently, the story is of moses using the staff-serpent to heal people who were bitten by evil, but goes back way before moses. However, often times American society choses to use the caduceus, which actually is a symbol of commerce, a battle between good & bad, etc,